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[考试试题] 商业托福历年真题答案3(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  业托福历年真题答案2 t2 G; b+ Y* a- ~' J
  Part VI6 C+ C" n/ G- c7 j  K- v
  Direction : I this part of the test
3 f. P% H4 z) C  161。 The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President。
4 H$ I3 g' e0 y$ `0 A  162。 Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year。
& @% _* i5 p7 E- P6 G# \  163。 (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department。
5 z; G" W& I3 ~5 Z4 w4 B  164。 (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures。
( c8 V8 |: L4 ~7 V/ i: W+ X2 i, a  165。 If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the
5 o3 c2 `, L" w  T/ p5 C  solution (D)more quickly。
& {4 z9 ?6 b( D9 \, Z  166。 (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them。
" j, o8 T6 N. i# |, A. e& x  167。 To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm。
! C. k: v& {6 n) m' i+ {5 g+ W  168。 I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary。. `6 s; j/ G9 z0 p2 Y
  169。 (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science。
* p8 C8 `6 O3 O# y0 r+ F  170。 There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract。
& F: }5 ]  b" t- z7 S% n5 B  171。 There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take。7 r; r( @0 `9 E. i$ J: X
  172。 The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month。
- h: `3 `6 d: G/ j! x! Y  173。 In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems。
& b3 P% s- X6 K- I) v) S# V/ i+ ]  174。 (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance。
, I3 ^7 {/ i8 |, Q  @/ x/ s  175。 He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field。* b7 e% E6 O9 o
  176。 Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so。
' N" H; f' E" i; N6 s  177。 Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships。
( k) D; B8 I8 p  178。 One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico
8 B' l8 b7 ], h- N( u$ y  179。 (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions。# q$ C2 l" z$ `% r8 v
  180。 (A)Whetherornot Sams understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question。
7 c" _, n2 u% T- m( K0 N  181。 (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years。4 A4 F' ~* [7 B+ f/ L- U
  182。 We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process。8 Y# B; N/ D& b0 \- }  _9 ~6 L
  183。 (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check。4 `, P" _$ e6 ?0 F
  184。 The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters。
$ Z4 z( k% _" U/ [  185。 If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of the result(D)as soon as possible。9 L! i& s" P1 }  y% |* k5 c$ c
  186。 (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment。
/ q0 g+ e& ~% R, E: D  187。 (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research。
  U: N5 o, M1 a: \  188。 (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages2 o) I; _- ~, U
  (D)on property damage。
' I: R1 m- c3 l. T" c# l  K  189。 For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (D)work located。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:43 | 显示全部楼层


  190。 A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are p 业托福历年真题答案% T) E& _7 S+ r, ~! I4 r) c" P
  Part VI# B1 l" P! c: Z* b  m  a9 E0 y6 }
  Direction : I this part of the test) m" {4 u: U( k  ?: |; D' c
  161。 The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President。" u5 r4 ]4 F# r' `" U, O
  162。 Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year。
* J4 F8 w2 U) V$ i. X( m  163。 (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department。
- A3 p# s. h; S# o; J( s  164。 (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures。
8 U; l7 U: \! C) T3 q) B" ?  165。 If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the2 h% r( [  t  M1 u& D
  solution (D)more quickly。
) y; v; N! z' v3 e/ ~" J" ^$ N# w  166。 (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them。: a9 E. ]! `$ ?/ E& E& ~1 {' g& N
  167。 To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm。6 t  T; T  S, S* x5 K7 _) f
  168。 I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary。: i" ~* ~+ K3 _1 b) o8 x% R
  169。 (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science。: n7 V3 r; D. B1 G
  170。 There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract。
- K8 G1 _; M; s6 E. Y3 V  171。 There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take。# k4 [8 b0 w" R! L$ m# E/ H' c
  172。 The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month。( s7 X) u6 E% n5 F# _
  173。 In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems。
9 w& [: i' y# O, b( `% ^' T  174。 (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance。
% d# H! x, v' Z  b  175。 He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field。. t$ Z, ?/ J3 F, K- D8 y$ B* s; _& f- ]$ C
  176。 Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so。" O- |+ ?) g: h
  177。 Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships。
* ^% {1 B$ n* ]" @0 E2 O9 g9 a  178。 One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico3 a; z% M' j! s$ [) h8 N
  179。 (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions。
0 L$ V2 B, n& A6 T6 C  180。 (A)Whetherornot Sams understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question。7 \4 O8 A' J* N$ p$ P3 \
  181。 (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years。
7 }9 h1 h- F0 `2 I" i  182。 We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process。; }4 p+ A6 g& i
  183。 (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check。$ `& Q& a2 `- F( a# l: K6 M
  184。 The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters。
: }3 M; S0 _6 _& l1 {  185。 If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of the result(D)as soon as possible。
% J1 |3 F# g/ P! Y* d  186。 (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment。5 R& K' [$ \( v( ]6 J8 _( V+ A
  187。 (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research。' Y# \# ]+ [) q/ o& u# L% I8 K9 {4 {2 d
  188。 (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:44 | 显示全部楼层


  (D)on property damage。7 y5 M/ q7 i" G1 N- ^/ A0 L/ @. J" L6 p
  189。 For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (D)work located。
0 N$ s7 f7 [* r. j8 k) O9 I5 O: l  190。 A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are p osted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office。4 l' f6 k) P( w6 T$ N" [  ?- z
  191。 Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime。
: `; q- J- ~4 v+ I- }% [4 y  192。 (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies。$ U; R% c7 f! c, h( S2 R
  193。 Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs。. {* _3 g) D( f5 R
  194。The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001。, g1 M9 D, k& g! A
  195。 Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual。
6 Q9 V7 x/ H+ Y  196。 The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up th
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