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[阅读辅导] 商业托福阅读近意词(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  for instance=for example
& c* T7 T# v" l8 D  e' f6 g6 D3 Z  fast (go without food) (not sure !!!, donot affect you adversely)
* `, T, ]: D$ Q1 D# d, l& y  forage==feed
, w+ T0 l& t& S! a  finding
/ o% u% E& B. e  flourishing——thriving
' _2 Z* t3 i% Z) o1 O2 M3 K, m  fragment——break up1 L# l% V' P1 F- ^
  Gap (笔试:gap 缺口 , 裂口 = opening)
8 h4 U8 I8 ^2 W* {  Generate 产生, 发生+ s1 X1 Q% M% {% t& S1 \
  Given = particular
7 R0 }; u. W6 o) p& B  gap7 w! f7 _* \2 @9 S* a" ^
  hence =therefore
3 M1 g( l7 S: p( r8 H  harsh =drastic
! q- v2 l+ g" x  hazard=danger  ?4 b. R, b2 V% R0 l
  haul (拖拉, 拖运 )= pull0 G) W' V! X& Z. h3 I7 G$ C6 C
  Heightening (提高,升高) = increasing6 [; H! Y4 o: ?, \) K, x3 k# I, D
  hider = interfere ???? (笔试:hide = conceal)
# i: v, y% u: c9 g- U  highlight /layer==inner ?????
3 U# h1 j' T) V  Hub 中心=center# `% Z# s; f& P& m
  Hydroelectric (adj.水力 发电的 ). d# X" W: P  X+ y1 |" |  D% s( q
  highlight/layer——inner# z: J1 W$ i. l8 s2 m7 x- @
' ^8 j0 S' k$ T+ J5 F9 @+ w( {( w  heightening——increasing
- o9 \9 r9 n1 D4 b2 x( V; x9 m; Y  host——great number- w; o, q- l$ D7 J; R/ z' l( X
- H. W1 e3 N8 {) T; v- ^  tailors, butchers and a (host) of trades began to ……0 S6 K9 S2 L, j. Q. U( e; g
# Q3 s5 @. x0 r3 f: p  hollow n.洞, 窟窿, 山谷 adj.空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的, 凹的 adv.彻底vi.形成空洞 vt.挖空, 弄凹4 h+ j& l+ e5 D9 ~0 f, g$ b! N) g
  hamper——make difficulty
( s  _" G, {1 C$ T  heed——notice
; u, I. e' Q- P* m6 \  hold —— propose& O/ ?3 _4 E" m8 g& [
  hold——keep up
# q7 \0 y" ?1 ]5 r5 @- t. z$ k3 L5 E  heighten——increase6 r' C( A4 H5 B: e9 P0 R3 N5 p
  “indigenous”——native (in the context),( h7 e4 Y( w& q- R* e
  incorporable = included# N4 s  s8 {/ y3 d$ q& ~
  immediately = closest( 说类人猿是人类最近的进化祖先)
1 C$ Z7 ]+ l9 C/ t, b( O  In and of themselves (not sure) = alone% i& U. g' C4 o( c$ l$ f
  Incorporable= Included (Incorporable adj.可结合的, 可包含的 )
( }4 S& _: g( f  W" }  indemention+ o4 s4 O8 |) f! ~; K1 x6 d
  Initiate =begin;# c2 I# G" q7 x4 u
  Instant = moment (adj. N. 片刻,瞬间)/ y' A+ M; U! r/ E0 V9 g8 T/ \
  Invariably = always
8 p- i5 T/ l* d  initiate =begin;
4 A& R% n3 z; v$ L/ G( u3 }. X0 }, x  in spite of that : HOWEVER( V0 K) W* Q/ J  a
  immediately: closest( 说类人猿是人类最近的进化祖先)
; J0 H. X  f2 F& R: q3 ~. [  Indemention Ingemination indemnification7 p6 t6 n- _9 X
  In quantity——in a large amount of
0 Z5 C9 B1 O& M7 ~1 c; _  inauspicious——unfavorable
6 V( G2 F; a/ P  intimidating 威吓, 胁迫1 o4 Q" a7 p: K8 W! Q) N
  incidental——minor point
& K# M: ~- }) T4 W  incoherently 无条理的. q- m1 o7 T0 k/ V# d
  incorporate——include5 J4 z. `$ J3 G+ X+ N
  illusion n.幻想
9 @: C; H- k& p: ?  immense adj.极广大的, 无边的, 非常好的
" u5 U# u) Y) n2 z, l5 `  ingenuity n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性
2 _7 a+ {7 _- ?8 Z, {+ m9 x  ingenuity—— resourcefulness, G  N+ `( w3 Y2 o9 f; }1 S
  ingenious adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能
$ w7 O) O. K0 k9 v: ]' Q3 c  inhibit ——hindered inhibit( g# [, Q  d) [' F0 c; b2 R
  invade —— move into' _- l: @! Q7 L
  invaluable——highly useful
( B, W* k1 Z9 v; t# P& T  jeopardy=threaten# X$ k7 W3 V+ O
  Judge (判断,评价) = estimate( h" e# Z) I( r- h3 g( O* l
  jolting ——shocking! n6 h& K: _! C& b& a- c& @
# I" @3 D+ S; o% b* `  O4 M1 W  landscape=scenery6 U- Q) e$ S4 m' |; N7 g
  luxuriant=thriving( 答案还有moist), f+ ?% [* W" v( j
  launch = start
, ~( g+ I( b6 S, Y2 j; P4 v  lack——without( h: h7 }) v* d9 ?

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