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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:travel

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  line 铁路线% n' S$ p! J  c' {( r' G
  passenger car 客车厢
7 n! g; G4 q" g9 a* N  freight car 货车厢
- i6 b% X( a" E  dining car 餐车厢
- X! f% V: S% w7 p+ h" z4 N% ~  conductor 乘务员! Z$ G  u" c+ l3 H7 s: e3 J* C
  express train 快车
) h, I' Q7 D6 i, q; ?9 Y  local train 慢车
. ]5 z2 Y# K8 l7 ]7 M$ {  junction 列车枢纽站
$ d; B1 L0 G: j( z  transfer 转乘" [. s0 ~0 ?* h& E8 [
  on/behind/ahead of schedule 准时/晚点/提前' B4 h6 `' }* l" B, d
  one-way trip ticket 单程票
0 h. G- S% w0 b. n8 Z# P  round-trip ticket 往返票8 b; ^5 V6 F) E; |- {. U+ H
  lane 车道
/ {% A1 b$ ^2 M$ X  turnpike 收费高速公路
" r, ~8 f: V* T6 i/ X  shortcut 捷径1 d" K0 n+ W3 U- r# {. w
  cut corners 抄近路  ]$ p3 N$ c4 [& i) u& j" t
  traffic jam 交通堵塞
- X: N: U- m$ C0 [  air turbulence 乱流4 e5 G# t1 s0 ?- @
  arrivals 到达
2 T2 R& X' m7 Z4 ^. I/ C- @  aviation sources 航空信息来源$ A/ ]" ~$ s# d
  back round trip ticket 返程票: I1 c9 Q: h2 I7 o' @% R
  crew 机组成员
5 @& V4 M9 _) ^  cumulonimbus 积雨云
- V6 z0 |% r4 j4 D% j3 `% f  currency exchange 货币兑换  x2 }! h0 q) y' ^/ U0 @
  departures 处罚航班: s" {( t5 z* Y1 h; ]6 r4 Y
  evacuate 撤退; x6 Z  T* b! k
  go off on a trip 外出旅行$ ?& Q! y! l! K( P  ]7 y& X
  have tires punctured 爆胎
+ D  o4 x1 N) }5 Y  intersection 交叉路口6 X0 s. T" q! ~
  non-refundable 不可退款的: Z& M! |1 M7 |! Y, x
  non-stop 直达车! F8 H$ z) r6 ~$ ^; `+ G
  on board 乘(船、飞机等)5 p# m. x0 Y. c5 l3 i- ~$ Z: ^, r
  opposite side 相反方向; M3 E) z! C; N! M% ?2 b  S
  out-of-court settlement 庭外和解
( r) r% k6 @# A" e. \0 v  out-of-service train 回程车, S- F0 o  q# E: X. j) Y0 {6 h
  overbook 超过既定预约人数
: d: {, f/ X4 m- e( V  passenger jetliners 喷气式客机: @1 k* S+ A% F' w1 x
  derail 脱轨
( V1 ~7 p& w) H4 h  a# o$ i4 Y  reconfirmation 再确认
7 s. Z( ]. M7 v) I7 D! a  service charge 服务费
% U% p# Y% K. n6 _  subway 地铁% ~. g9 ^  P' G: P
  trespass in national airspace 侵犯领空. V% J: N: [/ p/ B  X
  trek 长途跋涉之旅

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