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[考试试题] 考试新辅导之托福写作题库考试题三2

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  24。While infancy,the period from birth until the age of two。A child grows to. O5 Q+ C0 |* ^0 q& n3 W/ e
  A B
2 G2 h" }( f1 Q; J& L  approximately half of hisorher adult height。9 l( t- i$ M* \- W
  C D
) u/ {* H. N# i  25。The Pulitzer Prizes ate annual awards for excellence in United States journalism,2 V, u8 `3 j7 _8 C2 T8 O
  A B C
. l3 ^. I8 Q# K/ f' y  literature,and musical。. l2 Z( J, t+ [1 V4 J6 `# W
" a6 t, R/ E8 D  26。Judgments made in a criminal cases can usually be appealed to a higher count
/ f) u8 n' M: J9 p  A B) X6 U1 r! F1 {2 I6 g- l( v
  which can either overturnoruphold a lower court ruling。
4 T# @% Y# p1 t$ y& o( s- A  C D
1 }) m7 W/ L/ X5 \* v  27。Science fiction is any fiction dealing with the futureorwith so imaginative* ~  O* r) M" K# N" G- |
  A B* i- @4 }+ V5 k$ {
  subjects as interstellar travel,life on other planets,or time travel。
! F6 R0 l! U- A- w  C D
* Q2 B: T! Y& G$ c8 T1 E( v% G& P4 {  28。The wingspread of various species of bats range from over five feet to less than two inches。A B C D
) x: C4 \' H5 C! h; ~' A  29。The harmonica‘s tones are made by the vibrations of the feeds created by the
5 i7 K# E4 _4 R! D' W  A B
6 ~2 ?' ~/ ^' h) Y6 ^, ?: z  blowing and suction to the player。
2 r$ H7 |' O' \  Y$ Z3 W  C D9 x- Q: [4 k+ S& k) b0 c
  30。The constitution of 1897,under which Delaware is now governed ,is fourth
% v; x  X7 B# @/ U) W, S  A B C) a& M6 T2 Y) T# p: d  b/ f
  constitution in the history of the state。3 h( W  F7 z' B5 p' d
  D+ o: a7 s% h& H5 n
  31。Because most photographic filters work by subtract portions of visible light from
, a0 m3 P: X) K  A B C; b+ t: b$ Y' Z4 b3 r( r3 D0 B) t7 G
  the subject,they decrease the intensity of light that reaches the film。
5 l/ u( {4 b+ \2 c8 _  D) N( r. ]5 h7 G  U% V
  32。In a vacuum discharge tube at ordinary voltages and currents,neon glows
0 p7 d. s+ f/ F0 |  A# F  i# ~3 d1 l! o$ {. F3 e
  reddish-orange and is the mostly intense of all the rare gases。2 @% w" w# I8 O
  B C D
4 d  g" }8 q. _" I- }( i  33。Although E。E。Cummings studied art in Paris,but his writings attracted much
5 ^2 I, A3 N  J. p  A B C
. q% I2 |; ^3 A: }2 J% D: J2 e5 Y  more interest than his paintings。4 j8 g, K$ P0 u8 G" y4 u& e
  D% x; G- y5 x( ]& \( p
  34。Because material organic decays slowly in peat,the remains of prehistoric6 A8 a6 ]/ y0 ]- {  x9 a
  A B3 ^8 n( v" ~) ?, `
  animals are often found in the depths of peat hogs。
- ^8 k0 d3 d. [$ |  C D( D1 {2 i6 j+ y& j+ `
  35。Usually an atom having one,two,or three electrons in its valence band readily6 N1 H6 H9 i2 V$ W. ^
  A B& U. t: y4 d* {- f
  contributes electrons to and receive electrons from neighboring atoms。9 t* L- e4 \. }6 @( @
  C D3 a8 i# w- x4 s
  36。A symbol of freedom,the Statue of Liberty represents a woman has just escaped
' W0 g4 i& {1 `  A B. X  O) M, ~8 b3 M! A1 W' E) {' N
  from the chains of slavery,which lie at her feet。2 _+ j6 e8 J7 v- C* H# Q
  C D
3 V$ r- `) x! @  37。The southwestern portion of the United States is a land of little rain ,and parts of3 b2 I( v  n1 I" m3 ]* N2 V
  A B
! @5 l) m7 v( `/ v0 T. z  it are too dry that they are called deserts。
# H# A1 U" s2 J  C D
/ p- o+ i+ M# P$ r9 _  _  38。Seneca chief Corn-planter helped arrange treaties between many United States& Z# X7 N$ J! m8 @# e' N) Q/ Y
  A$ ?0 @; L& I3 L6 u6 L
  settler and Native American tribes in western Pennsylvania after the American
( D) S* @/ y, Q- h  B C D, \8 ?4 s7 Q  g6 b- i
  Revolutionary War。5 W+ _. e, |6 z0 b  I
  39。Mercury is so much close to the Sun that it is usually invisible in the glare of the Sun‘s rays。A B C D
, @. E7 f( d& ]% M  40。Pollen can be transferred by the windorby birds that comes into contact with flowers。A B C D

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