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[托福写作] 历年托福考生优秀范文155篇六十四

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If a large factory is going to be built near your community, is it good or bad? It’s a quite difficult question to answer. Because there are many aspects to take into your consideration, the  ! X: G1 R4 @  l3 M0 G( V7 y% ?
advantages and the disadvantages. Let’s talk about that.  % S7 V& X( b# H
# J$ }* o$ L2 F6 ]First, a large factory, especially a large chemical factory is quite harmful to our environment when it is built near our community. It will affect our daily life a lot. All the chemical factories will  " C) O& o3 Q8 c- N" E0 |% }
produce a lot of waste and most of the wastes are harmful to the environment, including  9 N7 j) F  L5 q8 M* Q0 `6 Y
poisonous gas and liquid. Some of them can not be entirely broken down. If they are released into the air or the river, it will affect our health. And also the factory may produce a lot of noise. The  
# Q9 z/ p2 r- K( E1 v5 D4 h. genvironment we want to live in is a quiet and peaceful one, so the noise will be quite boring. And  
; C2 S+ _# A% E& {2 M- Xyes, noise also affects our health.  7 N& d/ G' b9 a" B0 o" z
1 ^* S3 a$ D6 h# ~( XStill one thing, a factory can be very dangerous. Because a fire or a explosion may break out in the factory. If it’s very near our home, it’s quite dangerous.  0 H# {$ |7 ]4 R  q+ p7 a
4 J% Y1 h9 g6 y. c  S# G& A3 J1 ]  N' QBut in other hand , a factory may be a good news to us. It can provide more jobs for us, especially  
2 s$ Q: j0 `, A, r" Ofor the young people in our community. Since the factory is near, it’s so convenient to go to  
8 R* H4 X( a( h1 }" ^work.. and the factory will get more chances to our area. It will help to develop our area. So if the    T; X- W( l; `" J" v! l5 ~& R, U
factory can bring us a lot of chances, we will agree to build one. But the most important things  
. H, y, a& F4 F) \, T! m: D/ ?1 rare:  ( m- j  [+ D. `1 b* h! u. [
1. Build the factory in a safe distance from our community, not too near.  
5 U+ {/ ]3 p% b+ U+ X  " I  @: c' P& ~( D' z
2. Make sure that the factory can deal with the waste properly. Do not release the poisonous gas into the air, and not release the waste water into the river nearby.  
( `) x1 z- Q* O  ; H+ w# i" c$ ^! c- t+ V! Z) H
3. Make sure the security guard in the factory works very well.

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