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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读常考词汇收集8

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  jolt——To disturb suddenly and severely; stun震惊=shock Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow.震惊' u. g. F. j6 ^7 W! M, N5 e
  myth——A fictitious story, person, or thing传说=legend An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical传说
2 y/ g1 j( K/ h/ _6 o& I! B  noxious——Harmful to living things; injurious to health有害的=harmful
2 |& S7 C# G* b- \* U  narrate——To give an account or a description叙述或描绘=recount To narrate the facts or particulars of详细叙述
- H1 `& S6 ]9 X  over taxed——税收过高的=heavily burdened负担沉重的
1 c' }& d+ x8 R4 d  e$ v& ^  outbreak——A sudden increase突然发生=beginning The act or process of bringing or being broughtsintosbeing; a start开端! m% p8 g8 H. w0 g; Q' B& g" T( Y
  originate——To comesintosbeing; start出现;开始=initial, genesis, pioneer To bringsintosbeing; create创造=invent,# F7 Y5 T% n# E! Z3 L  Q
  puncture—— To pierce with a pointed object刺用带尖的物体穿透=pierce
9 t* u; E3 E" i  quaint—— Odd, especially in an old-fashioned way离奇的=odd, bizarre Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd古怪的
7 S, K! W' I  v; N; F( Q3 `  protrude—— To jut out; project突出;伸出=project To extend forward or out; jut out突出
  |* `$ \1 x. C) k1 O. @$ O  prospect—— Something expected; a possibility期待被期望的某物;可能性=possibility
2 u2 L$ N, a1 l/ _3 i1 ?9 G  prosperity—— The condition of being prosperous繁荣=wealth The state of being rich; affluence富裕" i& G6 ]8 }; I
  proponent—— One who argues in support of something; an advocate倡导者=supporter7 g1 J! {, k0 q7 x' _9 g/ C; B
  property—— A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor特性=characteristic,$ B7 L9 _6 N6 u- b' Q, O( ?2 ]
  A piece of real estate地产;不动产=estate: _' Q! ]9 E5 U/ w: y
  proper—— Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting恰当的=suitable, correctly/ p& S  J) W1 b% L* h5 Z
  promising—— Likely to develop in a desirable manner有前途的;有希望的=likely Apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome; promising有希望的
; }0 f$ n5 p/ s- \* c  prominent—— Widely known; eminent著名的=distinguished Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent卓越的7 k+ D9 v8 ^; ?5 O
  proliferation—— To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring增生,增殖=multiply To breed or propagate繁殖或增殖
# m/ F: k9 ?; M( S7 y. D  prevail—— To be in force, use, or effect; be current正在用的,有影响的;现行的=dominate& R- i1 H2 K0 F' x2 _( T: p
  prevailing—— Most frequent or common; predominant普遍的;有优势的=most frequent% x" A( |: J* ?7 X7 p
  primal—— Of first importance; primary最重要的;主要的=key, principal First, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree; chief重要的,首要的2 j4 v3 Y6 c5 F# F: Q& e+ [$ e
  primarily—— Of first importance; primary最重要的;主要的=mainly For the most part; chiefly.大部分地;主要地* H) `' a* Q+ C8 }/ k
  prehistoric—— Of, relating to, or belonging to the era before recorded history史前的=ancient
8 k' I: p- M0 s  n4 j/ [" B" N8 X) Q  preservative—— Something used to preserve, especially a chemical added to foods to inhibit spoilage防腐剂=maintain To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain保持. |6 S$ s3 n+ @6 K2 _% v
  preside over——管理,主管=manage

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