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[综合辅导] 托福范文:小孩是否应在农村度童年

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  【题目】9 u8 |, ], F0 W
  It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
& v. o$ N( O  w5 }) d. R1 [  【范文】* D- O) r0 m$ o. i1 D. }4 m
  Both the countryside and an urban environment have many things to offer. Many important museums and cultural venues can be found in the city. There is also often good access to educational resources and a wide variety of job opportunities. However, the countryside offers a more relaxed and peaceful way of life. Communities are often close-knit and secure. Although both environments offer good opportunities for development, it is my opinion that life in the countryside is more beneficial for children.
: t3 ?" L1 _; p4 a& a9 C+ N' v* B& I  One important advantage of raising children in the countryside is that the environment is cleaner and healthier. With fresh air to breathe, less crowded living conditions, and more chances to take part in physical exercise, children in the country are usually healthier than those in the city. Another advantage of country living is safety. There is not only less crime in the countryside, but also fewer traffic accidents. Parents do not need to worry so much when their children are playing outside. A third advantage is the stronger sense of community in the country. Children know their neighbors and learn to care about others at an early age. Finally, a country upbringing allows children to experience a more natural environment without all the distractions of entertainment places in the city. Thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork and their families.7 U& J$ ]$ j6 U. p
  Due to the great number of advantages in raising children in the country, I believe it is better for children to grow up there rather than in a city. Without all the dangers and distractions of city life, they will grow up healthier and better grounded in the moral values of their culture.
0 \) H6 @: T/ K4 j+ n  【译文】% c4 U& m2 m8 p; i  x
  乡下和都市环境都有许多优点。许多重要的博物馆和文化活动地点都位于都市。虽然在都市有良好的教育资源以及各种各样的工作机会可利用,然而,乡间却能给人较轻松而且平静的生活方式。社区之间通常是紧密结合,较为安全。虽然两种环境都能提供良好的发展机会,但依我之见,乡下生活对孩子而言是比较有益的。: X9 l) m9 a' L$ ^8 `# |; y
  在乡下养育小孩的优点之一是,乡下整个环境比较干净、健康。乡下有新鲜空气可呼吸,生活环境较不拥挤,并且有更多让身体运动的机会,所以乡下小孩通常比都市小孩健康。乡下生活的另一个优点是安全。乡下不只犯罪事件较少,交通事故也较少。孩子们在外面玩的时候,父母比较放心。第三个优点是,在乡下有较强烈的社区观。孩子们都认识邻居,所以从小就能学习关心他人。最后,在乡下长大,能够让孩子体验更自然的环境,而不会因都市里各种娱乐场所而分心。因此,他们可以更专注于学校的学业和家庭生活。; S# ~, }% W! x

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