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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导资料(14)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
pallet n. straw-filled mattress; hard and simple bed; platform used to stack items during moving or storage; potter's tool; board where ceramics are place while drying; board for holding and mixing paints
6 |) |4 [" B. l) t; n1 N4 E3 Cpamper v. to treat with excessive indulgence; to give in to; gratify* ]" ?5 \0 T) n$ t8 ~
panel n. group of judges; board, flat piece of wood; band; strip; crew; team; staff
( Q7 T& G( d0 A4 V. Eparadigm n. model; ideal; mold; form; example; pattern
" w9 n/ ?4 v; N- r+ gparameter n. variable which determines the form of a function; value which is transferred to a function or program and affects its operation (Computers)7 B1 z* S7 l9 X- w' @8 B. `
paramount adj. superior, supreme; above all; of the highest rank; most important" o  K+ g+ {& a: j- c4 c
parentheses n. the characters ( ); text enclosed in parentheses; act of isolating by parentheses (Syntax)
0 [8 D+ i7 s8 {4 e0 aparticipate v. to be involved; to join in& F5 T3 i! Q* i
particular adj. special; unusual; uncommon; detailed; meticulous; precise; pedantic; strict6 }0 v: A+ g0 l, t1 @0 O( P1 O0 i7 {
particular n. detail; individual characteristic; item; article; specific proposition (Logic)
* Z. s, f( Y, B% O. tparticularly adv. especially; specifically' D  U, A3 Z: z! E
partition n. the act or process of dividing something into parts; the state of being so divided; a part or section into which something has been divided
( Y( p3 d3 v% ppart-time n. system used to place one event in relation to another (such as past vs. present, yesterday vs. today); period; era; hour; rate
, o8 T  k0 M- G4 W; P) Hpassport n. official document issued by a given country that identifies one's citizenship and personal details and allows passage into foreign countries
- j' E0 B) V+ _6 m- `( Q7 |patch n. area of fabric used to repair a hole; stain; bandage; lot; plot of land; small repair to a program which adds or changes only a small part of the program (Computers)( K# o" ?5 J; _# N' _8 e3 l
patch v. to cover a hole with a piece of material; to use as a patch; to use to cover a hole
: ]( m4 G$ t1 S( s( Cpath n. track; lane; route; search route; list of libraries where the operating system DOS will search for a file that the user tries to activate (Computers)
- O0 M& w6 W* i$ A" ~5 Ypatience n. tolerance; forbearance
! g* V9 g9 D. ]5 x" a, q5 H" Kpatron n. one that supports, protects, or champions someone or something; a customer, especially a regular customer0 w) \8 ~" M7 X0 |9 R% l) q
payable adj. may be settled
0 `  z( z7 H$ F% m" b3 n/ n) P! ~payment n. wage; salary; compensation; bonus; punishment5 N' Z; _+ z2 Y  {4 j6 w
payroll n. financial sheet listing salaries; list of workers who receive wages and salaries
  k( |: S* l% d# V" W* K; d6 Wpeculiar adj. exceptional; special; strange; odd; curious; unique; singular" n0 r) N* X( C) @
peddle v. to hawk; to vend; to deal; to distribute; to sell  I' J! ^, }2 D- m. A
pedestrian adj. of, relating to, or made for pedestrians
2 c3 B( H) P: B3 Dpedestrian n. a person traveling on foot; a walker# A: ~1 }) ]+ d2 |' Q2 @
pedicure n. cosmetic foot treatment5 i6 Z" ^1 @- m4 ^( m& U( f3 }
penalize v. to punish/ G6 L1 D1 j5 @  w5 x
penalty n. punishment; fine; punishment in the form of a financial payment) {9 q# q$ W7 g6 B% k. V+ U
perceive v. to feel; to sense; to be aware of; to distinguish; to discern; to see; to behold
. f3 W& o5 u) j* C/ Wpercent n. one part of a hundred
' @8 S/ k& M* bpercentile n. one of a set of points on a scale arrived at by dividing a group into parts in order of magnitude/ [, ]: E1 f$ Q. x" Z( q
peremptory adj. putting an end to all debate or action; not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative; offensively self-assured; dictatorial
1 `6 T' B7 r: W6 w8 u4 Xperennial adj. lasting throughout the whole year; continuing for many years; perpetual; everlasting
% n) Z: [1 m; r! D" k8 \perennial n. something that continues for many years
9 f: ^: ^4 Q% ?+ tperfect adj. flawless; complete; undamaged
( @6 ?( W. u! R4 T# sperfect v. to refine; to improve; to complete; to make faultless
6 t3 V4 _7 l8 k# H! \perform v. to do; to carry out; to execute; to act; to fulfill a role in a show; to present; to arrange; to direct; to manage
* N4 ^! X: A; V$ k1 z+ m7 `# E6 z/ bperformance n. show; presentation; execution; act; deed; act of presenting an artistic work to an audience7 V* X  v2 `% w) }  z. G. u& d
periodical adj. occurring at regular intervals; recurrent; cyclic; seasonal; periodic, s9 ^' N9 x; A9 v% u
periodical n. magazine; journal
) A9 K1 [; L& fperishable adj. expendable; spoils rapidly; likely to spoil; mortal- t8 I( t7 x! x- Q- j' R' o/ I3 C
perishable n. product which can rot or spoil (fruit, food etc.)
$ L# `4 }0 v3 j# [. r% n0 upermanent adj. lasting; enduring; perpetual; regular; fixed; invariable& n$ L6 T6 p% `% }* _, {
permeate v. to enter; to penetrate; to infiltrate; to pervade; to suffuse
8 g1 p6 d6 R- L9 M5 Eperpetuate v. to eternalize; to make everlasting; to preserve from extinction
1 b$ E; Y) U) h3 ?
! c5 g; a- z- b) v; Y+ ]persistence n. diligence; tenacity; stubbornness; continuation

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