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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第二章(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Metal and stone structures bleached white by the glaze of twin Tatoo I and II huddled together tightly, for company as much as for protection. They formed the nexus of the widespread farming community of Anchorhead.
% q1 N+ F7 s0 ?) o$ p0 i  Presently the dusty, unpaved streets were quiet, deserted. Sandflies buzzed lazily in the cracked eaves of pourstone building. A dog barked in the distance, the sole sign of habitation until a lone old woman appeared and started across the street.
* C' ?/ e% m6 ]/ r  Her metallic sun shawl was pulled tight around her. Something made her look up, tired eyes squinting into the distance. The sound suddenly leaped in volume as a shining rectangular shape came roaring around a far corner. Her eyes popped as the vehicle bore down on her, showing no sign of altering its path. She had to scramble to get out of its way. 4 q; P  I3 [9 C! a4 C
  Panting and waving an angry fist after the landspeeder, she raised her voice over the sound of its passage. "Won’t you kids ever learn to slow down!"
7 b, ?# M  X# r! I8 P  Luke might have seen her, but he certainly didn’t hear her. In both cases his attention was focused elsewhere as he pulled up behind a low, long concrete station.
6 _8 W5 Y& A' W6 c+ L  iVarious coils and rods jutted from its top and sides. Tatooine’s relentless sand waves broke in frozen yellow spume against the station’s walls. No one had bothered to clear them away. There was no point. They would only return again the following day.
+ H2 B. K7 }  g) {  Luke slammed the front door aside and shouted, "Hey!"A rugged young man in mechanic’s dress sat sprawled in a chair behind the station’s unkempt control desk. Sunscreen oil had kept his skin from burning. The skin of the girl on his lap had been equally protected, and there was a great deal more of the protected area in view. Somehow even dried sweat looked good on her."Hey, everybody!" Luke yelled again, having elicited something less than an overwhelming response with his first cry. He ran toward the instrument room at the rear of the station while the mechanic, half asleep, ran a hand across his face and mumbled, "Did I hear a young noise blast through here?" % N. S5 m8 R1 G' {
  The girl on his lap stretched sensuously, her well-worn clothing tugging in various intriguing directions. Her voice was casually throaty. "Oh," she yawned,"that was just Wormie on one of his rampages."Deak and Windy looked up from the computer-assisted pool game as Luke burst into the room. They were dressed much like Luke, although their clothing was of better fit and somewhat less exercised.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第二章(2)

  All three youths contrasted strikingly with the burly handsome player at the far side of the table. From neatly clipped hair to his precision-cut uniform he stood out in the room like an Oriental poppy in a sea of oats. Behind the three humans a soft hum came from where a repair robot was working patiently on a broken piece of station equipment."Shape it up, you guys," Luke yelled excitedly. Then he noticed the older man in the uniform. The subject of his suddenly startled gaze recognized him simultaneously."Biggs!"The man’s face twisted in a half grin. "Hello, Luke." Then they were embracing each other warmly.Luke finally stood away, openly admiring the other’s uniform. "I didn’t knowyou were back. When did you get in?"
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:24 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第二章(2)

  Luke already had his macrobinoculars out and was searching the heavens. It took only a moment for him to fix on a particular spot. "I told you," he insisted."There they are."Biggs moved alongside him and reached for the binoculars as the other strained unaided eyes. A slight readjustment provided just enough magnification for Biggs to out two silvery specks against the dark blue."That’s no battle, hotshot," he decided, lowering the binocs and regarding his friend gently. "They’re just sitting there. Two ships, all right—probably a bargeloading a freighter, since Tatooine hasn’t got an orbital station." en.Examw.CoM
+ e( C; s, o7 D0 l/ P& `  "There was a lot of firing—earlier," Luke added. His initial enthusiasm was beginning to falter under the withering assurance of his older friend. ' v- m  D0 v* i7 h6 g2 p
  Camie grabbed the binoculars away from Biggs, banging them slightly against a support pillar in the process. Luke took them away from her quickly, inspecting the casing for damage. "Take it easy with those."Don’t worry so much, Wormie." She sneered. Luke took a step toward her,then halted as the huskier mechanic easily interposed himself between them and favored Luke with a warning smile. Luke considered, shrugged the incident away."I keep telling you, Luke," the mechanic said, with the air of a man tired of repeating the same story to no avail, "the rebellion is a long way from here. I doubt if the Empire would fight to keep this system. Believe me, Tatooine is a big hunk of nothing." ; b8 p# _8 J2 I: L9 _5 t
  His audience began to fade back into the station before Luke could mutter a reply.Fixer had his arm around Camie, and the two of them were chuckling over Luke’s ineptitude. Even Deak and Windy were murmuring among themselves—about him,Luke was certain.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:25 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第二章(2)

  When she deliberately slowed her pace, however, it became apparent that her captors did not mind mistreating her a little. One of the armored figures shoved her brutally in the small of the back, and she nearly fell. Turning, she gave the offending soldier a vicious look. But she could not tell if it had any effect, since the man’s face was completely hidden by his armored helmet. . D! W" {' g* y4 w
  The hallway they eventually emerged into was still smoking around the edges of the smoldering cavity blasted through the hull of the fighter. A portable accessway had been sealed to it and a circlet of light showed at the far end of the tunnel, bridging space between the rebel craft and the cruiser. A shadow moved over her as she turned from inspecting the accessway, startling her despite her usually unshakable self-control.
& }' B# @. K9 z! m2 ~! n$ a  Above her toward the threatening bulk of Darth Vader, red eyes glaring behind the hideous breath mask. A muscle twitched in one smooth cheek, but other than that the girl didn’t react. Nor was there the slightest shake in her voice. ) ^2 M2 w* ?; y+ |8 v
  "Darth Vader…I should have known. Only you would be so bold—and so stupid. Well, the Imperial Senate will not sit still for this. When they hear that you have attacked a diplomatic miss—"Senator Leia Organa," Vader rumbled softly, though strongly enough to override her protests. His pleasure at finding her was evident in the way he savored every syllable.
. T: u* H8 R( A& |# e  "Don’t play games with me, Your Highness," he continued ominously. "You aren’t on any mercy mission this time. You passed directly through a restricted
( @& w: O5 b  I1 c( O, N, l5 x8 Q4 Xsystem, ignoring numerous warnings and completely disregarding orders to turn about—until it no longer mattered."
! p, k% z" _* I6 P, B  ^$ L  The huge metal skull dipped close. "I know that several transmissions were beamed to this vessel by spies within that system. When we traced those transmissions back to the individuals with whom they originated; they had the poor grace to kill themselves before they could be questioned. I want to know what happened to the data they sent you."
& {$ n' p4 y6 K9 j  Neither Vader’s words nor his inimical presence appeared to have any effect on the girl. "I don’t know what you’re blathering about," she snapped, looking away from him. "I’m a member of the Senate on a diplomatic mission to—"To your part of the rebel alliance," Vader declared, cutting her off accusingly."You’re also a traitor." His gaze went to a nearby officer. "Take her away."
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:26 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第二章(2)

  She succeeded in reaching him with her spit, which hissed against still-hot battle armor. He wiped the offensive matter away silently, watching her with interest as she was marched through the accessway into the cruiser.
: R+ s9 ?* z* x0 f  q  A tall, slim soldier wearing the sign of an Imperial Commander attracted Vader’s attention as he came up next to him. "Holding her is dangerous," he ventured,likewise looking after her as she was escorted toward the cruiser. "If word of this does get out, there will be much unrest in the Senate. It will generate sympathy for the rebels." The Commander looked up at the unreadable metal face, then added in an off-handed manner, "She should be destroyed immediately." 8 J: A+ L' u9 r# V! Z
"No. My first duty is to locate that hidden fortress of theirs," Vader replied easily. "All the rebel spies have been eliminated—by our hand or by their own. . O+ F7 A$ X7 k3 j/ d- S
  Therefore she is now my only key to discovering its location. I intend to make full use of her. If necessary, I will use her up—but I will learn the location of the rebel base."
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