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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导资料(12)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
name v. to appoint; to specify; to identify; to designate+ x" q5 k( m7 R- X/ E
narrow adj. tight; strait; reduced; not wide
6 K5 G3 v% b7 ~narrow v. to limit; to restrict; to contract; to lessen in width; to taper
, O! ]6 I9 }, f% y# o& f% vnationality n. citizenship; quality of being part of a particular nation; patriotism; national ownership (of property)
2 U/ I3 w: `' R7 A/ W6 ~& Cnearby adj. close at hand$ h8 |0 e+ V, n) q) l
nearby adv. next to; alongside3 t! y1 f: C& g% R( O
necessarily adv. as a logical result; unavoidably% U2 N$ ?4 V& v1 O2 y. J* a
necessary adj. vital; essential; indispensable; unavoidable
0 C2 b6 H/ M- t  X8 {necessary n. something that is essential or imperative; essentials of life (food, clothing, and shelter)
) g& b* A4 }+ }% vnecessity n. obligation; need; requirement2 i. u# }6 H$ N: i  k
neglect n. disregard; inattention; forgetfulness; abandonment
) E" i3 Q4 N, A" g% ^" ~" K7 I" F2 dneglect v. to disregard; to ignore; to forget to perform (a duty); to shirk; to abandon
/ ^4 w2 u7 G8 X. b/ s" p4 s" Nnegligence n. neglect; disregard, carelessness; failure to provide the necessary provision for (Law)
1 T# z. A. ?3 O6 Mnegligible adj. not significant or important enough to be worth considering; trifling" E: {$ q) Q" w
negotiable adj. describing an assets or item which can easily be sold or transferred# G5 \9 O( ?/ t% ^
negotiate v. to bargain; to deal; to arrange; to work out; to compromise; to clear or pass an obstacle
8 c+ Z- c) V' @negotiator n. person who participates in a bargaining session; person who negotiates- G: T& W* Y( E+ F5 `
nevertheless adv. anyway; anyhow; still; all the same
% H, T! e: k) h  o) {, T" c6 F% Y2 dnewsletter n. short informational periodical that is usually distributed to the members of an interest group
, V, g: q! @- znexus n. means of connection; link; joint; connected group% E- e- F5 L4 \: w
nominate v. to appoint someone (for a position, office, or honor); to designate; to select
+ Y" M7 U0 b' E: Lnomination n. appointment; proposal of a candidate (for an office or an honor)8 C" L( n0 H: r- |7 X! q, z
nominee n. person who has been appointed; candidate$ t; v5 z# e4 M) g4 x7 U
notebook n. portable personal computer; laptop computer
0 ^0 R  x5 o( \, c8 ?9 G8 \notice n. announcement; poster, sign; notification (often of termination of employment or a living situation); warning; attention; consideration& `" @5 A; w8 {5 A( P: i
notify v. to give notice to; inform5 h/ X: U% O) m6 Z) H
novel adj. new; strange# @2 o/ I9 I( G- C
novelty n. innovation; something new; discovery9 i! M, o# z& T- z# V. O: Y
nuance n. slight difference; subtle distinction2 X, Q+ b+ X9 P6 P
nurse v. to breast-feed; to suckle; to provide medical care; to take care of; to work as a nurse; to use up slowly; to dwell on; to harbor (especially of jealousy or anger)

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