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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:for Your Career-FAQ(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  How is the TOEIC test scored?  `$ G2 c7 G4 t- m* j& _
  Scores on the TOEIC test are determined by the number of correct answers. The number of correct responses on each section is converted to a scaled score.
5 W# F$ m5 i$ P* {, Z; X9 t+ Y! g  Three TOEIC scaled scores are given for each examinee: a Listening section subscore, a Reading section subscore, and a Total score that consists of the sum of the Listening section and Reading section subscores. Each subscore can range from 5 to 495. The Total score ranges from 10 to 990. The statistical procedures used to convert scores to a common scale ensure that similar TOEIC scores indicate similar levels of English proficiency.! H* P9 E) s, k9 f% f
  How do I prepare for the TOEIC test?
) U4 k9 Y6 V1 a& `- \  To help you become familiar with the types of questions in the test and the amount of time allowed for answering them, see the TOEIC Examinee Handbook or other study materials prepared for TOEIC test takers.# q9 q5 a2 k; g
  An invaluable tool for improving your English is The Official TOEIC Test Preparation Guide. It is the only authorized study aid for the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). The makers of the TOEIC test, The Chauncey Group International, Ltd., publish the guide in partnership with Peterson's. The guide can be purchased from your local TOEIC representatives, or you can order online.; c" d: @0 U6 g: o  n
  There are also practice questions available for the TOEIC test.
5 Z2 n( f5 H9 G# S. x' D  How quickly will my TOEIC scores improve?
- B( s9 ~2 s* s* E' E* @2 m0 s0 ?5 M  Improvement in overall English ability generally takes a considerable amount of practice and study. There are many things that affect an individual's progress in learning English-things such as motivation, amount of practice, the number of hours or weeks of classroom study, previous exposure to English, and the type and quality of instruction. It is difficult to say exactly how much learning time is needed before a significant improvement in English proficiency is seen.
8 m) J+ w  }& p, b3 _1 M  The TOEIC program generally recommends that students do not retake the TOEIC test until they have received at least 60 hours of English instruction and/or practice. Of course, given the many factors that influence learning, some students may require more, or fewer, hours of instruction.
' V+ ^$ B, V5 }3 F2 r  If I have a disability, can I still take the TOEIC test?
+ h# Y' G) K  }5 y  If you require special testing arrangements because of a disability, please contact your local TOEIC representative office to discuss your needs at least two weeks in advance of the test date. Your representative will make every effort to accommodate you. There is no additional cost for special accommodations.7 \1 \6 {! V) S" K; I# T
  Can I take materials into the testing room?
& q% X! i9 Y+ C0 L  Books, dictionaries, papers, notes, rulers, calculators, watch alarms, listening devices, recording or photographic equipment, highlighters, or aids of any kind are not allowed in the testing room. You may be dismissed from the testing room or have your scores cancelled if you do not follow these rules.1 `  X6 G9 m- D5 }- B: u& U9 s
  How will I receive my scores?
9 ]/ ~( n  `! ]. s% n$ o. I- |8 |  If you take the test through your sponsoring organization, your sponsor will receive your score and inform you of it. If you take the test independently, you will receive your score report directly.# {- ]- s  @9 i
  What do my scores mean?
$ K9 I! [4 a7 U' Y8 p  The best way to know what your scores mean is to compare them to those of people who are using English in their work. Because the TOEIC test can be applied to almost any international work situation where English is used, scores have been linked to particular positions and/or job functions. The kind of work you perform now or will be performing in the future will determine the level of English you will need.
. h; R- r* `1 |( a  Y' Y6 w  What is the difference between the TOEIC and TOEFL tests?
$ `8 J. G6 k/ ^; Q4 T% r; v: U7 O' ?9 S9 g. ^
  The TOEIC and the TOEFL tests were developed to serve different purposes. Therefore, the design, content, context, and ranges of proficiency that each test measures are also different. The TOEFL test was created by Educational Testing Service for foreign students seeking admission to colleges and universities in North America. Students planning to pursue undergraduate or graduate degrees in North America will wish to take the TOEFL test.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层

托业综合辅导:for Your Career-FAQ(2)

</p>  Organizations that document employees' English proficiency and individuals who want to demonstrate their ability to use English in the global workplace will prefer to use the TOEIC test.$ @1 X; |. N4 L
  If I take another version of the TOEIC test, will I receive the same scores?' V+ {2 t% O/ J# N
  If you take another version of the TOEIC test, you will probably obtain slightly different scores from those you received the first time. Each version of the TOEIC test is validated on a population of at least 50,000 people. It is therefore a highly reliable test, but no test measures performance with perfect accuracy and consistency. If you took several versions of the test within a short period of time, you would obtain a number of scores that center around an average value known as your "true" score. Two-thirds of the time, your total score would be within 35 points of your true score.
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