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[词汇辅导] 商业托福词汇练习题(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  TOEIC verbal test4 _& _' S* d3 X4 {( e5 F. v$ W- i
  Vocabulary Answers: Noun Verb Vocabulary ListTest # TOEIC/W10
2 I9 ]8 y) z6 L; q* G8 r* w% v  home toeic preparation toeic quiz toeic forum toeic certification
1 A: ]( F# x. J7 y& `  n. citizenship; quality of being part of a particular nation; patriotism; national ownership (of property)
. l% |  z+ Q2 d4 a1 w7 a# N- k7 }- ~  (a)nationality5 b, y- V4 ~+ V& J% K) C( C. ^
2 C& }( J. Q6 P/ a5 q  (c)loan! z4 s) i/ e% W' q
  (d)inquiry( o3 T. f4 B% j1 E5 I2 `& r
  toeic study guide
7 J' c+ |) ]) X) w# `2 c' W- S* x6 l8 @  n. mode; fashion; style; behavior; way; type; kind0 n3 m% F3 `4 L3 v2 w. r- t: U
  (a)manner2 `9 u+ E' r! s, C9 |
) D) w, K1 ~) z5 i7 z6 T  (c)implementation6 d  d$ X$ J. c* o& v, S0 t
* W7 @& p9 i! A  n. graph; diagram4 `( Q, d: A7 w5 u- M' l9 W
4 l8 |& X+ Y0 E) `2 E7 L0 }/ U  (b)chart
7 j. M5 [" f: C) B; a. O  (c)format& {& q) j8 W4 `# Z! M4 L2 I* F
! s. `1 H& G" \; H$ P4 C  n. sovereignty; royal status or power; kingdom; domain; realm; member of a royal family; percentage of profits paid to an artist for each copy of his work that is sold. K+ e) `% s- @2 z/ |
  (a)city2 K) s( v+ ^  A
  (b)royalties' G7 E# I2 i+ U  j: f
  (c)direction; z0 ~7 H2 Z0 G7 l
7 }* V# u8 F$ \# r  n. car; vehicle; ride
/ t6 [5 _2 A6 s$ [; I9 u$ y$ E  (a)square
/ l2 ~. F+ r. ~$ F6 A, f  (b)advantage
0 F; P* W% e$ B1 K% A  (c)esteem  (d)automobile
7 ?2 _  |6 W5 \  v. to move; to circulate; to draft; to assemble for action (especially armed reserves)
- L, H5 p- P/ {1 Y: Y  (a)offer
0 r. Z! H: Q2 v$ v1 S5 \  (b)predominate
9 @9 A! ?1 R, W7 O# Y. B6 l  (c)publicize( J, u' j) w% k7 h2 w! h  w6 }

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19 | 显示全部楼层


  n. pouch used to carry objects; sac; saccule; underground deposit of oil
. i& W& Q0 d9 Q1 R( z  (a)pocket' T- d; c8 |3 N# S, v, c) C
* ?& O* s( p; J  (c)institute
& L: a$ U$ h# Z4 y+ F8 ~  (d)bound
) k4 T6 m! ^( `  n. attraction; closeness; liking; likeness9 Z8 Y  E! p1 @
5 C' V- O$ m2 m2 K' Q) A  (b)equipment
, W/ k/ W  u; m  (c)success( U1 L5 r! q$ {
' |3 z8 S" l3 i( {% A$ n" l3 v  n. caption beneath an illustration2 d6 S4 [5 E( h( W+ P6 M* B
  (a)underline( ]0 x2 g* _. U! b
  (b)undercut! y( Z' Y. ?; [, g: S" V: T
  (c)journal2 D0 S! {; e$ W9 u+ \/ E
  (d)pushy& l! j" D, P+ k
  n. cereal; seed; granule; plants producing grain; particle; small portion of; texture; weave
1 ]8 ^& C# h2 i% f" x- a  (a)ability
% N: t, Y2 W% }- B' i" Q+ k; Y! g  (b)grain" N$ ~  t* Q; @1 ~: R- U/ ~% l3 Y
  (c)employer! V# e/ p! a0 Z8 M- I1 W
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