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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导 (4)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
daily adj. occurring on a regular basis
7 Q+ A. O" z) @daily n. newspaper that is published 5 to 7 times a week
$ x2 w  P3 t, A2 g/ f; q, n% x! R1 zdamage n. injury; harm
1 t2 L) N  ^8 e) c! w3 e: L3 Edamage v. to cause harm; to cause injury; to destroy partly! l8 |/ g' @$ ^
dampen v. to make damp; to deaden, restrain, or depress
! f: l$ w7 z$ |5 Y! ?4 w# ?dash n. punctuation mark indicating a break in a sentence; hyphen; bit; drop; pinch; rush; sprint; onset; race; vigor; spirit
7 Z& Y6 y" F6 K+ ~3 W3 r  W3 Ndash v. to move with sudden speed; to bolt; to shatter; to hurl; to cast
$ q* ^3 u5 Q! I% s* ydate n. day, month and year according to the calendar; interview; meeting
7 D* Q7 v$ E, [6 m2 @  @  d, Ydeadline n. time when a project; assignment; task or job must be completed or turned in
! ^% F4 n( D# B: ]1 Hdeafening adj. to make deaf, especially momentarily by a loud noise; to make soundproof
; _' K$ c" T/ a6 Gdeal n. agreement; business transaction; exchange; amount9 k% X  v5 h1 c) H
deal v. to give; to provide; to offer; to distribute; to supply; to direct; to take care; to sell; to trade
4 u9 I" {7 J4 x" @; D5 d  i( Rdealer n. supplier; seller; merchant; agent; sales representative. c& _& g4 d4 c* V
dealing n. manner of doing business; behavior; distribution; giving out
$ J2 l! ^, W/ c: q( Zdebase v. to lower in character, quality, or value; degrade6 @- P9 l4 b2 `1 }* c+ U% l& x
debate n. argument; dispute; discussion; conversation( Y1 H/ q- l0 n- |( ^0 ]+ e
debate v. to argue; to discuss; to consider; to ponder
. W0 B! [. ^; B/ L3 S# h' qdebris n. rubble; ruins; wreckage; fragments
5 k% V5 ]/ }: s$ idebt n. obligation; something owed (i.e. money)( B1 g8 d; W& x# E# W8 p2 n
debut n. opening of a show; first public appearance3 C4 K# W0 L5 Q& s" A2 S
debut v. to perform for the first time; to make one's premiere performance
* W  M0 y) H+ }* y1 ]/ Hdecade n. ten years; group of tens7 s, r* U# c: p& V( T/ c
deceive v. to cause to believe what is not true; mislead
- S, Y+ S. V& Ddeclaration n. statement; proclamation; announcement
% B; G/ {0 i$ U/ R! n7 S# }5 }declare v. to proclaim; to make a statement; to make a full statement of (one's taxable or dutiable property)# ^: U6 K  W7 h2 x& u: O
decline n. downward; descent; slope; ebb' K1 l2 C2 n: B  [8 S
decline v. to refuse; to go down; to decrease; to fall
) W9 J, {; F' o, {' U& s7 T- Bdecorate v. to furnish, provide, or adorn with something ornamental; embellish; to confer a medal or other honor on  y* m9 @/ L  d+ i+ p9 T: J' p
decrease n. decline; reduction; lessening' e2 |  L2 t8 e" Q+ j
decrease v. to reduce; to lessen; to decline& x8 R5 m6 ]! p3 _. M& w
dedicate v. to devote to; to set apart for; to inscribe (a book, poem, song, story etc.) to someone& h9 R9 |1 l& j! v+ f. t
dedication n. devotion; inscription (in a book, poem, etc.)) j. k5 D: d! S# @3 B
deduce v. to reach (a conclusion) by reasoning; to infer from a general principle; reason deductively
1 I9 S1 y* z: l4 k" E- X2 Odeduction n. the act of deducting; subtraction; an amount that is or may be deducted; the drawing of a conclusion by reasoning
+ N  \# M3 B7 }9 h% ~% Edefamation n. The act of defaming; calumny
) q. ^  K' m5 T8 ^5 z9 @default n. failure to perform a duty; failure to pay on time; failure to appear in court; option on a computer which is automatically selected
9 h# A. b4 u8 @6 Z1 G6 f7 a5 Zdefault v. to fail to perform a duty; to fail to pay on time; to fail to appear in court* M$ r7 p  ~% _2 Z
defect n. deficiency; flaw7 A# r: }- p2 I
defect v. to desert; to abandon; to change sides
; y6 b* p  q7 l$ M9 n# x# Rdefense n. protection; security; rampart; shield; m0 Q% o4 t7 {: M# Q$ ~/ Z
deference n. submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another; courteous respect  w* Q" _' o% P+ O. t6 T
define v. to explain; to clarify; to limit; to set boundaries& \% ]$ y0 H0 Y  g0 f
definition n. explanation; meaning; interpretation (as of a word or term)+ P# u3 X# ~# N6 Z+ V- c7 m
deform v. to spoil the natural form of; misshape; to spoil the beauty or appearance of; disfigure/ ~' l, r6 X4 F6 v$ g' m% w
degrade v. to reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote; to lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace; to lower in moral or intellectual character; debase, L1 X/ M. a% A- s: g+ a+ B; s
degree n. rank; extent; unit of measurement of temperature and angles; academic title received after completing a program of studies at a university or college, i.e.: MBA (Master of Business Administration), F3 R% g, S7 b, |3 u$ r1 Q
deject v. to lower the spirits of; dishearten) B. ~8 i8 _) [1 X
delay n. postponement; hindrance; hold-up; stopping; lingering
5 r+ G6 l1 K1 y5 u& W1 qdelay v. to postpone; to hinder; to linger; to move slowly; to loiter
' h& R" E0 f9 B  L7 Qdelegate n. representative; deputy; agent; participant of a conference, convention; seminar etc.+ W) p# ^: g3 P0 N$ b1 j
delegate v. to authorize; to appoint as representative; to pass a duty or responsibility on to someone else
+ H! H7 R+ R$ @3 Kdelete v. to remove totally; to erase; to eliminate
9 K$ y) U) m3 ~$ ^deliberate adj. intentional; purposeful; methodical
. x7 w, l  M2 _. |$ z! |1 Y. k. {! B' Q3 N1 `$ A* o
delicious adj. tasty; having a pleasant taste or smell

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