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[托福语法] 托福语法:易错题带错误统计

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  总结近五年亚洲与北美 托福 考试语法部分试题的基础上,为同学总结出错误率在60%以下的易错难题汇编,希望大家能汲取常见错误原因,从而有效地跳开托福考试中的出题陷阱./ T0 Q4 {* U6 b# f" _$ a3 y
  1.[Melting] glaciers may [account the] rise [in sea level] that [has taken place] honing this century.3 [6 m1 \3 r6 O0 f
  答对率:50%4 W% c; a, u9 v9 s! \
; |  j6 a9 ~! z  2.Anthropologist jane Goodall [has contributed] a [wealth information] concerning primate behavior [through] her [studies] of chimpanzees.
' G' ~2 H' Z  F! J  答对率:46%, s5 F# @& w8 _7 K. x$ ]
  答案:b# P0 Y  _# n' J6 ]" G0 m6 \; z
  3.The [discovery] of gold in 1848 [transformed] San Francisco suddenly from a [quiet] port into one of the world s richest and most famous [city].( Q; l: J( l, O# d* V7 n
, j( |1 ~( X  F: U4 }  答案: d
5 w# O/ o# h% {9 `, T* k& _/ J5 u  4.Allan Pinkerton,[founder] of [the famous] detective agency that bears [him] name,directed a Civil War espionage system [behind] Confederate lines.
, t0 U8 \4 q- ^; ?- N  答对率:38%: d5 a6 r& E; @0 f* A8 S2 P
  答案:c0 [$ c/ u; U# J- y& W
  5.The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan,derives its name from a Native American word……"bubbling springs."
- }1 K' S: p( Q  ?9 S  A.meant
3 ^, p9 p" V8 n  B.meaning
$ L2 l6 p( z1 J; ~  C.that is meant
8 j5 F" f; x. {/ P$ S% K  D.whose meaning. ~! c& \( C0 A2 H  W0 u. L) i
  答对率:46%3 m+ l' P7 Y. f
  答案:b! n3 u1 o8 q7 w! E
  6.Salt is manufactured in quantities that exceed those of most,……,other commercial chemicals.
9 Z8 Y4 C4 d2 t" ?% P8 ~  A.of an not+ D5 o  n+ F- M* _3 U; N
  B.not if an are+ B& d+ f! ~6 H' P) e" u5 u6 m
  C.are not an% V$ Y/ N1 {# l# R& ~
  D.if not an
5 w' x& ?$ ]) I$ ^  答对率:49%* w# b' N! I+ U
  答案: d# ^% S( H5 t% M
  7.Contemporary film directors,some of [them] write the scripts for,act in,and [even] produce their own [motion] pictures, are [thereby assuming] ever more control of their art.
2 k0 [% g  V& X' I6 V# J  答对率:43%
3 L" Z% j' F7 H, S! s" v2 ~  答案:a
+ y4 n& \  h% u! Z8 c1 j3 R* w  8.Petroleum [it is] composed [of] a complex[mixture]
" c# I  m$ H1 M+ Y, B  of hydrogen and [carbon].* @3 h8 ^8 f4 G' `" K3 z
  答对率:31%0 ?1 S7 \  D9 @8 t6 g
  答案:a9 w% m9 d, r* A
  9.The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants …… heavily polluted outside air.
8 u) e4 [' I# ^) x* N  A.than does* u# M7 I$ `* w. |
$ T+ d- i  e% r& V' y  C.as some that are7 C1 [0 W3 R5 ~: @
  D.like of! i# u: G- e# S7 b( c, ]
  答对率:50%, z) ?) A5 A: ]; }
  答案:a" _: @( [! a7 K' l) A
  10.Emily Dickinson s garden was a place…… great inspiration for her poems.
; G# n  T" e% R9 X  A.that she drew0 C9 `8 I- |0 C
  B.by drawing her2 _  ?+ C, n3 d
  C.from which she drew
. [! |4 g5 N7 A4 `9 a  D.drawn from which
1 t, ^& Y+ a/ f) \- H, E( E1 a7 X+ g7 g  答对率:50%9 C3 I7 M9 c6 d& {

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  11.In the United States [among] 60 percent [of the space] on the pages of newspapers [is reserved] for [advertising].
: T" D' U$ @1 N  答对率:47%3 [# _- Z0 Z( \7 w
) Y9 N7 [& E7 \$ \* C8 E! c: z  12.Scientists believe that by [altering] the genetic composition of plants it is possible to develop specimens that are [resisting] to [disease] and have [increased] food value.
8 z+ r7 I" c6 a  T* g" r  答对率:50%
, D" b; {: k5 [% |  答案:b9 P* e" e4 N1 m+ f7 P' B$ }3 l
  13.The American anarchist Emma goldman infused her spirited lectures,[publishes],and demonstration [with a] passionate [belief] in the freedom of [the] individual.
+ M# s6 s  F. M8 {5 q  答对率:36%- V/ e% N% \: S& U
  答案:a, _1 i  A2 x8 i. H/ O! Z" e
  14.[Being] the biggest expanse of brackish water [in the] world,the Baltic Sea [is of] special [interesting] to scientists.7 p0 z% K6 N: \
  答对率:44%% ?+ {' f5 s0 `) _
  答案:d) @" l  y0 O  \
  15.While studying the [chemistry] [of human body],Dr.Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research she [conducted on] the [role of] hormones.
; H& P9 l; l0 e+ w- L7 c, `  答对率:37%
2 r! v3 j% N* G( g  答案:b. [: c9 n' h3 |, a1 D8 Q. q
  16.The early railroads were……the existing arteries of transportation: roads,turnpikes,6 U8 g7 F- {( S# f" L. j% l
  canals,and other waterways.
! F/ z* ~/ f( ]  A.those short lines connected; v0 s8 L4 u  u9 t' [% D3 s
  B.short lines that connected6 b* i! n5 I: N8 s: g
  C.connected by short lines1 {# C. H1 Q; B+ f
  D.short connecting lines
& m% y! X7 j, ~/ T. x5 j- |  答对率:50%
% a0 S+ q" k3 E2 `7 i6 _  答案:b
" `9 b' O$ U1 ~3 s  17.During the flood of 1927,the Red Cross,……out of emergency headquarters in Mississippi,set up temporary shelters for the homeless.9 ~' |& I1 g' Y  F
  A.operates$ g, x8 q/ E2 Y% k7 \4 O
  B.is operating5 E2 V, G7 U& |9 x7 E% E' s
  C.has operated
" I2 D* u' j) G  D.operating' D/ a) H$ C8 j9 f
, A8 g9 U# C% Y% E5 u  答案:d
5 m& g. e& o' \9 f. }. _0 M6 C& E4 i  18.Minoru Yamasaki is an American architect [which] works [departed from] the austerity [frequently] associated [with] architecture in the United States after the Second World War.
/ t, W5 A* a/ w' E; B3 R  答对率:37%( }1 Z8 Y# k1 L2 w6 O( K; X
  答案:a7 d, t) d) \. v  Q8 m5 r% A4 h8 X
  19.Jane Addams.social worker,authoe,and [spokeswoman] for the peace and women s suffrage [movements],[she received] the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her [humanitarian] achievements.# Q" y( [0 Z/ K0 T, }) Q5 ~
; a7 K1 a5 k0 R. ?2 A1 l  答案:c
6 k7 t2 N0 F* b% H; w8 }3 l) o  20.Bromyrite crystals [have] a diamond-like luster and are usually [colorless],but they [dard] to brown when [exposed] to light.# h8 v$ b% J; p
$ b- m' S9 w2 L5 }  答案:c
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:41 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  21.Ice is less [denser] [than] the liquid [from which] [it] is formed.
! l& a1 s7 z8 i# e& R* Q) k  答对率:50%
( W3 I, p0 @3 [  N: j5 o, z: a- \  答案:a5 L; n1 E4 p' `: s7 S
  22.James Baldwin s plays and short stories,[which are] to [some degree] autobiographical,established [them] as a [leading] figure in the United States civil rights movement.7 X( x# t3 b/ a; \+ m
  答对率:43%4 b1 C* j+ M2 [; w
  答案:c, P: f) u" H. n' X4 g
  23.Thunder can be [listened] from a [maximum] distance of about ten miles [except] under [unusual] atmospheric conditions.9 H- f! S. B3 P" P. H
  答对率:35%* Y2 F( Y5 |1 z5 c! S3 ~
  答案:a; G. U' r( l2 [" _* m/ D
  24.The quantum theory states……,such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite units called quanta or photons.4 `: e4 w* W6 H- g9 E7 Z- @' U
  A.energy that7 x# {6 C6 q+ C/ W
  B.that it is energy" J3 ^' U! i% H8 R
  C.it is energy
* n' r6 S) ?! V  D.that energy
+ n* ^" N! a  {2 b  `  答对率:50%
4 I0 z5 W4 [  x  k6 D2 A  答案:d
( c3 Z( m, ^' D+ w1 e' [' Q2 Z) D  25.Geysers are round near rivers and lakes, where water drains through the soil……
$ `6 o/ q* v! y$ t2 \% F  A.surface below the deep
* b& I; N6 A3 G; V9 l" H" o  B.deep below the surface
5 B2 I- i! t4 t1 g- h  C.the deep below surface' A' R3 v5 ~! A( g
  D.the deep surface below+ @) d: `6 H8 ~
  答对率:50%$ {9 B1 b0 r6 V; q2 ?6 _4 k, E" B; X
  答案:b3 L1 B  r+ Q* H& E0 N! q3 ]8 d2 R* L
  26.Although [he is] employed in the scientific and [technical] fields,the metric [system] is not generally [utilized] in the United States.* v1 d: l; y0 }
6 U4 M: A3 v0 [1 _. k' r. n  答案:a
- l2 `: G% W. @  27.[Beneath] the deep oceans that [cover] two-thirds of the Earth, intriguing [secret] of the planet are [concealed].
% G; d$ |9 E0 w3 R' p4 }! t  答对率:43%
* C5 M& O' F. j& k0 e, A  答案:c( G; F. z* ?$ {7 B/ M7 X; l, A
  28.The pioneer John Chapman [received] the nickname "johnny Appleseed" because he [planted] apple seedlings during [him travels] in [what] are now Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.% ^* O5 W4 `  n! `7 i1 S8 m& r! ^
  答对率:50%4 O; ^; Y, C) C1 y; j# |
1 ]. |1 U' N) j6 [  29.On March 1,1867,……to the Union when President Andrew Johnson s veto was overridden.
2 h# R$ ~/ u6 u+ K9 X: L/ D+ E# h7 r  A.since the state of Nebraska had been admitted
  j6 i- r$ B) z1 Q) w% r4 z8 O: H  B.admitted that the state of Mebraska
, k! ^# l( V$ Q6 q3 N" Y' C) h* G  C.the admission of the state of Nebraska4 ^* j& p) [5 Y6 V" M+ q; E
  D.the state of Nebraska was admitted- h4 w9 S2 ~5 P! e( L" @
  答对率:50%/ v5 t8 a, Z# L$ m" F3 h
! U4 V; P0 r9 E  30.The best known of all the Arctic birds,……
! b  H5 R( |6 v1 y1 q  A.birdwatchers favor ptarmigans
, v, h( h- `$ L$ K9 B. Q0 W  B.being ptarmigans and birdwatchers favorites5 U! X. w. V2 B" `0 ~4 ^
  C.favored by both ptarmigans and birdwatchers
) C* @$ K0 W1 A7 M, G/ m  D.ptarmigans are a favorite of birdwatchers
) f! A* x# v" c  y& y0 f; F2 d  答对率:47%
! H; x+ d2 y' M9 s9 K  答案:d
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