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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合指导(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  back up v to support; to solidify; to strengthen
. e0 B7 W0 N% A* s' [3 R. ]  backlash n rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rear
; ], s3 E0 v/ z2 u6 A' n  backup n copying of data for safety purposes; substitute; reserve; spare
  D, C" `- o% C  W2 V2 Q3 y  badge n tag; sign; identification tag
! t9 m( D: n1 j# ^: O9 O. R8 c" S  baggage n luggage; cargo; things to take on a trip; equipment
" V2 `. F9 A0 n/ S  w1 D  balance n leveling; harmony; stability; rest; remainder! g; u  D  o- T3 c7 J- E5 R! J
  balance v to make equal: q( W0 V( K/ F: n( s
  bank draft n check$ x% ]8 a" D3 e: R/ b% b5 ]
  banknote n bill; money made of paper issued by a bank7 J8 g* s, H0 |# A. T' U& _
  bankrupt adj lacking; deficient; insolvent; unable to pay debts2 j" [: ?/ q! O. n! p) k4 J
  bankrupt n a person who was unable to repay their debts
2 j2 p# T7 V1 c4 B( j: D  bankrupt v to ruin financially; to go bust; to go broke; to collapse
- `  M0 \" C% T  bankruptcy n state of losing property to one‘s creditor s due to unpaid debts; inability to pay debts; insolvency
$ L% R* b* e* ~4 ^4 l: j0 v: h1 |: W  banquet n celebration; feast; dinner; drinking
. {  A8 M8 l/ W( a4 K1 y  banquet v to hold a party; to feast; to dine; to drink; to attend a banquet8 r- ?. }+ V4 H
  barely adv hardly; scarcely, f8 {0 U1 x5 R/ m; z4 j
  bargain n good deal; agreement; item that has been bought at a specially low price
- V: ^6 Y2 w6 g% c# k  g  bargain v to negotiate; to arrive at an agreement7 E2 G: B5 u2 ~* K& z+ l
  barren capital n money which is not generating profit
" c3 y. }; y0 q, j& y  barrier n border; limit; obstacle; barricade. M: Z& {- F! H6 @9 F
  barter n exchanging of goods and services; trade
& {6 l5 y1 c! W6 L  barter v to exchange goods and services
+ L: t% L0 Z+ t+ y( j  base adj low; despicable; ignoble1 U. ?, ?# Y4 g0 i1 D4 j- ~
  base n foundation; principal element; fundament; fundamental part
/ m% k; z( z$ B6 @6 T& \  base v to establish; to found; to set up; to place on
! f& D. `4 A$ ]  basis n foundation; grounding
" p, }: C4 K. I) O; p) l1 Y  bearer n person who holds a money order
2 q# B" T7 m. z3 K7 `  behalf n representing; in support of$ p  d/ W# ^5 {
  behavior n manner of acting; conduct
; z" H3 d/ x1 n% M9 V  benchmark n criterion; measure; point of reference for comparison7 |& g- Y1 w* G5 W; }0 r, I( _
  beneficent adj kind; good
2 }# I- W* g5 u5 R2 V1 T* r7 C  beneficial adj advantageous; pleasurable; enjoyable
& X& i' Q0 P3 q; K) p. a  beneficiary n one that receives a benefit; the recipient of funds, property, or other benefits, as from an insurance policy or will) m+ `7 c& E' t. w1 q
  benefit n advantage; profit; aid; stipend
1 k: i2 x( b1 J2 u: j  benefit v to profit; to gain; to be advantageous
' o' b+ _1 w. {; _) s, O2 o. N% ?  beverage n drink; refreshment( H9 }1 l6 T. g) Q
  beyond adv past; further than9 k6 `- z' X: W, Z2 q9 o
  beyondprep further; more distant
! v0 v7 _5 f- v) t  _* Z  bias n prejudice; tendency; leaning' t: K& w6 V7 l2 U
  bias v to prejudice; to influence opinions
3 b/ e/ u; H) C  M  bill n bank note; invoice; proposed law
" y) n& q! G7 t2 [  bill v to charge; to announce; to advertise
1 z- Y4 R! f5 O% B+ h) g( F  birth rate n number of babies that are born per year per thousandblame n guilt; responsibility; liability
+ o" y. h9 v! |9 y2 P- H  blame v to accuse; to denounce
4 [$ t6 Z- t. _: g- @  w  L  blanket n bed covering; quilt; m0 h  i; w8 ?! R' W; F
  blanket v to cover; to coat
, S# G( t- ]" Z) ^( L  blouse n a woman‘s or child‘s loosely fitting shirt that extends to the waist or slightly below; a loosely fitting garment resembling a long shirt, worn especially by European workmen
' J" s: n' y" J5 U& H0 m  blunder n gross error; stupid mistake
% }: w  I* q! N  E- b3 \  h6 K  blunder v to make a stupid mistake; to move back and forth in a clumsy manner; to move blindly; to grope
- ^! v) y& O$ S, O, q' f, T1 E' F  board n management committee ; printed board which connects to a slot in a computer; food: f/ e: i1 [$ i: d5 B' e! `1 _
  board v to accommodate; to house; to enterboast n the act or an instance of bragging; a source of pride4 b! Z+ w: V8 U
  boast v to glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way
( ?; ~% W9 O: m, \% i( w4 p  bond n link; connection; obligation; grasp; certificate of debt- H/ m' k- v) m5 H, m6 k
  bond v to store in a warehouse
9 T7 ^' y# R# r$ e% k  bonded adj secured in a warehouse- F8 T7 o. O! _
  bonus n dividend; perk; monetary gift- U6 a0 j( i# W3 ?( S$ j; O
  book v to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate
7 V' Q" K" N/ w, p  bookcase n shelves used to store books printed items
& a3 R( p4 D. E  boom n a time of economic prosperity; a sudden increase, as in popularity& d+ D7 R" O# b8 ?! N& ^
  boom v to grow, develop, or progress rapidly; flourish
, R$ T5 j% c, G+ I# U  boost n push; lift; incentive; encouragement; shove; raising
6 i; Z4 ^+ c5 g, V5 w  boost v to raise; to push; to urge; to lift
1 \7 J4 ^8 c8 R3 T# y  border n boundary; edge; limit
/ g/ o# f7 f- @1 h& D  border v to be adjacent to) G+ G, B% s# y% N0 Z7 `/ W* m
  bother n effort; nuisance' ~4 N4 a( w6 T- p1 M( ?0 H8 m0 ~
  bother v to annoy; to harass; to worry; to make an effort; to be concerned
7 C* o& O% X- u6 n  bothersome adj annoying; irritating
! Q- j! o1 F5 S  bound adj obligated; certain; fastened; tied
& {+ r9 ?; `, ^$ c4 T4 D# N4 F  bound n limit; border
9 Q* ?" G3 R# W- y$ T% ~3 Y9 Y" e  bound v to jump; to leap+ C( N7 ?  N4 y
  brake n device which is used to slow or stop a vehicle. g* m, w( D( F
  brake v to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle  M& Z7 M' V1 `8 v0 _- p
  branch n affiliate; office; industry; trade; business unit

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  branch v to fork; to divide into parts or sections
) `) D3 ^- ?+ n  [  brand n product manufactured by a company and given a specific name or mark; trademark; type; make; variety2 P4 y/ [* V/ k) V5 ?5 U0 h
  brand v to mark with an iron; to disgrace; to condemn+ A+ G3 u' S) w) [1 P& l
  breadth n width; broadness
) f0 k6 U( q4 ?  breadwinner n one whose earnings are the primary source of support for one‘s dependents
; M4 e3 L. d$ X: p  break down v to fail; to collapse; to defeat; to overthrow; to descend0 A4 M. q$ [7 m2 N% H# p
  break n fracture; pause; rest; intermission; crack; opportunity; alteration
, K( k% l8 b1 N& i) v  [# a6 M  break v to smash into pieces; to shatter; to crack; to be smashed into pieces; to be cut off; to force into; to stop; to cancel# R9 m1 ~  A$ H" f; h" U1 t
  breakdown n collapse; crash; incident
2 _# ?, {7 n" W* S  breakthrough n progress; reaching a new level; removal of a barrier; penetration$ P8 V/ R# G( B
  brief adj short; concise. G5 D* x. u. v7 y
  brief n abstract; summary; concise report; instructions
' v2 v, t% z/ U" ?  brief v to make a summary; to give a report; to inform; to instruct somebody1 N, R# e' n3 u" \2 F7 T/ c/ |" A
  briefcase n small container for documents; tool for synchronizing files between two computers- c2 m6 z+ _9 Q) [8 _+ P! o
  briefing n short meeting; summarizing; giving and receiving instructions; reporting
9 g$ c6 A" F9 m: `5 u# |6 U  broadcast n transmission; dispatch; radio program. }! X9 ]6 j" j5 n- @
  broadcast v to transmit over the radio; to publicize; to advertise* X! {" P! R$ V0 P' L& E
  brochure n leaflet; booklet; printed product information
: ?+ E4 o8 H0 L3 p& k( E  broker n middleman; agent who buys and sells property or shares etc for other people; E- ^. U7 i1 a! P- O- B, Q4 k& G
  broker v to act as a middleman; to buy and to sell property for other people
2 ^  E6 y& j* B, B  brokered adj negotiated by an intermediary; settled through a middleman
# d3 X" P- U, \* h: [  broth n the water in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been boiled; stock; a thin, clear soup based on stock, to which rice, barley, meat, or vegetables may be added% H0 j! I, \/ I& ~" D
  browse v to leaf through a book; to peruse a book; to surf Internet websites; to search the Internet for information; to read through websites
, F9 [: k) ]1 N5 N, X% g  browser n program used for viewing websites on the Internet' J# X6 i7 F$ b- n
  bruise n an injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations; an injury, especially to one‘s feelings
3 X% f- F8 p- B. B3 ^( H' U5 r7 D  bruise v to injure the underlying soft tissue or bone ofwithout breaking the skin, as by a blow; to hurt, especially psychologically; |, S) L& I% E: {. e
  budge v to move; to be moved
1 o+ w" c$ I- g8 o& n  budget n financial framework; financial plan
+ o$ z$ O* u$ m: y  budget v to prepare a financial plan; to make financial arrangements
. ^& |9 D5 q6 D  w" n  bulk adj relating to or designed for the mass of people; large-scale; widespread; popular4 {* F% y, {" n/ R
  bulk n volume; mass; main part; most
% S; o' E- X8 x( u) C5 {( c  h  bulk transfer n the sale of all or most of a company‘s inventory or assets to another company) k, B$ ~) Z; p, F% g
  bulk v to inflate; to play an important role. S4 N6 J4 ?9 J5 r# U/ e( C$ l8 H
  bullion n bars of gold; bars of silver1 i) Y6 C9 ?2 [2 M( f# O  f
  buoyant adj floating; light; lively; cheerful9 Q( v+ R' a! C. I  |1 C/ c* x, T
  business n company; enterprise; trade; commerce; matter; issue; question! a+ `* V- U- Z5 D6 ]
  butcher n person who cuts meat; meat cutter; meat slaughterer; owner of a meat shop
. j9 ]7 L% Y' ]* K  button n switch; icon to click on
6 i# n5 [$ [  k3 J) |  button v to fasten with buttons; to be fastened with buttons
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