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[阅读辅导] 商业托福阅读近意词(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ e9 K/ t2 O( `& F- j% R# h  game——>animals teemed with——>were full of( A0 E: j  I) ~. ~, b+ l- I
  pronounced——>strong fragment——>break up4 R# u4 v- c7 a
  establishment——>formation consequently——>therefore
7 {! V  m9 h. v+ v, Z  heighten——>increase previously——>before era——>period
8 c( B, w& N* n9 l  driven——>pushed poses——>presents
# D+ h. z& P9 S$ Y  variability——>tendency to change' I' d7 @( n7 ?$ V( o; q& J0 R
  substantially——>significantly monitored——>observed
; U, n) i2 v! u% y- x8 B  capable of using——>able to use shift——>change
+ [6 H8 S0 Q2 ?1 V5 f  forsook——>left4 A* k5 \$ N, w6 i2 R
  signature——>identifying characteristics8 ~1 h5 Z+ n* g" r2 P* l/ A! r
3 W" c8 f3 P% Q% e# v  orientation——>arrangement terrain——>ground delineate——>outline0 j/ V- ~, }! i/ w' {
  prescribing——>assigning promotes——>contributes to
& y$ ~& R. Z& A$ X* I  indicators——>signs obviously——>clearly components——>elements1 e, l2 U2 V' b! s$ B7 L
  common——>shared broad——>general overlapping——>sharing characteristics
% n+ ]; J8 ?7 T+ g  compelled——>forced stumbled upon——>accidental adapted——>modified" [5 b% L0 B" t/ {8 n
  tedious——>tiresome facilitating——>easing freezing——>halting# Z% U# }& f6 _
  contexts——>settings accommodate——>allow for pounding——>hitting
9 {1 U5 ?5 J0 J: d* g  conspicuous——>noticeable assess——>evaluate
" c% O  Q2 l5 i3 o  toxin——>poison diverge——>move apart depicted——>presented
1 `5 L, w: V, r" R5 t9 p) s  precision——>accuracy obvious——>clear feed——>satisfy5 ~6 s8 e% V9 ]4 ?' p, E
  sources——>supplies means——>methods flourishing——>thriving6 Z# v9 q% k, Q) \) G& |
  univerisally——>without exception anxious——>eager
  X# w7 {3 y2 {. l  at bay——>under control soaked up——>absorded split——>divided! e' n7 V( W7 \& P3 J0 A
  scorching——>exceedingly hot attributed——>credited
* R* T" y0 G+ H$ M: C9 S5 l! t  successive——>subsequent stimulates——>causes scarcity——>shortage( t& w' k) F( ^9 N& N
  encourageed——>promoted vast——>great affords——>provides( u1 s& U0 \$ @* U
  remote——>far away available——>obtainable vehicle——>means* ]3 q. b( r2 e9 \' O% \' K
  in essence——>basically constitutes——>consists of
# e' I1 A) j6 w8 f- m* T% ]1 ]  gradually——>little by little diminished——>reduced
; W  T$ R/ w& x  S/ l  diversity——>variety expanses——>areas prior——>past) z& @, P7 y4 {" u& E- W! A, b: z0 ^
  acceleration——>speeding up essential——>fundamental3 N& v1 `+ a; c5 |4 f/ u
  outgroeth——>result incentive——>motive impede——>obstruct
- |* j" t: r1 d  X$ C5 i  severe——>large convert——>transform magnitude——>extent
" T$ T# @( p; R) }/ |) }, E6 n  C  beneficial——>advantageous envisioned——>conceived of
8 s! a3 }; Y* q6 ?7 [$ E9 ?  scan——>examine orbiting——>revoling power——>strength7 B0 Y! V% W7 ~* q5 n3 v
  cases——>situations exhibit——>show unusual——>uncommon
9 \# ?' B3 R; T  A' n  thus——>consequently constant——>continued sequence——>succession6 u4 j! P8 {$ W2 x
  attain——>reach on the other hand——>however solitary——>lone/ G: H+ P7 y* [) e" B# b: A. Y8 b
  rotates——>turns allocates——>designates spoken for——>claimed
+ f, c, {  k$ X2 q  v  status——>position in its own right——>independent
+ W2 Y5 x2 t$ u0 h$ G. U  conceiving——>imagining support——>sustain alternative——>option
. [2 U! o; Y, b0 [: L  sequence——>order periodic——>regular elsewhere——>in other places
6 ]5 |& [+ Y% A* J6 D9 e  hampering——>restricting accelerated——>speeded up2 K6 j( h; y( R1 Q9 p7 [
  subjected to——>placed under adjacent——>nearby account for——>explains# @- o; ?, F7 j( @
  roughly——>approximately puzzle——>question convert——>transform* e0 W  ?, ~1 }3 {
  spend——>use practical——>realistic critical——>important6 H; o) `  z4 V) {# z0 n& v# v
  tracing——>following vital——>important components——>parts9 i+ K0 t5 n8 z# M& e
  occasionally——>sometimes aquatic——>marine apparently——>seemingly
+ [. G; X1 Y4 k  conveys——>communicatates reacting——>responding repel——>ward off
$ u6 s2 H6 M6 ^' ^3 Y% O  waves——>groups rocked——>moved capital——>money prevailing——>dominant' a& j2 g) d/ S
  laden——>filled split——>divided anticipated——>expected
$ a& N! q: b8 s9 W8 S4 y  liabilities——>limitations compelling——>powerful nature——>quality
/ `1 L9 r$ G7 N' F  reinforced——>strengthened discovers——>learns result——>consequence3 t# T, r; M: W  J
  dislodge——>remove tasks——>responsibilities forage for——>hunt for2 A" A/ _3 \; g. _; a7 s7 a+ ^
1 V6 q6 ~# x" r( ~2 }7 \
  dissemination——>spread advocating——>recommending

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  little more than——>simply mere——>insignificant flavor——>essence
, v  M5 p! Q5 R: `  dispersal——>distribution segment——>part complex——>elaborate% S" b* \+ m# [9 D
  proposed——>hypothesized variation——>change subsequently——>afterward
( h7 q$ z; w0 F  inquiring——>curious alternative——>different reproduce——>copy
3 T5 w3 e6 `5 |. M  adorn——>decorate suggests——>indicates refined——>perfected
# |) S; z( q( |  T0 v# N& M3 u  pinnacle——>high point recurred——>reappeared" \6 y& c- b" j3 _
  rather——>instead at least——>at the minimum accompany——>join
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