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[考试试题] 考试新辅导之托福写作题库新增试题八3

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  21。Underlying aerodynamics and all other branches of theoretical mechanics are the
( K2 p6 G: @- m0 X6 o  A B C
1 Z5 g, @8 z9 ]* S& P  laws of motion who were developed in the seventeenth century。
" r: ?; X8 I5 c; _! q% W0 p7 R  D
$ ^5 s% \1 e' ~) B; F% ]* x4 [" C  22。Was opened in 1918,the Phillips Collection in Washington,D。C。,was the first# i+ d8 ~5 d/ R# h; I
  A B* t# d6 a4 S4 p: T4 A
  museum in the United States devoted to modern art。0 H! d: g  y* \2 X( G6 \6 j
  C D! w8 y. J) H6 r  J, a
  23。A mortgage enables a person to buy property without paying for it outright;thus
" u# D" Z6 W3 V% p8 x  A B C
+ R  _. [9 J1 N- l- {  more people are able to enjoy to own a house。
" c  }0 e' r1 P  C  D6 U1 V. e9 H' j' j" S; }
  24。Alike ethnographers,ethnohistorians make systematic observations,but they also, b: N5 j& ^7 S& S& J
  A B C
& Z! {8 r! H6 d  gather data from documentary and oral sources。
  d1 h" X% `1 G  D
  v# u# ]2 e8 y# F) Y5 \  25。Basal body temperature refers to the most lowest temperature of a healthy
9 D' Z7 f  n) ~  A B C
  p' V' @) l" W. g9 e  individual during waking hours。
  Y) t& I: E) J) ]" }8 Z. l  D0 r% b1 D: T2 y6 d% X" J1 g
  26。Research in the United States on acupuncture has focused on it use in pain reliefA B C D. [4 V0 j4 v3 F; t4 t% r2 l- \! f
  and anesthesia。
  y' R6 k! j/ {0 i  27。The Moon‘s gravitational field cannot keep atmospheric gases from escape into
5 d& Q6 ^4 E. `' C: J$ u' q/ w  A B C
3 x/ ~+ q7 i( u  i) O  space。8 ^1 \5 L+ ~+ ?8 P/ d, O
  D1 g" b- A+ g/ k8 m+ C. U
  28。Although the pecan tree is chiefly value for its fruit,its wood is used extensivelyA B C( _) |9 q  a' X, v9 T. |, [3 m
  for flooring,furniture,boxed,and crates。
" U. J$ g# ]2 {  D

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