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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读辅导:RecruitingTalentProfessionals

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Challenge: Recruiting individuals who can compete effectively in today's global environment
. c/ T' d2 Q! C; l0 [  As companies become increasingly global, there is a growing need for a common language in which to conduct business. Today, that common language is English. Organizations find that a minimum level of English is required to communicate with clients and colleagues around the world. Many companies therefore want to hire and train only those individuals who possess a certain degree of English language proficiency.
. O/ ^/ l1 H' {, V' z2 S  Solution:
$ Q: X. O- Y3 |  H/ a! b7 B  Packard Bell in France requires their staff to be able to conduct business with associates all over the world. One of their requirements for job applicants is that they achieve a certain level of English needed for a particular position. This requirement is met by associating specific TOEIC scores with certain jobs. For example, a Quality Technician needs a TOEIC score of 650 and a Buyer must have a TOEIC score of 850.
1 P# W: J$ w" s0 W2 O3 D4 y) y; K  Kenwood Electronics Technologies, located in Malaysia, requires all new hires to provide a baseline assessment of their English ability. TOEIC scores identify the training needs and provide a clear path for employees seeking to improve their English skills. At Kenwood, there is a strong relationship between English proficiency and job advancement within the organization and this is a motivator to employees. Kenwood recently relocated their R&D division from Japan to Malaysia, where the common language is English. Therefore it is now imperative that all employees have and maintain certain levels of English.
# B' w/ h( A4 r1 Q5 O0 H  Result:' s  [0 @3 L; t9 o7 Q" _/ H: Q
  These companies were able to streamline their business practices and save money in the hiring process by using the TOEIC test. By ensuring that newly hired employees possess a sufficient level of English proficiency to do the job, costly mistakes, miscommunication, and poor job performance are avoided.

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