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[阅读辅导] TOEIC阅读即战力打通阅读的任督二脉Ⅰ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  新版多益測驗閱讀部份的Part 7中,單篇文章的閱讀測驗大約考七至十篇文章,回答二十八個問題;而雙篇閱讀的閱讀測驗,則考生須看完四組的兩篇文章五個問題,共有十篇文章、二十個問題。總計閱讀測驗的部份,大約是十五至十七篇文章、四十八道題目。在七十五分鐘之內,要答完句子填空四十題、短文克漏字十二題(三或四篇文章),再加上單、雙篇閱讀,這「份量」對欠缺閱讀經驗的考生,未免太沉重了!然而,如何減輕這沉重的負擔呢?那得靠養成不斷地閱讀的習慣才行!! [3 H/ c+ n. f# c/ ~! U3 l$ N
  國人的英語學習,多半只重逐字逐句的文法解析和翻譯,傾向死氣沉沉而被動的閱讀方式——就是要有老師講解一句,才懂一句。這樣就算完全看懂了,充其量也只是sophomore(半瓶醋、半壺水)。殊不知閱讀的樂趣可以從主動的閱讀中獲得,進而增進我們的理解力——就是讓文章、書本直接引領我們!0 i9 T" U" U$ [: H
- b4 X5 g- E, t* U4 F! A  一般閱讀文章可分成五類,即Question-Answer Pattern(問答型)、Opinion-Reason Pattern(意見理由型)、Substantiated Facts Pattern (證實事實型)、Sharing Experience Pattern(分享經驗型)、Imparting Information(告知資訊型)。筆者一一說明如下:7 r. ]2 {6 q/ D) ^6 R  @
  ? 問答型(Question-Answer Pattern)  此類文章通常在標題或第一段開始,作者便擺明了所要討論的問題,敘述問題癥結所在。接著,便自問自答,討論解決之道,或只說明問題發生的原因、現象,讓讀者去思考解決的方法。例如底下這篇短文——
* T. H, s1 M& ^+ _) a5 b/ D4 {  Which is more valuable? To provide a $100,000 heart transplant for an ailing child of indigent parents? Or to use that money for prenatal care that may enhance the life expectancy of fetuses being carried by 120 expectant mothers? Surely the leader of the democratic capitalist world can afford both. Yet a growing number of health experts argue that the most developed countries, in fact, no longer has the financial resources to provide unlimited medical treatment for all those who need it. The only solution, they say, is rationing health care.. b) q8 G5 x6 X0 H5 \1 t
  哪一種較有價值?為貧窮父母的生病小孩,提供十萬美元的心臟移植手術?或者,把同樣的金錢花在產前照顧,而可能提高一百二十位孕婦對胎兒生命的期待?當然,民主的資本主義世界的領導者,有能力負擔以上這兩者。但是,愈來愈多的醫療保健專家認為:事實上,大多數已開發國家不再有財力,提供給所有需要的人無限制的醫療照顧。他們表示,唯一的解決之道,就是定額分配的醫療保健。  valuable  a. 有價值的,有用的
9 }- x4 B- l' m4 A+ g& _' y; \+ w  transplant  n. 移植* s1 u& l- ^' @6 u" x
  ailing  a. 生病的4 P! Z% ^# b0 Y) Z/ p  x& \( q" J3 }; U
  indigent  a. 貧窮的
& Z" R- Y0 a! Y7 |. X+ O  prenatal  a. 產前的
2 w. ?: o5 W+ _/ w0 I8 n  expectancy  n. 期待,期望
7 z7 V9 h  |& H  fetus = foetus  n. 胎兒9 p1 y- ~% d5 o4 B( v
  expectant  a. 即將生孩子的
+ }& ^! _: ~. }5 j* d2 F7 B  capitalist  n. 資本家5 r- y7 q- w- v+ q* x# t% M
  afford  v. 能堪,提供,付得起! m0 @" ~/ n/ x/ O* U7 j
  unlimited  a. 無限制的
: w# O. H( |+ U; K* s+ o3 [; J  treatment  n. 治療,待遇0 d; D5 I% Z0 q( ^/ M3 V2 @
  solution  n. 解決(方法)& G8 A1 u# ]0 v' h; U6 O: |
  rationing  a. 定量分配的
3 A( p# M- n1 D7 V; P. A+ W  Which is more valuable ~ expectant mother? 便是作者點出的問題。至於解決之道,則作者提出專家們的意見:rationing health care。
/ d! t; I$ W4 ^( H: p, y! [6 f  關於健康保險的醫療制度,一向是各國政府芒刺在背的棘手問題;是該站在人道的立場考量呢?還是顧慮健保照護的合理性、公平性?這是值得看完以上這篇短文的讀者們深思的一個問題。若看完後,不加思索,則只能增加我們的資訊,卻不能增進理解力。即使是閱讀八卦新聞(gossip news),也該作一番思考才對。6 @% v1 f( L; ^, r9 B6 m) n
  ? 意見理由型(Opinion-Reason Pattern)
% T  w. Z# n- Y& p  Z. [  1998年,美國總統Bill Clinton和白宮女實習生Monica Lewinsky「轟動武林、驚動萬教」的性醜聞(sex scandal)曝光之後,在司法調查和共和黨提出的彈劾案下,Clinton雖然「滿面豆花」,卻也驚險過關,未被定罪,這是史上有名的Zippergate(拉鍊門醜聞)。此一事件中,Clinton總統以一場簡短而令人動容的電視演說,為這件不光彩而煽情的醜聞,劃下了休止符。且讓我們欣賞一下這篇精彩的演說詞--
/ R2 V- G3 h( {1 g7 k  Clinton’s Speech to American Public. B8 e- Q: N5 S7 g' ^0 V
  “Good evening. This afternoon in this room, from this chair, I testified before the Office of Independent Counsel and the grand jury.+ g* u" ?" ~# Z+ a( U
  testify  v. 作證,證實
: J0 |4 g+ @& m; K# t7 b/ @  Independent Counsel   (美)獨立檢察官+ {9 v" p3 h- H; D9 `
  grand jury   大陪審團: V8 t! y8 c' L' k
  “I answered their questions truthfully, including questions about my private life, questions no American citizen would ever want to answer.
6 P' k- Q# q7 B' j# e
( V- D, |2 U% m* c% L, d4 P$ v  “Still, I must take complete responsibility for all my actions, both public and private. And that is why I am speaking to you tonight.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  [筆者按]美國人最忌諱去探人隱私(personal privacy),Clinton則表示願意回答有關私生活的問題,且又肯負責。您看!多麼坦蕩蕩、多麼偉大!
8 h/ z1 Y) O- D/ h! R  “As you know, in a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information.5 W" W3 z0 f: v2 U7 V6 \
  “Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.
: i0 t! v) I/ G0 V. Y  deposition  n. 證詞,宣誓作證- m* y3 U6 t7 [: z- [3 D. t0 _
  volunteer  v. 主動提供(資訊)3 y, _! C% u" J7 K) V, M( _, p
  critical  a. 非常重要的,吹毛求疵的7 S4 u* G& r, R6 S
  lapse  n. 過失,疏忽,行為失檢
- s. O9 ^3 n6 U' Y+ q$ I" r  failure  n. 失敗
+ ?$ [  j: s. G' o) ?  [筆者按]這段話的意思:我只是沒有主動提供檢察官資料而已,在法律上,我還是站得住腳的。我和Lewinsky的關係,可說是「不恰當」(有什麼大不了的!)嘿,不對,不對!只是觀念上有嚴重過失,是我個人的失敗啦!
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