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[综合辅导] TWE常见疑难词汇纠错实例分析-下

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  17.equally as 后接形容词是错误的,应该用equally+ 形容词 或者as+形容词+as.
% b+ T" X* w( t2 C: G- j  F:The second lesson was equally as difficult as the third.
. F4 u% G4 t4 d  x- S  T:The second and the third lessons were equally difficult.  q* x1 c7 S( C- X% C
  18. expect, suppose, think. Suppose和 think后面不跟不定 式, Expect 后面不跟名词性从句。% f8 }0 C# Z  G$ ^( h  b: o
  F:He thinks to return in May.
8 ?7 B  v5 o7 m( G  T:He expects to return in May.% ], H, |3 X) M0 E- {
  19.farther, further. Farther 指距离; further 表示时间,程度和数量等概念。
4 n8 @) L5 e  I) k3 T0 w# h  F:Chicago is further north than Fort Worth.
! t3 ^3 O8 Y2 c8 \" P1 |# ~; S9 _  T:Chicago is farther north than Fort Worth.4 H4 }# Z* X# o
  F:I can give you farther information about this later.
7 ]6 x" Z/ _* Q2 S" i; `7 T  T:I can pive you further information about this later.
' A4 S. s/ W6 r) M% A$ e7 C7 e! i  F:How much further did he run than she did?
! r4 j& Y' n8 Z( a  T:How much farther did he run than she did?& F% I: [" A6 H6 h2 e- C
  20.few, a few, Few 有否定的含义, 意为 not many, A few 有肯定的含义, 意为 some.
) s) A+ g; @. N  s  F:He was so tired that he stopped playing for few minutes.
& J) S$ s% L/ I: F0 l  T:He was so tired that he stopped playing for a few minutes.6 ~2 y+ q1 T1 G0 S% e! m9 o
  F:There were a few chairs left, so I had to stand up.' l" |% F" `& l# w, _2 _* O
  T:There were few chairs left, so 1 had to stand up.1 b  ?. K& K3 B0 k+ L- u9 ~
  21. fewer, less.fewer指可数名词;less 指价值, 程度或数额。
! t* U) I+ {& _$ x8 c1 a  F:The class consists of less than fifteen students.: u% J" `/ \2 k% _
  T:The class consists of fewer than fifteen students.
  l8 O+ _1 f8 M' `  F:He spends fewer time on his studies than on his golf game.
3 M5 e* e+ l# x7 r+ [- l  T:He spends less time on his studies than on his golf game.
' X( A8 J, y4 o7 J  F:It is true that less girls than boys become engineers.
1 `: u0 t/ D0 E5 [+ j' x0 d/ O3 Q  T:It is true that fewer girls than boys become engineers,
2 k/ o' i# ~7 c, ]; d. Z% |( P9 T  22.had better, would rather 后跟不带to的不定式。
  P' a1 T4 K+ @7 e8 d! p$ C% y' I  F:You had better to pay attention to the details.9 T$ s9 D% m' n" i; F* J
  T:You had better pay attention to the details.! E! O6 X4 g5 Q7 |: |, p8 o" ~
  F:I had better not to play tennis this afternoon.
% X* N6 l; y4 e' v8 ]2 s* T2 Y  T:I had better not play tennis this afternoon.

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