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[综合辅导] TOEIC备考综合词汇整理:TV&Radio

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   assused 被告 ! |! T* g2 @5 r1 o' o$ C
   allegedly 据称- ~5 r) Q; u4 l
   a stay of executive 缓刑/ _& J7 {  b% ^7 i# ~5 D
   aviation history 航空史
/ H8 Q7 I' S8 Z% S. q! D0 o   break out in 在……发生' D8 _9 o! {. c  J: Y+ b* n2 G) w
   casualty 死伤者# x# b! Z6 g# N" u
   collide with 与……冲撞. G4 g! P# m% ^; w2 ^7 D, j
   crack 龟裂
. t* A8 m7 q( n. Q( T   crash 坠机
) {$ U" D# }9 [3 W/ r& z9 D5 M   damages 损害赔偿金) b1 I) l' M2 d; m/ A, r' h
   defendant 被告
5 [& d; y# ?) C+ \   derail 脱轨
! C0 s3 `1 J" m0 d) U   devastating 破坏性的
+ E: S( F+ d7 v   drawing 抽签* \/ p8 E, R& s
   emergency landing 紧急迫降1 s; A& u( m, H" |
   inheritance 继承8 e) x* }* R6 f9 n% \
   has been missing 行踪不明7 T; H  s& q3 O5 t! x4 V) r+ [
   hit 袭击) f5 E7 H/ U- I* ~0 B5 Z: \/ ^- C
   fire 火灾
9 }# [5 h- s% {, \$ h   jolt 晃动; Z2 ^9 \5 f0 M' x9 X
   lawyer 律师" g" O7 V8 ~; S& ?  w
   lottery 彩票
- Y3 X3 B& J2 ], w- B1 F% [$ N   minor 未成年人
, ^  C( Z7 u3 e+ [   official communique 正式公报5 _/ t' L0 e. ^- L4 Z) S8 t
   plaintiff 原告,起诉者% H% S$ Q- W+ X
   prosecution 起诉9 ]! F, y- ~* ^- V; H& B
   property 财产
+ |6 X9 x0 i/ G- w   rock (地震等)前后摇晃: W. ]+ U% K/ F* B9 n
   run into 冲撞) E4 f8 Q; d: }, a
   the second worst disaster 第二严重的灾难

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