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[阅读辅导] 托业考试备考辅导资料精选阅读文章06

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  California's Christmas List: Clean Air3 J& h$ t' S: f' z5 b2 X
1 B7 s! x" \) a* x  葡萄园和柑橘林星罗棋布的加州富饶农业区,似乎应该跟“美国空气污染最严重的地区”很难联系到一起。然而被山谷包围的阿尔文是城市污染物的最终到达地,甚至远在旧金山湾地区的污染物,也会到达这里。患有哮喘的居民为此苦不堪言,许多人抱怨说空气中弥漫着一种有毒气体的味道。5 ]3 l$ y1 f; {1 f) r; s8 u
  空气污染导致当地居民很多都有搬出该地区的打算,并且其中一些人已经在这样做了。( j' }% U, B$ q" }
  【Section One】Article
4 b6 G. m, k1 M  California's Christmas List: Clean Air
( }+ @9 w# r/ d* T  American environmental policy often doesn't start in Washington — it starts in Sacramento. California has been at the forefront of anti-pollution legislation since the days of the Clean Air Act, which was passed in part because auto-induced smog(n.烟雾) was rendering(n.翻译, 表现, 描写, 透视图, 粉刷, 表演, 打底, 复制图) southern California unlivable. The Clean Air Act actually allows California to set its own, stricter vehicle emissions(n.(光、热等的)散发, 发射, 喷射) standards — rather than deferring to Washington — and then allows other states to choose to follow Sacramento's lead. Following in that tradition, in 2005 California passed a law that would tighten greenhouse gas emissions([采矿]瓦斯泄出) from vehicles, starting with 2009 models, eventually leading to a 30% reduction in overall global warming emissions by model year 2016. Sixteen other states, both red and blue, have moved to adopt California's standards since, but to implement the legislation, Sacramento needed a routine waiver(n.[律]自动放弃, 放弃, 弃权, 弃权证书) from the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
" D7 p7 P  O2 E% K& o' B  It should have been simple — such a waiver has been granted to the nation's most populous state more than 50 times in the past. But for nearly two years, the EPA has delayed making a decision. The federal agency says it needs more time to make the right call; its critics claim the Bush Administration is playing politics. Finally today California ran out of patience, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and state Attorney General Jerry Brown announced from the steps of the state Capitol that they would sue the EPA, demanding immediate action on the waiver. "California is ready to implement the nation's cleanest standards for vehicle emissions, but we cannot do that until the federal government grants us a waiver," said Schwarzenegger. If the EPA refuses to move, he'd be back. "We sue(vt.控告, 向...请求, 请愿vi.提出诉讼, 提出请求) again, and sue again, and sue again, until we get it."
( ^0 L0 R: h3 m* w1 H# D% ]) B" B  Fourteen other states joined California in the lawsuit(n.诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)), including New Jersey and Washington, and it seems to be on solid ground. Though the White House had initially taken the position that the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide was not a pollutant and therefore not covered by the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Supreme Court eviscerated(vt.取出内脏, 除去精华, 除去主要部分vi.凸出) that argument in a case taken against the EPA by Massachusetts back in April. That the EPA still hasn't ruled on California's waiver shows that "the administration is just trying to run out the clock on global warming," said Philip Clapp, president of the National Environmental Trust.# e, b0 p7 u9 V4 t; I

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