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[阅读辅导] 备考商业托福阅读素材整理31

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Another explosion rocked the Rebel hangar deck, cracking the ceiling and almost burying the docked Millennium Falcon in a mound of ice. At any moment the entire ceiling might cave in. the only safe place in the hangar seemed to be underneath the ship itself where Chewbacca was impatiently awaiting the return of his captain. The Wookiee had begun to worry. If Han did not return soon, the Falcon would surely be buried in a tomb of ice. But loyalty to his partner kept Chewie from taking off in the freighter alone. 0 u6 ]; d; M9 x
  " ^/ f- F: p! D8 W/ J
  As the hangar started to tremble more violently, Chewbacca detected movement in the adjoining chamber. Throwing back his head, the shaggy giant filled the hangar with his loudest roar as he saw Han Solo climb over hills of ice and snow and enter the chamber, followed closely by Princess Leia and an obviously nervous See-Threepio.
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  Not far from the hangar, Imperial stormtroopers, their faces shielded by white helmets and white snowscreens, had begun moving down deserted corridors. With them strode their leader, the dark-robed figure who surveyed the shambles that had been the Rebel base at Hoth. Darth Vader’s black image stood out starkly against the white walls, ceiling, and floor. As he moved through the white catacombs, he regally stepped aside to avoid a falling section of ice ceiling. Then he continued on his way with such quick strides that his troops had to hurry to keep up.
9 _  i; J8 a& v3 b* [  I* A9 g  
! N4 W3 t8 o) L. G: _& q  r  A low whine, rising in pitch, began to issue from the saucer-shaped freighter. 4 W* }; G" I5 |6 e8 u- V+ }
) t. U1 t6 e* r: e1 @* b  i  Han Solo stood at the controls in the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit, at last feeling at home. He quickly flipped one switch after another, expecting to see the board flash its familiar mosaic of light; but only some of the lights were working. # z! n3 f( G6 i- s6 b
  8 ^% h+ L- p8 s- l4 B% w- ]& X
  Chewbacca had also noticed something amiss and barked with concern as Leia examined a gauge that seemed to be malfunctioning. % `2 F  L7 y# D  t1 O6 t
  2 k/ [, \8 B% n+ `3 P1 |  W
  "How’s that, Chewie?" asked Han anxiously.
. X3 K7 W0 P9 L: A( ]% f, x  * M# i4 p2 W, Y  n$ a
  The Wookiee’s bark was distinctly negative.
7 B0 t+ x- k- ^) K  6 a7 q' F  p9 c+ s% d) w
  "Would it help if I got out and pushed?" snapped Princess Leia, who was beginning to wonder if it were the Corellian’s spit that held the ship together.
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5 U1 ~* d) h$ g! @& x3 Q. |  "Don’t worry, Your Holiness. I’ll get it started." See-Threepio clanked into the hold and, gesturing, tried to get Han’s attention. # E$ `$ U$ e) u5 N5 V! @
  & C6 {' t& S0 [2 o9 {2 J6 V
  "Sir," the robot volunteered, "I was wondering if I might—" But his scanners read the scowl on the face staring at him. "It can wait," he concluded.

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