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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合指导(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  daily adj occurring on a regular basis- O5 K4 ?. W) j) M: L' ?6 m% L: x
  daily n newspaper that is published 5 to 7 times a week' W& E8 e# i1 w2 A0 I
  damage n injury; harm5 f5 L/ T: b& t) m3 x' Q
  damage v to cause harm; to cause injury; to destroy partly: Q- p2 W& _5 ^
  dampen v to make damp; to deaden, restrain, or depress$ R1 j( s% m) Q$ K; M3 \
  dash n punctuation mark indicating a break in a sentence; hyphen; bit; drop; pinch; rush; sprint; onset; race; vigor; spirit
/ n4 N* ]9 `! m7 d4 ^$ d  dash v to move with sudden speed; to bolt; to shatter; to hurl; to cast, V: T; }& y, ]3 s
  date n day, month and year according to the calendar; interview; meeting
6 D$ [7 X) U+ v, T3 i4 O0 w  deadline n time when a project; assignment; task or job must be completed or turned in* t" o4 V& R- r1 r! F
  deafening adj to make deaf, especially momentarily by a loud noise; to make soundproof3 o3 D  b5 s' c: t
  deal n agreement; business transaction; exchange; amount" \0 ]; r  y8 K
  deal v to give; to provide; to offer; to distribute; to supply; to direct; to take care; to sell; to trade
7 n. ?8 W( Y1 G, y* z" [& y: f  dealer n supplier; seller; merchant; agent; sales representative5 @6 g9 n4 ~8 c4 q# J" y8 y
  dealing n manner of doing business; behavior; distribution; giving out
5 S7 o0 T. L. E$ k: A3 i5 d9 t  debase v to lower in character, quality, or value; degrade
; W8 q+ J  Y4 w8 V  debate n argument; dispute; discussion; conversation  x7 M, a% f+ O% J5 z1 z) y
  debate v to argue; to discuss; to consider; to ponder3 _3 J) U$ D3 Q
  debris n rubble; ruins; wreckage; fragments2 Z5 h- E2 F, Q, ^8 h0 E
  debt n obligation; something oweddebut n opening of a show; first public appearance
' p' F) X/ g5 F* X: T' R  debut v to perform for the first time; to make one‘s premiere performance
) h- m/ q/ L* J3 {  Y  decade n ten years; group of tens
2 U6 D% u! j$ a- R$ u" c+ M  deceive v to cause to believe what is not true; mislead
- W& d* }6 \6 f0 c8 @6 f/ C  declaration n statement; proclamation; announcement5 D7 G1 J7 {/ C2 `9 L) M
  declare v to proclaim; to make a statement; to make a full statement ofdecline n downward; descent; slope; ebb
! |& I5 ]4 }, _  t- D; h7 d9 X& G  decline v to refuse; to go down; to decrease; to fall
/ M. U3 q, G2 X$ R9 R  decorate v to furnish, provide, or adorn with something ornamental; embellish; to confer a medal or other honor on
+ ]7 `* t: p* j3 p/ h" P0 \5 I$ D  decrease n decline; reduction; lessening" j1 b: ?' d$ j6 a
  decrease v to reduce; to lessen; to decline, H$ ?, _+ ]: L. X1 N
  dedicate v to devote to; to set apart for; to inscribeto someone
9 h0 ?4 p6 v# ^1 S& {  dedication n devotion; inscriptiondeduce v to reachby reasoning; to infer from a general principle; reason deductively) }% K( P, i" `* \! W
  deduction n the act of deducting; subtraction; an amount that is or may be deducted; the drawing of a conclusion by reasoning
! `& H- X7 y0 c, G  defamation n The act of defaming; calumny
1 _+ }, b3 L8 M# R+ }( I! ]  default n failure to perform a duty; failure to pay on time; failure to appear in court; option on a computer which is automatically selected9 }6 b: g6 ^6 ~* Q) k' U
  default v to fail to perform a duty; to fail to pay on time; to fail to appear in court
" A3 k/ U4 _" E4 z2 S& ?2 x  defect n deficiency; flaw
" ]* g. u, U6 o. s3 l" U  defect v to desert; to abandon; to change sides
4 K1 Q6 g: C% S% b% _3 ~, X* e5 c. y  defense n protection; security; rampart; shield
3 t) y! R7 R2 ^0 E0 h4 I5 ?  deference n submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another; courteous respect
  B: C- i8 G; T; I! G! n  define v to explain; to clarify; to limit; to set boundaries
4 @  l/ o8 a; N& o, W* C  definition n explanation; meaning; interpretationdeform v to spoil the natural form of; misshape; to spoil the beauty or appearance of; disfigure
) u' k( P/ i; G3 Q8 `  degrade v to reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote; to lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace; to lower in moral or intellectual character; debase
0 X1 M2 o. }9 P5 D" N/ h7 Q  degree n rank; extent; unit of measurement of temperature and angles; academic title received after completing a program of studies at a university or college, ie: MBAdeject v to lower the spirits of; dishearten
; Y0 W$ L9 }  b( ]$ U3 x  delay n postponement; hindrance; hold-up; stopping; lingering: E7 ]3 x8 f) k. ~
  delay v to postpone; to hinder; to linger; to move slowly; to loiter3 H8 ]' z  Y9 N; @
  delegate n representative; deputy; agent; participant of a conference, convention; seminar etc0 O( j* j& C- x" E; }* t
  delegate v to authorize; to appoint as representative; to pass a duty or responsibility on to someone else9 [1 F- G- R+ F8 ]
  delete v to remove totally; to erase; to eliminate" ~6 X: j* y" ~5 L1 X3 E' a; ?* }
  deliberate adj intentional; purposeful; methodical
! N2 L0 \' L( t' }  delicious adj tasty; having a pleasant taste or smell
5 A/ J9 ?- q5 s8 F  delineate v to draw or trace the outline of; sketch out; to represent pictorially; depict; to depict in words or gestures; describe
9 `$ c, [9 z+ U; g; J  n  deliver v to convey; to give; to bring; to distribute; to express

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  delivery n distribution; liberation; transference
  O6 _# A* n: K4 c  |  delude v to deceive the mind or judgment of
4 R$ ^* P2 i8 S1 x% u$ B) D; d  demeanor n behavior; conduct; bearing; appearance0 o. \( y: {) B" a- e) X$ y
  demographics n study of the statistical characteristics of a population
5 x4 y' F* t/ Y7 x/ `+ n3 e  demolish v to destroy; to ruin; to tear down; to remove
8 v# y$ O" _' b, R  demonstrate v to exhibit; to present; to display emotion; to display public opinion ; to show or illustrate something through example, or physical demonstrations8 ^% c; ?  b* @
  demonstration n exhibition; explanation; showing; display of public opinion ; emotional display, u9 p" `9 {% i
  denial n refusal to accept; refusal to believe; refusal to recognize; act of denying) h2 ]* K! t$ ~' d
  denominator n shared characteristic; common feature; number below the line in a fractiondenounce v to condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible; to accuse formally1 X8 H2 u6 n% e1 f4 G, c
  dense adj compact; having a high mass per unit volume; close
2 E6 r# n3 ~9 [' o: Y  density n compactness; closeness& a& l  Y9 k0 x
  deny v to say that something is not true; to refuse; to renounce
- H4 U% V6 V7 }# d" R  depart v to leave; to go away; to go in a different direction; to die2 e1 H7 m/ i# |! t3 q  \& s
  departure n leaving; going away; opposite of arrival) d! r, h* d# `
  depend v to rely on; to trust; to be dependent upon; to be supported by
+ y7 [$ {  p" K0 f6 P( V# y  dependent adj relying on; needing ; conditional; contingent7 b% D. Q. `( J: x+ h
  depict v to describe; to illustrate; to characterize; to portray; to elucidate/ f, `7 a! }- b# t$ `( F
  deplete v to decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out
# t0 e  K1 A! |, l$ U  deplore v to feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn; to express sorrow or grief over/ ?3 |1 C/ z: R; W$ s8 j
  deploy v to be spread out or arranged strategically ; to move into a position of readiness and availability
, {& E1 ^3 X% _5 h* k1 Q  deposit n sum of money that has been put in a bank for safekeeping; partial payment; pledge
, l  J& z+ W1 K0 _$ }  deposit v to put a sum of money in a bank for safekeeping; to pay in part; to set down! T' l  H8 g5 B. M
  deprivation n a removal of rank or office; a removal of rank or office; a removal of rank or office
* N5 O, n; H/ E. x- I5 N  deprive v to take something away from; to keep from possessing or enjoying; deny; to remove from office' g3 Q9 l7 T; z
  deregulate v to free from regulation, especially to remove government regulations from* f: w- Z7 V: ]4 |9 O
  deregulation n process of removing something from government control; transferal of ownership from government to private hands; privatization) _- O* ]2 U9 c) h' a0 ~
  dereliction n willful neglect, as of duty or principle; the act of abandoning; abandonment3 n& w( R% h, o: Y$ b0 v. {
  deride v to speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth
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