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[托福写作] 历年托福考生优秀范文155篇六十二

发表于 2012-8-14 23:46:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I have been living in a peace and quiet town for about 10 years. All people around here is so kind, and the landscape is so beautiful that I love this town very much. Recently I heard news that a company will set up a new factory near my community. I was shocked and I hold a negative  
+ c2 W. C, c% M/ p& g3 W# m  Fopinion about this decision.  5 ~% G- ?7 c2 Z: b1 H, Z+ F3 ~
* `/ A0 h" A6 X$ N" [8 LThe main reason why I oppose this plan is that establishing a new factory will cause air pollution.  # H+ C) A" D( i) O1 v! M) }6 x
As we know, a factory will give off a lot of waste air which is harmful to people’s health. Even  
3 M3 ]" n2 O) y% k# Z/ u6 Pthough the factory will take measurements to purify the air, it can not make the air as clean as  + J( X& r  x- D% I& e* @
before. It is no doubt that people’s health will be affected by the air emitted from the factory.  
  ^4 ]/ M! v* k  L8 T' K5 QAnother reason is that a factory makes too much noise. My community is always a quiet place and  ( ]# ~/ u/ f7 E8 F4 M9 J3 j% n
this is just what I like the most. A factory will cause the town to become too noisy. For example,  
6 C" M0 j) ^7 v/ D) d* d7 F3 A& ~every morning, we can be awake from our dreams by the noise of buses which take workers to the  . Z/ P: c% m% b* e
factory. The noise of engines will also influent our temper, and may cause us susceptible to anger,  # {& K! \; c4 c2 t8 o8 Y$ Z- J
and easily lose temper.  
" U% V9 o0 u! k# w; ^/ h0 pFurthermore, a strong reason to oppose this idea is that building a factory will destroy the  ! J9 ?1 B# F* D* N' [0 J5 G) [* @
landscape of this town. Most people living in this town make their living by cultivating and  * C) U' Y/ K- r( q% C$ m
harvesting crops. The factory is inappropriate with the landscape of the town and it will occupy the land that is used to farming.  5 R0 N5 T; |& B" z
Of course, building a factory also has advantages to some extent. For example, it will bring more  
6 ?, M# m4 L1 t7 R8 {  x7 ^8 f# Dworking opportunity for local people, and also it will help developing the local economics. But  
: \: R/ r5 P4 O  a) C+ Q% lcomparing with the disadvantages, I strongly oppose the idea to build a factory near my  
' E( b. h* A/ b, e. k& y" pcommunity.

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