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[阅读辅导] 商业托福阅读:星球大战第八章(7)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Nonetheless, he turned to them and insinuated himself into their conversation.; }1 I. t: Z8 t2 B
  "The defense systems on Alderaan, despite the Senator’s protestations to the contrary, were as strong as any in the Empire. I should conclude that our demonstration was as impressive as it was thorough." Tarkin turned to him, nodding. "The Senate is being informed of our action at this very moment. Soon we will be able to announce the extermination of the Alliance itself, as soon as we have dealt with their main military base. Now that their main source of munitions, Alderaan, has been eliminated, the rest of those systems with secessionist inclinations will fall in line quickly enough, you’ll see." Tarkin turned as an Imperial officer entered the chamber. "Yes, what is it, Cass?" The unlucky officer wore the expression of the mouse chosen to bell the cat.
5 f/ m+ F* F7 `  "Governor, the advance scouts have reached and circumnavigated Dantooine. They have found the remains of a rebel base…, which they estimate has been deserted for some time. Years, possibly. They are proceeding with an extensive survey of the remainder of the system." Tarkin turned apoplectic, his face darkening to a fine pomegranate fury. "She lied! She lied to us!" No one could see, but it seemed that Vader must have smiled behind his mask.
' Q+ G9 P* K  b6 R  "Then we are even in the first exchange of ’truths.’ I told you she would never betray the rebellion—unless she thought her confession could somehow destroy us in the process." "Terminate her immediately!" The Governor was barely able to form words.* O1 a8 ~3 @7 w8 e! w, [; W! \
  "Calm yourself, Tarkin," Vader advised him. "You would throw away our only link to the real rebel base so casually? She can still be of value to us." "Fagh! You just said it yourself, Vader: we’ll get nothing more out of her. I’ll find that hidden fortress if I have to destroy every star system in this sector. I’ll—" a quiet yet demanding beep interrupted him. "Yes, what is it?" he inquired irritably.
0 m3 |: D. U1 h4 {; X; v  A voice reported over an unseen speaker. "Sirs, we’ve captured a small freighter that was entering the remains of Alderaan. A standard check indicates that its markings apparently match that of the ship which blasted its way out of the quarantine at Mos Eisley, Tatooine system, and went hyper before the Imperial blockade craft there could close on it." Tarkin looked puzzled. "Mos Eisley? Tatooine? What is this? What’s this all about, Vader?" "It means, Tarkin, that the last of our unresolved difficulties is about to be eliminated. Someone apparently received the missing data tapes, learned who transcribed them, and was trying to return them to her. We may be able to facilitate their meeting with the Senator."

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