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[考试试题] 资格考试之托福考试易错语法题目精编三1

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  41。Founded (in )1961(and employed)an estimated 35,000people,the organization (has gained)a reputation for brutality。
& ~8 p6 W6 s: ?  |% G  42。John had the piano tuned today。! I+ d* k* a. I
  Was it_______?。  [6 U, v; D4 i
  A,out of tune badly before。. i' X" H. H/ _& h
  B,before badly out of tune。4 }+ B+ e6 T4 `+ c! b6 i
  C,badly out of tune before。
3 E2 [1 M0 ^* u/ o2 A  D,out of tune before badly。* A# D/ [: D: G: ?5 H
  43。leaving for Chicago?3 o6 U7 k# y! I: d/ p
5 y; K/ M3 n! p0 l. E8 K( I  A,soon。2 y, p8 j2 j1 u2 u: M) K* y
  B,lately。# Y( t# [7 P1 H9 t
  c。late。- R! ?  Y6 V# ^, g
  d。sooner。9 h3 {9 \* h3 {
  44。Jane acts quite unfriendly。0 ~4 c4 b8 \* V
  I think she is ________ than unfriendly。
* P- }: C! H6 n/ U& R! g# p! ~0 ?  A,shyer。
8 p& b7 Q2 A$ R3 f3 q4 b  B,shy。
( k1 h2 ]2 t$ Q# [  C,more shy rather。
* X" g( w) k3 O3 n  D,more shy。6 y. `/ j: @& J4 J+ _# ]" M6 o9 ~
  45。Would you like me to go to the doctor with you?
" T1 V$ c6 J0 E# C. }* V7 T  No,you_______ with me。" t% S" s# _+ f/ G. R# h# _3 t+ `2 q+ k
  A,need not to go。
" I4 N' p2 _- o; r; F  B,do not need go。
8 ^7 \+ V& h" {+ k6 s! \0 x  c。need not go。
& o! ?4 p3 G$ J) O% W% N  D,need to not。% T0 `( B" i; j9 w# d5 f- {
  46。No (other )beverage comes (even)close to rivaling coffee as the (more widely)drunk refreshment in the (world)。/ o# R) J7 ], m+ H% }
  47。Strangers (come)sintosher city (now)notice what a (clean)place (it is)。; `, Q0 o$ f( u7 J% c/ S% _5 p
  48。Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so (much)used unprecisely and uncritically it (would)be (better)to avoid them altogether in our themes。
, g1 `; u+ S* b" h% K, [  49。I did not go to the party。; O8 F/ r& C5 @$ x
  Did _____ go to the party?
2 w" z* W( H8 ]; u8 h  a,many john friends。6 w' ~/ \& ]! ~8 H: {! \5 Q+ I/ U
  B,many john‘s friends。) f* P# T- ]/ E3 t/ H5 o
  C,my sister boy friend。
! {  ^1 U# U: P' v1 c  D,a boy friend of my sister‘s。. _* E3 r5 l2 t( E- G& M* _
  50。What did you see?
9 Q+ m) b/ t* d  We saw_____ police there。
0 \# h) O/ H9 s# h; T8 \* b  A,many。' b* x+ G, v" B4 G8 \
3 `, ]7 J3 M5 ~  c。little。
- e  o, B1 J5 O  d。the。

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