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[综合辅导] 托福备考资料:托福IBT考试口语特训(7)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  问题 你决定去见一个住在145公里之外的朋友,你会开车去,还是坐火车去?
! f! X% O; {, s" `" o- h  Choice A: Car' J+ n+ i% x. u" x
    - personal space. f( M9 w0 W4 q' q( f/ o
    - stop when I want* V- S* }* _: d/ v3 J
    - travel on my schedule/ H6 T0 h' b5 @2 o4 I8 w* O
  Choice B: train8 S: Z' r2 F8 g& z" r
    - company shortens journey: H3 s+ P* X- z4 d3 M1 t: ]" B. p
    - cheaper9 h7 N! v7 \* F+ m
    - no traffic jams7 D$ ], D7 }! V" V
  Topic sentence" S7 {5 r% D, {$ R4 h7 o6 i
    - I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules./ M' V* R3 }$ E0 e, I% C* g& T. {
  Supporting sentence
( _# M$ J! m4 f& _( H1 }) @    - My car is private and comfortable.& {* o. F+ {9 u% n5 W9 L
    - There is room to spread out
& r9 @. I5 ]8 W; W5 j" B4 ]    - There are stops along the way I would like to make.
6 [+ v6 g) S  i0 [$ {  Closing sentence (optional)
7 ]2 f3 [/ J1 L3 y* s; S5 ~1 q  - I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if at all possible to visit my friend.. C8 p! b7 Q5 m" s% x- K3 c
  I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules. My car is private and comfortable. I enjoy my own personal space. When driving alone, I can listen to any radio program I like or put on my favorite CD’s. There s no need for me to pack headphones or equipment in a bag to carry onto public transport. There is room to spread out and I don’t have to worry about my bag being in someone’s way. I find driving more relaxing and it allows me to set the pace of my trip. Occasionally, there are stops along the way I want to make. I would be free, for example, to drop into stores that catch my interest. Generally, when I drive, I can leave any arrive on my own schedule. I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if possible to visit my friends.

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