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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:ShortReadings托业七大题型详解(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    3. Read the passage. Try to read quickly, but read every word; don't just skim the passage. Look for answers to the questions that you read.5 O# I/ `! _; G; V$ Q0 d: b9 P
  4. Answer the questions. For detail and inference questions, you will probably have to refer back to the passage. Use the eraser-end of your pencil as a pointer to focus your attention as you look for the information needed to answer the question.
8 M: t: U  b: p7 z" }  5. If you are unsure of the answer, eliminate answer choices that are clearly wrong, and then guess.
. Y6 J$ d4 j$ I4 k8 g  6. Don't spend too much time on any item. If you find a question or even an entire passage confusing, guess at the answer or answers and come back to these items later if you have time.: J9 Q) J3 J4 o+ a. o$ U
  7. If you have not answered all the questions and only a few minutes ere left, read the remaining questions without reading the passages, and choose the answers that seem most logical.
: ]' }. n1 k2 Z# `2 H3 }4 W  * Types of Readings and Practice Exercises
) {/ g- U4 v; |, m- Z( g' u4 ]8 a# M  A. Articles
1 g" m# c+ b9 j- P- c  f* ?  B. Business Correspondence, n. J1 c8 O# U+ b  [0 ]( h
  C. Advertisements# V/ O, I( a$ x# F0 G  h
  D. Announcements

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