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[综合辅导] 托福考试辅导:新托福考试口语部分常见问题解答

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ [1 e( k( M0 b  The focus of the TOEFL iBT is on communicative competence and tests your ability to use English to communicate effectively in an academic setting. Speaking is a key communication skill, along with listening, reading, and writing, and has an important place in the TOEFL iBT assessment。  O$ e( j: v) w' e) |' a5 C% t
2 K3 p5 e- |" h) ?. E  Speaking tasks that combine reading and/or listening passages with speaking are called integrated tasks. They are included in the TOEFL iBT in recognition of the fact that to succeed academically in English-speaking colleges and universities, students need to be able to combine all their English-language skills—in reading, listening, and speaking, as well as writing—inside and outside the classroom。, j% j% M; {8 p5 N8 Z1 ]
  3、在新托福口语部分中我要做多少阅读和听力工作?2 {% k6 y4 S2 _% _6 o
  The reading and listening passages that are associated with the integrated tasks vary in length but are all quite brief. Reading passages range from approximately 75 to 100 words, and the listening passages are generally between 60 and 90 seconds long. In addition to being short, the listening and reading passages are not intended to be difficult. They are designed to provide you with clear and accessible informa¬tion to use in answering the speaking questions。
9 M1 _2 s: C; J1 F  4、我在听力中所有的部分都可以做笔记吗?8 x/ Z& E7 C( u! p
  Yes. You may take notes at any time during the Speaking section—while reading the written passages, listening to the spoken dialogues or lectures, and preparing your responses. While you listen to the dialogues or lectures and take notes, you should not try to write down word for word everything you hear. If you try to do this, you will probably miss hearing important information. Similarly, while preparing your spoken response, do not try to write out an answer that you will then try to speak. You will not have enough time to write out a full response, and raters will be rating you on your ability to speak, not on your ability to read aloud from a text that you have written. Instead, you should use your preparation to review whatever notes you have taken and to organize your ideas。
% }, \; ^) t2 [, j4 U! b8 G+ I  5、回答的评分标准是什么?www.Examw.com
; _; [3 B! M3 A  Each of the six tasks on the TOEFL iBT is rated by human scorers who will assign ratings ranging from 0 to 4 for each response. The scorers will evaluate your responses for the ability they display in topic development, delivery, and language use, and assign an overall score for each response, based on these three factors。
& o1 U( x# S: y" c1 C5 b1 x2 A  a  6、最终口语成绩是怎样评判的?' O4 ]" B0 h0 {  \  v2 a
  The scores on your individual speaking tasks are added up, with each individual task score carrying the same weight. The sum of these individual scores is converted into a scaled score of 0 to 30, and that is the Speaking score that will be reported to the institutions you request。

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