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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合指导(20)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  vacancy n emptiness; available space; room; available position; job opening2 e% F1 j7 E% ^. s8 Z% d+ c
  vacant adj empty; unfilled; unoccupied; not in us e; lacking expression; not claimedvacate v to cease to occupy or hold; give up; to empty of occupants or incumbents+ ~! c- J: T" \; V# s8 t' R$ Z
  vacation n holiday; fixed time in which public establishmentsand regular businesses cease their regular activities; period of time away from work devoted to rest and relaxation; act of vacating) A7 S- z* b# L7 r  t$ j
  vacation v to go on holiday
: N- Z) F, y. a  vaccinate v to render unsusceptible to a disease by inoculating
0 K5 r7 b/ A! h  vaccination n act or instance of rendering unsusceptible to disease by inoculating
/ V& F/ s+ k2 A6 r# C! K  vaccine n a preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen; a preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox6 ]; L* O% ?: P! ]* n
  vacillate v to sway to and fro; to fluctuate; to hesitate; to waver
5 m% C4 l; w2 |, B4 j  valid adj legitimate; legally acceptable; not expired; based; logical; well-founded8 T+ z  w9 d0 [+ ^
  validate v to confirm; to sanction; to legalize
; [0 e7 z- a, L' {& b) ?  valuable adj of great worth; costly; cherished; dear; important( Q- n) l9 O0 T& B
  valuable n something of great worth
$ a) _" b, d6 w! P6 N+ P  van n large closed vehicle used for transporting goods or people; railroad carvariation n degree of diversity; change; modified version ; deviation( I7 n( @- a( X! Q- n# Q
  variety n assortment; kind; sort$ o: J' w3 z) Y! n2 z) K, C$ B
  various adj assorted; different; individual; several
: V; y6 `7 v: E' L2 Y! K6 Y- @4 U  vary v to change something; to alter; to change; to fluctuate; to give variety to" R& r7 M5 V7 F0 V3 N
  vast adj large; enormous; huge
3 |3 r& K3 v( H6 W! f, H0 g; j4 s5 \& U0 U  vegetarian n one who does not eat meat; herbivore3 \2 i' p3 W/ g( b- F/ Q! c
  vehement adj characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid; marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong
! B* f. M  B( U9 M& Y9 h0 t; ]3 ~* e/ i  vehicle n means of transport ; instrument; means; medium
/ K3 ^9 i$ t, H* b- q2 d& u( x  veil n length of cloth worn by women as a face covering; netting attached to a woman‘s hat; something which hides or conceals ; nun‘s headdress; vow‘s of a nun; membrane which covers an immature mushroom+ c% C, c( M4 H
  veil v to cover; to hide
9 e/ j  g* y* }6 P: \! g  vending machine n automated device used for selling items
3 V. M6 o! Z5 L4 T0 [4 }  vendor n salesman; supplier; equipment salesman ; automatic machine for selling goods
8 L2 B; Q+ I3 ~! `: N# d  venture n risky undertaking; enterprise whose results are not certain; business undertaking which promises to bring great profit but involves a good deal of risk; amount invested or wagered
& f: }6 y$ R- ~% m5 a1 t; n  venture v to take a risk in order to achieve a goal; to dare to express something ; to chance investing money in a risky but possibly lucrative business venture- p8 x. `1 F# l( y6 {
  veracity n truthfulness; something that is a truth4 N% d1 g: B- b( I8 [0 d
  verdict n the finding of a jury in a trial; an expressed conclusion; a judgment or opinion
( _6 F5 w! ?+ Z, Y5 j5 {( x  verify v to confirm the truth of something; to ascertain the truth of something ; to witness or swear to the truth of somethingversatile adj fulfilling many functions; multi-purpose; skilled to do many things; changeable
$ F6 \2 E& n( m3 i6 b  version n particular form of something; variant; rendering; translation' ]. a. y/ k# ?/ g0 m
  vessel n large craft made for navigation on water; boat; ship; container; receptacle ; tubular duct through which bodily fluids flowviable adj capable of living; having a reasonable chance of succeeding; practical; having the ability to survive outside the uterusvicinity n the state of being near in space or relationship; proximity; a nearby, surrounding, or adjoining region; a neighborhood; an approximate degree or amount# t& }$ L# B# Y: d2 b, J# F# A
  victim n person who falls preyviewpoint n attitude; stance; opinion6 r- Z2 g+ S# P1 A% P, H
  vigor n physical or mental strength, energy, or force; strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity* }  n6 v" Y4 V
  vilify v to slander; to defame
% p) J5 B  }6 I4 S. Y  K4 R- D  U  violation n transgression; desecration; attack or disruption; rape
9 o. n% O6 q5 S  virtual adj being such in power or effect though not formally recognized; imaginary; hypothetical; computer simulated
6 a: v. V- g9 O  virtual n computerized representation of an actual objectvisibility n quality of being clearly seen; distance to which one can see clearly ; state or quality of providing an unobstructed view
/ G- F. x. n9 T8 j2 Q2 }  visible adj can be clearly seen; in view; observable; obvious; apparent
4 B, _- a; E' [  vital adj lively; living; animated; vigorous; crucial; critical; necessary
4 `, O7 r, b7 ?2 r. c' R" U* {  vivid adj lively; lifelike; bright; dazzling; clear; distinct; graphic

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  void adj containing no matter; empty; not occupied; unfilled; completely lacking; devoid; having no legal force or validity; null! ?8 F5 J. E* t
  void n an empty space; an open space or a break in continuity; a gap; a feeling or state of emptiness, loneliness, or loss
' R9 p/ ?  V; k+ ?) K9 q9 }+ G  p  volunteer n one who offers his services of his own free will or without pay+ q; u) K( \& `5 F" d9 V8 f
  volunteer v to offer to do or give something for free; to propose; to put forward ; to offer that someone else will do or give something freely
2 F0 I$ q9 I3 T% l% C  voucher n certificate that bears monetary value; coupon; receipt; authorizer; endorser# G4 }, t0 Q  k
  voyage n trip; journey; travel; cruise; story of a journey
8 o) t7 y; r2 y. ^  voyage v to take a cruise; to travel; to make a journey" f! O8 M; F  v# B
  vulnerable adj susceptible to physical or emotional injury; susceptible to attack; liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation
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