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[托福写作] 历年托福考生优秀范文155篇一百零七

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Where is a better place for children to grow up, the countryside or the big city? The answer to this  
4 e1 R( p+ D# d1 T; S, x& Hquestion differs from individual to individual. As far as I am concerned, it is better for children to  3 e1 H( C! r, F  o
grow up in a big city.  
7 z) P6 N- c- v) t! t1 x; C  
% s  I3 B3 S% w0 g( \( F2 ]7 NSome people argue that the countryside is an ideal place for children to grow up. For one thing, it is less polluted than the city. The air is fresh in the countryside. The sky is bluer and the water is clearer. Living in such a place is good to the children’s health. For another, as children like  
5 T6 A8 d  Z+ Y! |; zplaying, only the countryside can satisfy them well. They can run everywhere, play games in the field, swim in the river. On the contrary, the city cannot provide such places for children. Maybe they can only stay at home and watch TV.  
4 E% Q& `& c6 ]$ v& r$ w  
' P9 {. a7 l. i4 ^9 jAlthough I do agree that growing up in the countryside has one or more advantages, I insist that it is far better to choose the city as the right place for children. To begin with, living in the city can broaden their horizons. They can meet a lot of people and hear a number of things that will never happen in the countryside.  
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In addition, city means more chance to receive better education. In most countries, it is no doubt that the education level in the city is higher than that of the country. As a result, children can meet better teachers and receive high quality of education in the city.  
$ Y+ V6 z' ]% c! j6 XLast but not least, children can also develop many hobbies in the city. They can learn to play the piano, draw and so on, which are impossible in the country.  
: M6 f: ^2 j& t  J$ HIn conclusion, I believe that it is better for children to grow up in the city not only because it can broaden their horizons, but also because they can receive better education and have a chance to develop many hobbies there.

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