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[综合辅导] TWE常见疑难词汇纠错实例分析-中

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  11.because, because of.because是从属连词后跟从句,because of是介词,后跟名词或名词短语。
  F$ E4 A& [# w5 X' `' J  F:The game was canceled because of it was raining." B0 {3 z3 u9 v: H# Y6 Y6 K
  T:The game was canceled because of the rain.0 W8 H& k& u: l* H. Y) L+ X
  F:We could not see because the poor lighting.
& C1 m  o2 _8 d. f+ E8 E6 S  o- h  T:We could not see because the lighting was poor.
. E8 r+ w% ^+ L6 x& l  F:He can move the furniture easily because of he is strong.
# n7 `6 p4 H. E& K% n) F+ k; G  T:He can move the furniture easily because of his strength.
0 P" B' j, L7 I( [: O7 A  o  12.beside, besides.beside 意为next to,besides意为in addition to.5 ]( q2 G  A! {1 G7 v9 k8 `
  F:Beside Tommy, Helen and I attended the concert., t. ?6 ^% s, m( d2 \
  T:Besides Tommy, Helen and I attended the concert.
8 L) t0 k1 e8 B, e  F:He was sitting besides the pretty girl.
6 U9 [: X: J4 x% |0 g% S  T:He was sitting beside the pretty girl.
- L; c1 ]$ i+ {# `) _$ @) G  F:We visited California beside Oregon.
3 K" S' |- f0 H" L" P  T:We visited California besides Oregon.4 u: L% _0 D7 W( i; e
  ——We visited California. Besides, we visited Oregon.$ h# i& S4 a9 M8 E9 h
  13.between, among. between 用于两个人或两件事物,among用于三个以上的人或物。& S  {! t7 P# ?$ Y: W. V
  F:The law was debated between the senators, the representatives, and the judges.% `! T3 j5 ^" J& k# Y( Z, @
  T:The law was debated among the senators, the representatives, and the judges.
) c) C0 @- G, ?  U% [  F:There is a dispute between the local union members.+ ^6 j8 W, S+ O  q
  T:There is a dispute among the local union members.8 x0 ~# S& Z8 ?9 S
  F:You must choose among the two plans.
1 @- U. x0 H2 A  T:You must choose between the two plans.* W+ Q( v9 p7 p2 I7 H5 T9 z
  14.but, hardly, scarcely.这几个词带有否定意味,不要再与另外否定性的词连用。# V& A9 s9 U5 y! w* z  \
  F:I couldn't hardly see him in the dark.6 a+ e0 J6 d+ C1 g* Z8 d0 `2 D
  T:I could hardly see him in the dark.
  D2 M5 `8 l  \! T) x! \6 A  F:She didn't earn but thirty dollars last week.9 E  f- \7 u7 }8 C) f: `+ b5 T  P" F
  T:She earned but thirty dollars last week.
6 e: O1 t; V7 e8 J3 A9 b& k- P  F:He doesn't spend scarcely any money on clothes.
7 v5 p; \- K( B+ H, b7 Q' r  T:He spends scarcely any money on clothes." _4 P$ u( l% l+ g
  15.different from(不是 different than)。
5 `' b3 r# o' r' V4 T, v  F:The result was much different than what I expected.9 f. b2 |7 V; E; @
  T:The result was much different from what T expected.0 [0 }" O+ w: D& R) `; w1 e
  16.do, make.这两个词含义不同。/ L8 I. c0 `/ C; ^+ Y9 K- K9 F; R
  F:They did a peaceful agreement.
& ^' b4 F, H2 q, \/ ~$ d+ E  T:They made a peaceful agreement.
$ p9 p8 u' o! o6 m, H3 B  F:I never do fun of other people.% \- E, _) q! Q/ i- u' j
  T:I never make fun of other people.* U0 p6 ]. C( V
  F:It's time to do the sandwiches.# G0 I' L- e$ A; K1 C  g
  T:It's time to make the sandwiches.
0 t# Z) U* l6 L+ X+ z1 I  F:Rarely does he do a mistake.
' Y0 M6 i: u- N# C& e  T:Rarely does he make a mistake.

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