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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导 (1)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
abandon v. to cease trying to continue; desist from; desert; to surrender one's claim to, right to, or interest in; give up entirely
0 d) d# e6 D) T* q: h& oabate v. to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen; to deduct from an amount; subtract
( H/ |" @' G- \$ ]" R4 w" ^abbreviation n. shortened form of a word or word combination
, g8 g# w! Y) b: T  C: G# ^abduct v. to carry off by force; kidnap
" @, W% n; i4 P( r- A8 P- X- gabide v. to comply; to obey; to submit; to conform; to tolerate
, l) i0 ?' s! b  ^; X3 Eabnormal adj. not typical, usual, or regular; not normal; deviant
2 u9 ]8 Q# K+ x5 q5 e2 F7 P* ]aboard adv. on board a ship, train, aircraft, or other passenger vehicle; in or into a group, organization, or business
0 b. \* T3 ]! I' Z+ l) a8 o' u5 Kaboard prep.on board of; on; in- o9 R' r( v, i8 k) v8 m
abolish v. to cancel; to revoke$ i' K! n! R( J7 c. ?6 a3 f& x
abominable adj. unequivocally detestable; loathsome; thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable
3 a' U. Y7 g/ H4 [' Fabound v. to be plentiful; to be filled with; to overflow with+ s2 |( F4 j! n6 L, U
abreast adv. side by side; in alignment; on top of; up-to-date; well-informed* g5 g" n: j* @0 S' ~$ P/ ]
abroad adv. in another country; outside; widely
/ v/ A* Y5 z- f$ Rabsence n. failure to appear; state of being away; state of being not present; opposite of presence) q4 M3 D+ n* N& B5 v; ]8 ]5 `! v
absent adj. preoccupied; lost in thought2 H+ @! ^$ t* K+ Q' z
absolve v. to pronounce clear of guilt or blame; to relieve of a requirement or obligation6 n0 c) Z6 {$ S1 E% M: \4 k' v
absorb v. to suck up; take up; take in; Z' ]7 J( b  I9 V, L$ W! g/ p
abstemious adj. eating and drinking in moderation; sparingly used or consumed; restricted to bare necessities
1 t0 ^1 j( A4 x( \abstinent adj. self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink* V4 b% b- F/ n2 l; p% l" Y, K
abundant adj. plentiful; copious; profuse; full abounding with
  X/ P2 A# d: @/ \abuse n. misuse; maltreatment; corrupt practice; foul language
6 z6 k$ g& y+ X0 b( x( v$ s/ Mabuse v. to misuse; to injure; to harm; to mistreat; to insult; to malign; to curse; to revile
3 j; ]* e. N, B* R8 U7 ~5 Yaccelerate v. to cause to move or happen faster; to hasten; to increase the speed of something; to speed something up/ n8 t$ p/ ^0 X( n& s' s5 l
accelerator n. gas pedal of a motor vehicle; expansion card or other hardware item that speeds up computer operations such as the processing of graphics or floating-point calculations (Computers)3 m* Q1 A% i3 U
access n. approach; entry; permission to enter a computer system or network and/or retrieve data
( V: k" }6 c0 Paccess v. to gain entrance to; to get at
9 f. y( Y! I2 U! ?3 z* Caccessible adj. easily approached or entered; easily obtained; easy to talk to or get along with
& E9 O3 L- Y: J! k- T- @accommodate v. to adapt oneself; to host guests; to provide lodging
7 c# d/ A4 E- w- |accommodation n. housing; residence; lodging; arrangement; adjustment
, i3 }6 c$ B$ w& caccompany v. to go along with; to go together with; to join; to attach
3 m& s) m8 u( |4 f4 qaccomplish v. to complete; to achieve; to attain; to perform
( c$ N# I8 B6 S- G) [( i* haccomplishment n. fulfillment; realization; attainment; achievement
! I  _; g/ Z$ G6 F5 ~accord n. agreement; settlement; harmony; x: s5 A! c6 i: ~' H5 a" m  o
accord v. to match; to fit; to complement
& C$ T) X5 j- W& v+ U/ S( v* ]2 @accordance n. conformity; agreement; coordination; suitability
+ X4 B" D3 s6 r0 @account n. business arrangement which allows use of something; formal business agreement in which a client is provided access to a computer system; report: U" n$ Z& x3 D; ?6 Y
account v. to explain; to give a report; to cause; to regard
. A6 J, z- l2 `1 C: ~  _accountant n. a person who keeps financial records; a person who conducts financial audits
# ?( M: B3 {% T; caccounting n. a system of recording and analyzing financial transactions; auditing; a detailed financial statement
7 i- u' W+ a# Saccredit v. to certify; to recognize; to assign; to license7 Q# k2 X# J: _! k! B& R' z/ [3 V
accrue v. to accumulate; to compile; to increase; to grow
+ O$ y% q+ s& T1 D' N) `0 }: Eaccumulate v. to gather or pile up; amass
# E. N0 S; V/ A" @3 r# @- f: Uaccuracy n. preciseness; exactness0 d& E% H, E8 S& u; h" e5 v
acknowledge v. to admit the existence, reality, or truth of; to recognize as being valid or having force or power; to express thanks or gratitude for; to report the receipt of- X4 l+ z: I: r$ r
acknowledgement n. the act of admitting or owning to something; recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right; an answer or response in return for something done; an expression of thanks or a token of appreciation3 S# [# q( L! }- `' x
acquaint v. to make familiar; to present someone; to introduce someone8 b& n, n8 J9 n3 m
acquaintance n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity
0 D* h+ _0 ?) p9 y9 Xacquainted adj. familiar; close; intimate; informed; aware5 z; |0 Y& H- L' I$ l

+ O& U5 B% j, a  {/ v0 c+ H; \acquire v. to buy; to obtain; to purchase; to attain

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