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[综合辅导] TWE常见疑难词汇纠错实例分析-上

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.accept, except, accept 是动词,except 是介词。
$ w8 v5 f/ a+ I' A  F:They excepted my invitation to dinner.
6 l& ], b  ?; E; T: k# f  T:They accepted my invitatipn to dinner.+ f, B" K* V9 `9 A
  F:Everyone attended the meeting accept the secretary.
" O5 S8 |3 r3 w" z  T:Everyone attended the meeting except the secretary.
: r5 h( Y1 l9 }  2.advice, advise, advice 是名词,advise 是动词。+ h' w- Z* }- D! g, ~
  F:His advise was very useful.
$ t* ~) @) P1 f  T:His advice was very useful.
0 E  ~5 N& x: {7 H( W- r3 T- Y  F:I was adviced to purchase an economical car.
! v! z! {+ `9 j  T:I was advised to purchase an economical car.8 ?6 ]7 D$ X; {7 F. R- a$ N6 ?, p
  3.affect, effect. affect 是动词; 意为influence. effect 可以是动词也可以是名词。动词effect意为cause to happen, 名词effect意为the result.  T  ]# q, [( M! m4 [0 o, y
  F:Pollution effects everyone./ I: l4 ^6 q0 U" S  a& |! Z& M, ~
  T:Pollution affects everyone.! U1 f$ M* Q- P( J) f$ V7 \3 q
  F:Your tears do not effect me., ^& J4 i. Q& G+ C
  T:Your tears do not affect me.3 H( ~9 A8 G3 f. S1 r
  F:What is the affect of that drug?
: N& d* L* S  A9 R# x9 j  @  T:What is the effect of that drug?) v, b. T, O0 c1 y/ J
  5.most ,almost most 是形容词almost是副词。/ u: o" ]  n# w: A/ j
  F:Most everyone has a desire to succeed.
1 R* y+ I1 r6 d- d, G  T:Almost everyone has a desire to succeed.
0 ]6 N( O& d& n3 F  F:The student was most finished when the bell rang.- g. Z5 L/ ?& `
  T:The student was almost finished when the bell rang.$ i9 A# l# T# n$ K8 m
  F:The children ate most all of the pie.
7 h% E6 J/ E! f3 U; P  T:The children ate almost all of the pie.
0 N9 p% a; E) o; [. e  ——The children ate most of the pie.
5 g& Q% f% U2 M) G) \  6. already, all ready. already 意为 before the time specified. all ready 意为 completely prepared.
+ H  {- |6 U9 q$ Q4 I0 Y  F:The movie had all ready begun by the time we arrived." L" T8 R& Z* u* U- a4 F% C
  T:The movie had already begun by the time we arrived.
. f9 }( u2 u6 ]  F:Are you already to go?& Z2 s$ ]% j4 y4 c6 p
  T:Are you all ready to go?
0 C3 O) ]# G6 ~' w7 Q3 P  7.altogether, all together. altogether意为thoroughly. Alt together 意为 in a group.
. k/ }( h2 t8 W: q" h1 ?0 S# _9 O  F:All together confused, he asked me to explain the word again./ _' h* J9 L# i4 H) Q! p# Q
  T:Altogether confused, he asked me to explain the word again.# d9 O  m9 y& `. [) m$ ~- U4 W
  F:The passengers stood altogether in the station., a( P6 n6 ]* K' S
  T:The passengers stood all together in the station.
2 k3 T9 f- o' g8 }1 u# ]  8.amount,number,amount指不可数名词,number指不可数名词。
' s& f% |# W* Q0 H& i  F:He checked out a large amount of books from the library.
  I0 b" B" H# r7 d  T:He checked out a large number of books from the library.# T+ h. t0 r9 G+ {  Q
  F:I was amazed by the amount of people present.# r9 E# C: ~. C; ^# L
  T:I was amazed by the number of people present.
) D: @4 F, n6 x8 N2 x3 a, ?/ K  F:Elephants can consume a large number of food.- V+ s7 f) M6 S
  T:Elephants can consume a large amount of food.
. r* q! K; A1 E: e2 X  9. anywheres, somewheres, everywheres. 去掉s./ F* D9 ?$ t# L" a9 r2 p/ [
  F: We can talk anywheres.
' y( ^8 ^: H1 u8 M  T:We can talk anywhere.+ s+ E, [( X9 {/ o3 L( ~- z! o
  F:I lost my umbrella somewheres in the store.- A) Q  f5 @' T& L
  T:I lost my umbrella somewhere in the store.
$ `) `5 }0 {* Z: R4 i  10. about, around. around指地点,about意为approximately
3 S/ T: {. _5 f& ^  F: The mail arrived around ten o'clock.; g$ r- U* b; b* u& Z
  T:The mail arrived about ten o'clock.
6 ]5 [# w+ T( y3 }. @" p  F:He is around six feet tall.9 A+ t; ^( l: _) e' Y, j& t
  T:He is about six feet tall.

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