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[托福写作] 2011老托福185写作题目及思路分析(六)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
51. Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  1 M) o8 x% y2 E4 Q# A) Z' }
! T5 o" o' R+ ?3 F3 ~1)竞争者少,更易成功
+ ?; Q# P) M$ B9 P2)冒险中可以学到很多东西
1 E" K* A4 Z; L6 F$ k; f精心计划: 0 s/ a1 U! n; y; e  p
+ }* S+ W  b  F3 `; `. k. p  ^# C7 B2)可以少犯错误,更易成功 # ?+ D+ O/ {$ ]' y: l
52. What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
5 f1 O+ j2 l+ o8 z4 }9 o5 i) ?一个体育馆: / S. z' e9 d# i0 l
# L1 C3 ?+ K, u. |2 h# A4 b0 g2)可以使年轻人身体健康
6 m  ]7 L' Y" p2 N5 }! p3)可以使年轻人生活丰富多彩
7 O9 ~* r2 ?3 Z  s53. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
$ G/ u  ^: y" ?0 A& Z" Z同意
/ ]8 ^" L7 B8 a. S4 R/ _$ }7 W+ o1)一个人需要养家糊口,如果没有钱的话,不能生存
3 X8 a* ?4 `4 n8 V3 O* o2)如果一份工作挣钱很少,在社会上的地位仍然很低
) t7 {0 j- h) J2 s! E$ e3)如果一份工作挣钱很少,无法做一些自己希望做的事情,比如说旅游等等
3 z+ z; n7 d5 p0 l54. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. ( l) s8 g  L, f. q' w1 w8 w; J1 u" l
同意: ' n* d! k# p# {
+ a: h2 R' V7 x$ m2)人的长相是天生的,不可改编 ; T+ [' s3 M& l/ A
. q1 A$ n) p* Z! i& N1 x55. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
# ~3 d' y- d1 ^0 W1)有时只能自己决定
6 m. g  v. u. E% F2)别人的意见人多嘴杂,无所适从
& ]. C" p7 H$ [: d. W! Z" ]& F3)不做重大决定,永远不能成熟 0 y# q6 l* y/ p: Y" L' A1 F
56. A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  ' L- x) v% v7 u8 O4 s
将钱投入在保护环境上 ; ~0 U/ o: k( C4 s7 M' n" r8 y; ?; E
- Y0 X- M( a7 E) ^6 Y2)保护环境,能够更好地促进商业发展。
) {3 a" f4 B" G' A! k9 V/ {3)公司将钱投入到环境上,能够提高自己的名声,更好的获得利益
, x: ?. F. ^' J  L) N  b5 V57. Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 0 p$ C$ l9 a) E" v$ A% K
8 ~7 H2 z! S8 `/ [严肃电影:
, ]- [+ \5 P9 @9 P" D1)更有意义和教育性 . h# g" U4 B; A
2)影响更长久 8 z  L5 O. ?/ W/ q/ q8 F
& Y% |* q9 W" t: q轻松电影: " N* q: d/ \" j7 F; q# v( [) D
, @) f' ?8 f, [6 D% o+ i1 K/ u2)可以使人放松,恢复工作疲劳 , a* B; t5 `! N# h% p6 @
: `* m9 l; @% G' t9 L+ A% L9 S我的选择:大部分时间我会选择看轻松电影,因为我工作很紧张。但我有时也会看看严肃电影,获得一些有益的思想。
* R- h# O$ ~2 F; l9 S( K58. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
6 e. X# }6 G) O: ?3 W  O% X8 e不同意:
4 w' o/ ]. h5 i; m% t7 C1)不合法的事不能做
% D# f: g( n5 j- g$ C! G7 P2)违反公德的事不能做。君子爱财,取之有道 7 [4 p. ^' R( ^9 c
& q3 }  {4 Z# f4 V) B9 F+ X59. Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. : `5 X% f9 B  T9 u; {% r
生活节奏快: ( u9 ]  F$ u$ z1 F5 o# }4 R2 E7 C5 s, |
1)可以做的事,赚的钱 8 W8 V0 ~. \3 T
7 L' ~1 y! Q' P. |4 n% s生活悠闲:
5 I/ G5 J$ O( f1 k1)可以享受人生 ( T$ j4 ?5 ?' r
2)可以丰富精神生活 ! k. ~) T! i" O" Z% d1 _& b. z
60. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  2 T8 z! ?' @! T
游戏对于成年人来说对于儿童一样重要 & L' E+ Y9 d1 q7 F
1)进行游戏有助于培养团队精神,这在成年人中更为重要 $ j  a* N6 s1 w- f4 x
2)进行游戏可以让成年人放松,感受到了除了工作以外还有额外的东西可以享受 3)进行游戏可以让成年人感受到人生的成功与失败,以更乐观的心情对待工作

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