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[综合辅导] 商业托福《经济学家》读译参考:一败涂地的足球

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Football fiasco一败涂地的足球
- K3 F) @) [" E
! `1 d5 r" D) Z( ^/ y7 u9 J; dMay 18th 2006 | WASHINGTON, DC
! w6 `5 d- [# I4 {6 a& }9 M
: i1 w, Z& m2 N- \* a( G/ }From The Economist print edition- ]! ~9 r8 J, O8 H6 L8 |& C
' o9 Y+ o: [* e  _. h# B
SILVIO BERLUSCONI says it was a rigged[1] contest that his side won. Not Italy's election: its football championship. His team, AC Milan, finished second in both the past two seasons to Juventus. (1)But the Turin team is at the centre of a match-fixing scandal that may be the biggest even this country has seen. On May 16th, less than a month before the start of the soccer World Cup in Germany, Italy's top sporting body, the Olympic committee, put the national football federation under emergency rule. The federation's president had q_______① after claims that he ignored evidence of misconduct by officials, referees and players. The committee chose a 75-year-old former stockmarket regulator, Guido Rossi, in his place.
4 Q* M! C8 ^' U& d6 \' x0 N* I
& M( M$ q. \! y# ^- D& k, e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 b* ^6 b+ s" e8 ~

; N0 y3 Y3 Z9 h) x西尔维奥•贝鲁斯科尼说,他那一方赢的是一场被操纵的比赛。他这说的不是意大利选举,而是足球赛。他的AC米兰队在过去两个赛季都排在尤文图斯之后居于次席。但是尤文图斯(注:尤文图斯俱乐部位于意大利西北部城市都灵)目前正陷入意大利有史以来最大的一件操纵比赛的丑闻漩涡之中。(译者按:“fix”在这里是“操控,操纵”的意思,“this country has seen”本义是“该国所见证的”,意译为“有史以来”。)5月16日,亦即距德国世界杯开幕不到一个月的时候,意大利最高体育组织——奥委会对国家足协实行了紧急管制。由于被指称对比赛官员、裁判以及球员的不轨表现坐视不理,足协主席已经离任,奥委会挑选了75岁的前股市调节员吉多•罗西接替他的位置。9 }4 n/ k9 @) T: ^6 m1 G+ f/ S

# |6 W$ m, b' u6 Z* O4 q: B5 Y. {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 [# U( V/ Q* J% N7 X

, x2 `# X6 [4 z+ P3 G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 S9 l& D+ v/ H/ S# L

5 }% W  ~+ o, ^5 f# C) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% t3 \! e7 C6 H1 \0 X
4 c$ a, O1 |! B: n0 P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. q1 B% l6 i: u& k: K
尤文图斯总经理卢奇亚诺•莫吉也于5月14日辞职。根据窃听得到的一段电话交谈记录,莫吉经常为自己的球队安排合适的裁判人选,对于那些袒护球队的人给予奖赏,否则就加以惩罚。检察官的记录表明,他吹嘘自己曾将比赛官员关在更衣室里以示报复,还怂恿一名电视记者篡改一个慢动作回放镜头,以隐瞒一项有利于尤文图斯的错误决议。莫吉操纵比赛名闻遐迩,甚至连贝鲁斯科尼政府的内政部长也曾打电话给他,请他给他家乡一支乙级俱乐部提供帮助。(译者按:“local”除了有“地方的,本地的”的意思之外,还可指“家乡的,乡土的”;“side”常用于表示“比赛或竞争中的一方”;“a lower division”直译为“低一级的联赛”,即乙级联赛。)记录表明,几周之后,莫吉接到了该俱乐部主席打来的感谢电话。+ u- y; G: j+ K, x
. Z- w) L/ u0 }  K( }. W& G0 y; g0 F
7 |# B, s5 L# W! l) n2 `8 A$ G+ ~- c. a8 j
Football fans have long s________④ that Juventus, which for years was universally associated with the Fiat automotive group and a symbol of Italian industrial pride, gets unduly[6] favourable treatment. (4)But investigations in Naples and three other cities point to corrupt practices far beyond Turin. Several teams are involved. One of them is AC Milan.
5 I6 C  c6 I, [0 d4 o6 Y
# Q2 e$ `# Z( \+ d9 G( n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 s, [  o0 }/ j! I
2 S+ _- T" S3 e- i/ G
多年来,尤文图斯始终与菲亚特汽车集团保持着千丝万缕的联系,是意大利工业界引以为豪的代表。球迷们一直怀疑尤文图斯受到了不正当偏袒。不过,那不勒斯以及其它三个城市的调查人员指出,舞弊行为绝非只尤文图斯一家俱乐部才有,(译者按:“corrupt practice”是一名词短语,表示“舞弊,行贿”。)好几支球队都涉嫌舞弊,其中之一就是AC米兰。% }# F$ @3 @6 a* K

2 L$ v, F" Q4 {9 G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, F& o$ f- K  n& |

2 Q9 W7 j( t( |& n[QUIZ]
( m' J: D* a1 P2 m
. E& d) i  y. y8 t1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):
1 c- A% k7 r5 |* K1 [( N/ n$ o1 [( l( W. p+ K
①q________(vi. to leave a job, school etc, especially without finishing it completely)
9 `( k6 e$ _: a3 z: j3 ^
' K0 L- @& ?1 M2 _, [& P) e②r________(vt. to guess a number or amount, without calculating it exactly)2 O/ H  H( O4 {
③p________(vt. to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong)% D- w( ~/ a4 i. S8 ]
' d% H' ]( i9 h) V( D, ^$ G
④s________(vi. to think that something is probably true, especially something bad). A# j. w3 B' F% g4 L
4 U: c# _: x: ?% d- P
2. 将划线部分英文翻译成中文:
# J( I% d' Y5 l( D, C$ t% d9 v( K- ?% @: i: l+ x
[NOTES](LONGMAN)8 O- W8 T$ o* C& K" N

6 I0 ]) G: T" A+ ~8 B  c9 ]1. rig vt. to dishonestly arrange the result of an election or competition before it happens [= fix]:操纵(竞选或比赛结果)+ P/ s" p2 G# }

0 ?% d6 ~. t& Y7 H' y2. intercept vt. to stop something or someone that is going from one place to another before they get there:中途阻止;截留

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


3. amenable adj. # V& C( o" U. o) ^6 Y! H
3 u" T' b% Q( r5 ^" n
1)willing to accept what someone says or does without arguing:听话的,顺从的(与to连用)
1 r. u  ^1 ?" ]* R' t. r! H9 H0 l  g; j- O1 W, y
2)suitable for a particular type of treatment(与for/to连用)适合……的
4 X  N; Y. H* R7 n5 \- l
7 W& k8 Z& b7 a( a% U+ A9 g4. reprisal n. something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you [≈ revenge, retaliation]:报复,报仇(against)
5 ~: v+ m2 w% V: _4 L4 _* D6 m9 P1 w* f0 b0 V- I) r  x/ ~
do sth. in reprisal (for something)为了报复……而……5 o& e! i# W" B/ E7 |

: \( A  F* ?/ }* R- K3 B5. tamper with sth. to touch something or make changes to it without permission, especially in order to deliberately damage it 擅自接触某物或进行改动(尤指为了故意破坏);篡改3 t4 V( ^' [# x0 l* x

  O! D' ~' ^- k( y* I1 {. b6. unduly adj. more than is normal or reasonable 不正常地,不合理地;过分地- D3 n+ \; E2 @

% g7 w) }) L/ F, w& ]如:unduly worried/concerned/anxious etc 过分担心/关心/焦虑+ t* y$ Z. `, U# e! D
2 @! ^: O, i, ^+ q/ q% i
  e7 O4 z2 J4 r4 G, R& G' g& E& X! T5 F! D. C) ]) k
1. ①quit 退出,离职;②reckons 估算;③punishing 惩罚(用分词,与前面的rewarding对应);④suspected 怀疑
+ U+ f8 w. ^& a+ J6 i
$ V9 W$ B& Q. n+ l: D& o2.(见译文,仅供参考,欢迎指正)
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