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[考试试题] 考试新辅导之托福写作题库新增试题八2

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  。The Chisos Mountains in Big Bend National Park in Texas were created by volcanic eruptions that occurred _____。* a7 c- M# N) u& k6 ~
  (A)the area in which dinosaurs roamed
) r/ l8 {* M& A2 j: K, C- ?  [2 d  b1 S  (B)when dinosaurs roamed the area
% q% c. I* o) Y  (C)did dinosaurs roam the area) n+ l9 @  O" s3 T. A; o
  (D)dinosaurs roaming the area。
+ h# t& c$ ?  ?& \' M5 Q/ Z  9。In bas-relief sculpture,a design projects very slightly from its background,_____ some coins。
/ O2 o- G1 y9 h  (A)as on
: f: k/ n: X5 ?" a& j% }  (B)because
' U6 n3 d) z/ j6 {) S, R  (C)the way that  o- w! b! K# N9 c) t
% d  s5 l# i1 q- D/ E0 q  10。Alaska found the first years of its statehood costly because it had to take over the expense of services _____ previously by the federal government。
) V9 E3 D# G+ @6 o/ ^3 v  (A)To provide
- {7 d% e9 V. M2 Q, G4 w% X) S  (B)Be provided% M) z: d! I& F* b. B% B, u& I6 l- w
  (C)providing* N# g  v; ~3 O
  (D)provided。! O/ l- f0 @. P% W3 u. ?7 U. s1 v& C$ k
  11。With age,the mineral content of human bones decreases,_____ them more fragile。& G& D9 l4 g- N. J& A/ O+ h
& o/ Z7 E. a5 V! U* _  (B)and to make$ G' w" @4 @2 \! _! ]
  (C)thereby making
& q0 ]. e: @- `) y4 b, B  (D)which it makes。# I0 ~' r7 s- A* i
  12。Not until Kentucky‘s Mammoth Cave had been completely explored in 1972_____。
+ z! V0 ]: |+ e8 Z, @4 F( c  (A)when was its full extent realized(B)that its full extent realized6 e+ e* b2 G, r# F/ Q
  (C)was its full extent realized
4 X6 @6 j: I; v- F8 j8 r  (D)the realization of its full extent。
( b& e  h" M2 y5 P1 S7 r/ y! `- Q  13。The first explorer _____ California by land was Jedediah Strong Smith,a trapper who crossed the southwestern deserts of the United States in 1826。, q8 [& ]! t- v+ h' C% b
  (A)that he reached(B)reached
2 j: F/ j" K9 N) D9 c$ [6 O9 q) q  (C)to reach7 O# T# [) I7 \; J: A6 X
  (D)reaching it

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