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[其他] 经验交流:托福作文是写给全世界看的

发表于 2012-8-15 00:00:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 K7 i* S2 l2 f  A  今天,ets要我写“音乐反应中国文化”的论题,我的心有点震撼.....因为在这么短的时间,这么少的字,要表现这么一个深刻的主题,是不容易的。我想把我今天写的这篇文章先交给我的母校--武汉大学的这块小小的论坛板块上的学友看看,看看能否经得起同学们的眼睛。因为我想,我们gter在写托福作文的时候,ets是通过我们来了解我们,不但我们的写作水平,还了解我们这个人,另外的,通过千千万万对于这个论题写作的中国学生来看我们的民族,来了解我们的文化,同时增长ets本身的见识和水平。另外,ets还可能要把你的6分作文传到世界上所有考托福的考生的手上,经起全球gter的考验,你所反映的民族文化会影响看到所有看你作文的人。所以,我本人也不敢马虎。在这里,我先拿出的是自己的作文。接着的是ets的参考6分作文。我想,这两篇作文的距离到底有多远呢?我的英语水平很差,能力也非常有限,请各位学兄,学姐,学弟,学妹倾情指教。
% z  y' O3 k. f  I# y+ ^  ets是这样平静而有深度的提问的“Music tells us something about a culture.What does the music of your country reveal about of your country?Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.”
( c. V4 e* |7 h4 J% ~  答:) Q  _& ~6 `, H# K% s
  It is very lucky for me to introduce the music of our motherland,china,to the friends who come from different parts of the world.The topic about the relationships between the music and our culture is so large for me to reveal its deep and gorgeous personality in such a short essay ,for that our motherland has such a long history ,has so many different areas,and so many people.And different area has different styleof music in different stage of her history.But in our heart,one point is certain:we have a common motherland:China.$ @" I, I  ?, G& [1 M
  In different stage of this ancient civilized country,she conceives different musics,and these musics correspond to different cultures.Among all of these musicics,what I would like to introduce to you is the classical music which is performanced by zheng,a Chinese zither with 25strings,because in the ancient time ,the great thinker Confucius said 'music is used to teach people of the country'And he supported that music which is on the same way of nature fits everyone in every different stage of history.It traverses history and transcends boundaries between different countries .Zheng,for example,if you have opportunity to listen to its music,you may hear nature.You may feel that you are talking to nature.You can hear the blossoming of flowers,the flowing of rivulet,the rolling of tides to deep sea .You can see the working of honest people and the love of nature that comes from your deep heart.Listen hard,then you see the great heros living in history;the splendor of this glebe;the smiles of the beauties....then you appreceive the grandness of the deep culture of this ancient country.This is the verve of these 25strings :simple,plain,ordinary ,but its charm is vast,deep,gorgeous,and distant.It is possible that every people who has once felt it would never forget it as you never forget the beauty of nature and the personality of yourself.The charm of the music ,just as you listen to it.When you feel it,you can touch the heart of its deep culture.I don't know if I could change the topic a little"Music tells us much about a culture".To learn its culture,you had better listen to its music first.
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+ X% i/ e6 F" f4 u( C4 U3 g) A  我本人对我的作文的评价是“内容不够简洁,用词不够精确,句势还不够恰当,写作速度太慢,考试要吃亏的”其中,为了做到“赏心悦目”,让没有听到过的古筝的人对它发生好奇,我没有把金山词霸上面对古筝的解释中“with 25strings”去掉.
! I# t0 o! S/ ?9 w4 w  下面是我看了许多遍,也抄了许多遍的ets范文,同时,也为这篇范文的魅力深深感染Insgroupsto answer the question,"what does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country?"I would like to introduce myself.I am from Spain,I was born in a region called Catalonia,concretely in a town near Barcelona.0 X" [  `  o& ]. s
  In my opinion,the music tells us a lot of a culture,and someone could learn a lot from the spanish culture just listening to music in her room.But it is not easy to collect a representative sample of the spanish music,because of the enormous variety,every region of Spain has its own music,that sounds com pletely different from the rest,and even for some regions there are more than one type of tipical music.This variety is very important because shows that Spain is a counry of countries,each one with a particular personality.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:00:20 | 显示全部楼层


  It is very interesting to discover the different personality of the spanish regions,just listening how their music sounds like.For example,in the south of Spain people are known for being very funny and for their good sense of humor.In this part of Spain you can find mainly two kinds of music:the Flamenco and the Sevillanas.Sevillas have completly the personality of andalusian people,it is very cheerful.However,Flamenco sounds sad and deep.The reason is that although andalusian people have a good mood,they live in one of the poor est part of Spain,and they express their pain through the flamenco music.  x/ \- o0 Z) h% F
  Finally,I would like to say that I personally agree with the statement that music tells us something about a culture,and with my example example I wanted to illustrate,how much of the culture of a country it is possible to learn just listening to its music.</p>
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