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[综合辅导] 托福考试口语task4简略模板

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 托福考试口语向来是众多考生的软肋之一,为了考出口语好成绩,许多考生选择在备考时制作好口语模板。以下我们就给同学们搜集整理了托福考试口语各题的简略模板,希望大家能在此基础上完善,在考试中获得好成绩。  9 \0 L9 v8 v0 j$ c
  托福考试口语Task 4模板1 |) N# O8 [: E% d5 U. D3 U! G& B
5 [- ^6 h7 j+ Y2 Z! r- G( Y
  In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.' W. w2 }0 O' R. a6 Z+ I
4 ?% S) ]* a% o- b; y. B* r3 X  e
  To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one is that____________________.
# F4 h/ c- Z1 v( k9 p
* e5 [& \8 I/ p) d/ i* D( g- m& r  And that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. )

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