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[词汇辅导] 商业托福词汇练习题(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  TOEIC verbal word list7 p- n0 a/ _- g
  Improving Vocabulary: English Noun Adjective Adverb VerbTest # TOEIC/W8. ?/ R& j$ W+ Q$ R8 D7 t
  home toeic preparation toeic quiz toeic forum toeic certification
% ^. |  R8 n6 U, T% v4 Q3 \  n. honor; esteem; high regard; consideration; attention/ k5 U( I0 ]6 ]* b! }% A
( J  a: f. {. N  (b)mission. r+ b1 l# M' k4 Q# R5 R- d: r: g
  (c)respect5 @" L' a- K! G& a! t0 z# F
  (d)import  toeic study guide; y% q+ z. e% A+ U7 R; [; d. a
  n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity
4 t( U8 m3 n4 P2 |  (a)condition9 d, z: O/ P& I9 w& T1 V0 `1 b
& Z! q6 W) l# x, V2 J' i  (c)compatible/ S% V, A2 V9 Y% p
: Z# y# c" G& w4 v6 t1 j  adj. nicely; thoughtfully; graciously; considerately; warm-heartedly; sympathetically; as a matter of courtesy; please; C1 b( q) `1 i( V( p' |
5 ?% d! l* ]* P2 ^# Y  (b)continuous
* V/ B* z& G* `! t  (c)kindly
) @( C# c3 @# C- J$ n. q  (d)sporadic
8 Y0 E) N; P, L+ k% m( M  O0 V  n. post that is sharpened at one end for driving into the ground; post to which a person who is sentenced to death by burning is tied; execution by burning; wager; bet; investment; share
: e" [, v8 `. K  T  (a)citizen# ?) e4 O2 U+ U" h/ K. T: w/ G% g
  (b)stake- m; {2 I, Q- h3 P5 w
& T, ~: y/ A$ c" V8 t5 }  (d)harvest
- H. d$ s9 |# {6 V  n. capability of being carried out; capability of being achieved; likelihood; probability
1 z2 o, q4 @! [% I" Q: ^  (a)idea
: O6 u9 ~" Y! C& i  (b)postage- k5 n3 C* I  l
  (c)feasibility5 w# `* i$ g* D! g: l
  (d)tour, h3 B% t* X0 m! p0 L
  adv. almost certainly; very likely; apparently; in all likelihood( G1 D0 J7 E7 N: M2 V8 X; Y! q4 f
! T7 J" L2 {8 A5 j6 l1 S3 M0 b  (b)enough; m& r! k& f: f6 r
  (c)instinctively2 D9 b9 R: N  K+ Y2 ~
  (d)probably) m4 U: {% Z+ @
  adj. composed of elastic material; made from caoutchouc" F7 e/ \8 m# D7 E0 G) \! K* I
  (a)obsolete/ X, E/ N) c" \* o& p4 ?" A# P/ @
  (b)meticulous0 T: Y' Z* R7 |* p$ I
  (c)rubber7 _3 f' _' r+ ]' @8 c) V+ D6 E3 k" B- Z5 `
3 F& \) }6 \( p3 }6 }, G  n. public; large group of people; gathering; large number of objects grouped together
/ ]. M) Z1 }* P  (a)crowd
6 s, r1 ~; A' t3 t  (b)audit. v( B4 B1 [" g! V- r5 v
  (c)litter0 m# J8 m; |2 `' E- \
3 k( l8 j8 \! x; C9 q  adj. near; adjacent; careful; secretive; stingy; dense; compact; crowded; oppressive; intimate! r6 i4 D! [3 z- R! v9 N5 y
9 ^! f" C6 O6 p) I% t9 n  (b)residential
$ _  _1 B3 X/ ^( U, R  (c)close
$ m' M* }+ I( I9 z) i  (d)intense
) {/ j' Z! W8 b, W: [9 {  v. to cover; to coat
, L% {5 `- p4 T1 Z& _  (a)harness
$ j: `- j2 i9 K6 R5 V  T5 U6 D+ i  (b)reach
7 ^7 S6 i% X4 {0 h  (c)blanket: f' W' P( A, o# i3 `

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