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[考试试题] 考试新辅导之托福写作题库考试题四3

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   21。Which of the following aspects of North America in the eighteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?% _' B% ~5 ~3 L8 j1 o0 h
  (A)The effects of war on the growth of cities
8 I- }- Q3 s5 [8 ?9 K; D  (B)The growth and influence of cities! H6 p4 r, H" `/ j4 F+ A5 T: G
  (C)The decline of farming in areas surrounding cities
* H" c  D$ _% h  x! p! S; l/ ?  (D)The causes of immigration to cities7 d( w4 y+ E+ `6 t% o
  22。Why does the author say that the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America lines1-2?2 w" P. O) E* M4 R5 b2 n
  (A)The influence of the cities was mostly negative
2 `# Y0 b) j2 z: V) D- g2 t% ]  (B)The populations of the cities were small,but their influence was great。
' ?; @) v; K. g/ e  (C)The cities were growing at a great rate。
8 I' r1 I. q) J8 b: _5 n, F7 e  (D)Most people pretended to live in cities
5 ]+ R( S5 L% W1 Y5 V8 g" w  23。The phrase in place of in line 5is closest in meaning to2 w5 k/ \% m; x' p
  (A)connected to( V6 X1 P' ~2 r3 j
  (B)in addition to6 z. ^+ ]/ E- W5 a2 v! j
  (C)because of+ y) T( D9 r) l
  (D)instead of& y1 w& c' h, P; W8 f& o$ N
  24。The word attendantin line 6is closest in meaning to
9 D* ~- f& j# n" v7 V  (A)avoidable3 H! J- K& a& ~- k2 [
  (B)accompanying# j8 P. I- Y  f. K! h4 x
  (C)unwelcome& b8 |! F5 s+ Q( H, O6 p3 q
  (D)unexpected0 g4 _8 i. B# t! w
  25。Which of the following is mentioned as an element of modern capitalism?! S! d4 a. T  g% y. V
  (A)Open competition; q% L+ Z) B& @" U9 Z+ y! b
  (B)Social deference3 a% j9 \5 r* k: e
  (C)Social hierarchy, s7 k4 Y( w/ ~6 Z/ G
  (D)Independent craftspeople
9 J. x* ^% `' a, @. F+ L. S  s  26。It can be inferred that in comparison with North American cities,cities in Europe,the Middle East,and China had- n6 ]7 s' ]* @, Y$ d7 l6 g
  (A)large populations
2 {6 g) P2 {$ C! Q1 I' [  (B)little independence
0 ?+ ?4 M0 w  B7 o2 H' s  (C)frequent social disorder. Y# n  s+ S: A( X  o: n
  (D)few power sources
: S! I+ s, T1 t: t  b5 q  27。The phrase exponential leapsin line 12is closest in meaning to1 f# O  F- z! C; C2 i& w
  (A)long wars& j, {0 l' D- \4 w
  (B)new laws! w' O- I8 N8 Z4 s
  (C)rapid increases
0 _5 Y' l) t2 g/ x, j  (D)exciting changes8 U0 K: Q0 @. ?$ g
  28。The word itin line 15refers to0 J* H5 u- n& T! I, D
  (A)population# d) P+ q' q5 A8 N5 m7 i
  (B)size$ O! c) }( ?: s) s' t# J
( d% \/ K7 Z! ^3 `/ F  (D)Year8 F# E* p# M+ c, u! e6 H- x
  29。How many immigrants arrived in North America between 1760and 1775?
4 D3 i; `  Q: \8 A$ i% g  (A)About 16,000& U3 Y: B! M/ M2 F' Z0 {
  (B)About 25,000
! D1 b/ C, L/ g  (C)About 30,000
: k  L+ T4 \: z# G. a! B% y  (D)More than 200,0001 J2 J8 r/ {" R3 C: Q7 h; I; B
  30。The word dictatedin line 18is closest in meaning to9 U$ X: {: g. H  I5 _
% k6 l) r& j, F$ ]6 @6 t  (B)reduced+ U  x7 |# X3 g" Q( l  O& y& Z
7 d4 f  B5 u& L2 x  (D)divided
" h/ q8 N4 K( r: n5 {! H) _0 C  b  31。The word virtuallyin line20is closest in meaning to3 C( A8 X$ b- j3 m# ^( l
3 d" S0 R. E3 T+ k# G" v$ ?; ^: k4 O  (B)hardly
! c( e6 O; ]% ?  z( M2 {3 A  (C)very quickly
" \5 y, ^6 c7 i/ |  (D)almost completely

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