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[考试试题] 商业托福考试经典练习题4

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  home  toeic preparation  toeic quiz  toeic forum5 P$ [) O7 k6 `! m9 a" N
  adj. rubber' L; z- ^/ l! T! W2 L( M5 z! K
  (a)bothersome; troublesome; worrisome; harassing
) p, v( Q* n4 A5 s9 K8 ?0 @  (b)composed of elastic material; made from caoutchouc) p3 I' U$ `# T0 W+ P
  (c)special; unique; different
9 ]! L  S5 b* |% n. M  (d)strong; solid; stable; hard; fixed; immovable; determined; set; assertive
% m  \( |6 j- y: R2 v  toeic study guide  toeic certification6 H& I9 B' [: w7 X5 R9 V
  adj. reticent
* l/ d5 E% j& w& P' \" h  (a)between countries; involving or belonging to two or more countries; of relations between two or more countries
1 w8 B9 w# p8 e8 K+ N  (b)being one fourth; being one forth; having four equal parts& H+ N4 X3 S$ T' Y$ d8 c
  (c)in favor of reform; supporting a progressive philosophy; tolerant; open-minded; generous; abundant5 k4 V, I# R, g; o9 v4 h. K; Z
  (d)keeping quiet; reserved; showing self-restraint
% }* `  @0 ~4 i3 _  adj. thorough
; ^& R+ ~; h1 B5 ]8 U; F  (a)functional; practical; applicable
( n% l' ^4 P9 O* S6 [6 Z  (b)comprehensive; complete; finished
0 |0 T! M$ x4 f* o  A' c  (c)characterized by a high degree; highly concentrated" T. a# @- ^3 |5 w- v3 L  f! X
  (d)trifling; unimportant; insignificant; minor
" u. h3 f) O& w7 I2 t# A7 V  adj. emergency6 ^/ H2 ]; ^' y2 q2 ?
  (a)in the event of sudden need- [# m7 M; ?- g- B- }
  (b)rational; reasonable; wise; judicious; cognizant; aware; able to be perceived; perceptive; able to perceive; considerable; appreciable
3 r0 f1 v9 J4 ~7 V6 u8 @3 j2 r  (c)awful
6 w& s! U. }1 A" @' V* L& b: n& L  (d)special; unusual; uncommon; detailed; meticulous; precise; pedantic; strict
3 L$ l+ H+ G9 U  adj. dependent
" P7 I( o% z( q4 I0 k5 }# t( _! ]. F: @  (a)some; few; separate; distinct; individual; particular; various; respective
# }! _- r% z' u  {" _  (b)classified; confidential; clandestine; covert; hidden; latent( H" A! ^# P# ?+ \' E! b
  (c)chief; head; leading; primary; main; major; first in rank; of the highest importance or priority
6 p6 c/ s( q% D0 M  (d)relying on; needing (the help or support of another person); conditional; contingent
4 B6 V  w9 a& _% O, r  x  adj. stock1 T# [+ k: ~/ I% F  \
  (a)basic; fundamental
% B/ g2 t% M6 F) r7 ]$ N: }/ r) }  (b)fulfilling many functions; multi-purpose; skilled to do many things; changeable; moving freely in different directions (Biology)
% g; n  C& o. X) S5 S: w$ R2 A  (c)available on a regular basis; commonplace; routine; employed to handle merchandise or goods; of or pertaining to livestock
7 T% s# c) i, h4 f; \! X8 m4 _2 B  (d)filled with petrol, gas or another substance that produces energy
3 Y& l; O2 M) g6 v" n+ o, s  adj. useful5 w6 l3 g( a" t- _) a4 p
  (a)highest; prime; leading
" k- L% ^8 ]6 W+ [  (b)not standard; not ordinary0 b' S" O3 n1 |( i+ `
  (c)functional; practical; applicable. `# k7 d! R8 w9 `2 T
  (d)possible; capable of becoming; able to be
. Z( A1 ^$ N8 }  ~  adj. conversant: g& J* q. x' p! o/ x  J
  (a)ill; suffering from a disease or illness; nauseous; feeling the need to vomit; disgusted; fed up; pertaining to a sickn ess; pertaining to a disease; yearning; longing; infected with bacteria or microorganisms (Agriculture)
1 x7 C% S: o1 _) M. O  (b)higher in rank or position; above average; exceptional; better or greater than; supercilious; conceited8 ]$ z9 K2 A! g% ^/ n' M) n" [1 V
  (c)mature; full grown
7 y0 k9 `0 B: W0 B$ z' O  (d)well-versed; proficient; skilled  I6 A- |2 s0 q# s
  adj. regular+ C9 `/ P6 t3 [3 H& i' h
  (a)clear; exact; precise; quick" X4 |6 Y3 K' |- t+ k" m
  (b)preferred; beloved; liked
& @; O; }1 G3 o$ {* f# R  (c)occurring at fixed intervals; normal; usual; ordinary; common# m% t6 f2 G# T& B$ c
  (d)answering; reacting (esp. positively or sympathetically); characterized by singing or reading in alternation4 k0 F0 `' ]  M$ a# U! y9 g* L
  adj. precise
3 Y4 }8 m% F8 z; y  (a)pertaining to hearing and listening; sound8 A) g' n. l' |3 ?
  (b)exact; not more and not less; meticulous; exacting; strict1 ]) E# F; _" t  U. }
  (c)delicate; thin; flimsy; handsome; top-quality; excellent; sharp; sharpened; refined; purified; elegant8 Y$ ]2 U" Z# n) D8 @
  (d)injurious; causing damage

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