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[词汇辅导] 托业词汇辅导:充电篇-6

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* L$ Q6 ~$ X2 I# F5 t  上期复习
0 D* T! d2 ^, ?3 ^2 _5 H/ O% u, {  The manufacturer wanted to expedite shipping the goods because the customers needed them in a hurry." P0 m! F$ t# B0 [& N- y
  加速...- Y) Y; M9 ?7 S& N3 ~% w
  Section2  E: c3 Z5 _( w3 ?* @( v( ]
  Please verify that all items on the bill were actually purchased.
8 T% a: R& }9 V) [% G4 }  请选择true or false:
: J4 `6 s& _' X6 o/ Y  1.T/ F" H3 P* E5 p+ E! \' g8 o; {2 A
  You are being asked to pay the bill./ ~+ [/ L; F! V; Z3 R' c8 ]
  2.T/ F
) A+ ?3 \$ y& j; i0 z. _$ [; q  You are being asked to make sure you are not being charged for something that was not purchased.
0 Z1 S  h7 \9 g0 R# h  答案:
8 f3 B- Q; S" u  1.F              2.T

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