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[考试试题] 考试新辅导之托福写作题库考试题一2

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  24。(A)He is pleased the exhibit has closed。# V& J0 M+ j/ Q
  (B)He has already seen the exhibit。
3 r8 M2 X' I* m  (C)He is disappointed the exhibit has closed。
3 A( P- L8 q) H$ l8 L5 S  (D)He already knew the exhibit had closed。
* S9 {6 c. S" ?  25。(A)Remove George from the committee immediately。
5 D7 ]% \4 s. G3 B5 V+ w% d  (B)Warn George that his attendance problem is serious。
) T; N% y! p! S7 a# l$ t  (C)Offer to help George during the meeting。) w6 f* X7 C& x
  (D)Telephone George to see if he‘s coming to the meeting。
2 }! e( u" i' Q9 w: i' ~: P9 s$ ?  26。(A)He‘ll pay the woman earlier。
) t% v) R( s/ k/ c, a( i7 ~  (B)He was Able to sell the tickets for the woman。" z* v: v4 ]. d, z0 C5 o$ x) I  V3 ^' }
  (C)He doesn‘t mind buying the tickets。& V) I6 l" a& q! }
  (D)He hopes to see the woman on Friday。$ o8 [2 o# x8 N( P# c
  27。(A)Where the manager is。
8 z# ]; {- H3 |/ W2 Z" E  (B)Where she will be working this month。
+ a' A& x+ W! {' d3 e5 f* i4 V  (C)Where she can find the work schedule。2 A; \8 N4 Z' A5 b3 q- R
  (D)Where the man heard the news。  V; |9 `2 [& \8 t0 B& e8 x
  28。(A)She needs help finding a place to live。2 g0 {: n4 c7 r5 i: d
  (B)There aren‘t enough rooms available in the dormitories。  Z: ?, |( y4 l6 b2 I
  (C)She can‘t afford to live on campus。
2 U( l' h! r- \  (D)She doesn‘t want to live in university housing。
8 o; l  F: q* G3 E& m+ G3 ?  29。(A)She would like to see the film again。
1 D3 _7 ]; ~6 O* e! F  (B)She has seen the movie more than once。% k- R: ^; x( j5 d2 p: E/ Q
  (C)She thinks the movie lasted a long time。. _7 y6 p: l. l
  (D)She thinks the movie was a waste of time。
/ v% h1 ]- T% C  k& w  30。(A)They didn‘t get wet。
/ Y8 x/ l: Q' J# }- s+ e  r% B- E! p+ ?  (B)They‘re late for the concert。0 z0 z" q) N% f* ?' g9 P
  (C)They prefer to dress casually。. \; ]$ s6 T" o  ~
  (D)They‘re really looking forward to the concert。9 C8 H. ]0 ^" M9 E0 v
  31。(A)How to care for precious metals。
) w# G+ @7 y* _  (B)A standard unit for measuring weight。
  n- a$ Q/ b, N% z; t; a! E  (C)The value of precious metals。- D. l! y7 O% e' c
  (D)Using the metric system。
" D+ M& l+ E4 L0 e" \: W) F4 s  32。(A)To check the accuracy of scales。
$ H6 A. h" d  E8 a/ |: }- U  (B)To calculate the density of other metals。
: I/ R8 ~9 {& A# f! T  (C)To observe changes in the atmosphere。
) P5 H1 ?7 `5 ?: {  (D)To measure amounts of rainfall。
; n, O. F0 x& N( ?$ [3 l% C! Q4 u  33。(A)Someone spilled water on it。
% S, ~3 g% G1 J6 p. k8 Y  (B)Someone lost it。  b7 V2 B& o" }
  (C)It was made of low quality metal。
. N6 P6 K" B3 o4 A6 Z$ L. a  (D)The standard for measuring had changed。
+ T0 y+ Z/ N, S6 v( }  34。(A)It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal。  [9 h8 O7 F* x2 e
  (B)It is difficult to judge the value of such an object。8 i& G7 W+ T8 j% X
  (C)It is reasonable for an object with such an important function。2 H0 ~( z) t1 a- d* e
  (D)It is too high for such a light weight。

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