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[词汇辅导] 联想法记英语词汇

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 P; x7 J6 z  h, D# T  学词汇的方法很多,学习效果也不同;有些方法的效果比较好,有些则差些。0 k, o( p) D- f
  有个特别值得推荐的方法是“联想”。例如从“party”这个字,可以联想到其他的字,如:meeting, assembly, seminar, negotiation 等。4 j9 w! {$ l7 W+ J) r8 F: y' P1 @
  现在看看下列 8 组字,如何凑在一起:
8 s* S# t0 C0 @# _1 i! H  ⒈下列 6 个动词的共同意思是“伤害”或“破坏”:damage, harm, hurt, impair, injure, mar
- y  b, s+ @( T% k# K5 ?2 K' ?  ⒉下列 6 个动词的共同意思是“减少”:decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, abate, dwindle
& i) X4 g) [) F4 U+ u; ^* r  ⒊下列 6 个名词的中心意思是“武装叛变”:rebellion, revolution, uprising, revolt, mutiny, insurrection3 `  d7 v4 n2 \+ N
  ⒋下列 7 个名词都含有“边缘”之意:  edge, brink, brim, rim, verge, border, margin; X1 B# f; U  Y5 @. j
  ⒌下列 7 个名词都含有“ 路”之意:  way, road , path , route, passage, street, aveune! B) A# ^; U- S9 f7 L
  ⒍下列 7 个形容词都含有“着名”之意:   famous, renowned, celebrated, noted, distinguished, eminent, illustrious
- v6 ^0 k3 X1 E9 {  ⒎下列 7 个形容词都含有“快速”之意:fast, rapid, swift, quick, speedy, hasty, expeditious
$ z" S1 A( g1 j  u. u  ⒏下列 9 个动词含“胜过”或“克服”之意:conquer, defeat, vanquish, overcome, beat, rout, surmount, subdue, overthrow9 u. j" r- L2 y) R* X- S
  上述 8 组字,每组都有个中心意思。在学习词汇时,若能将意思有关联的字词或习语摆在一起,通过联想来记忆,不但轻松而且还很有效。必须注意的是,虽然几个字有共同的意思,但是每个字在句子中的用法,难免会有些差别,不可不察。
2 y3 Q  y$ F0 Y/ a  现在举个和“laugh”(笑)有关的动词,来说明这点。" E8 Y' C- H4 T9 U3 r2 S
  ① The President smiled(微笑) as he went past the crowd.2 E- ^3 }1 |) b7 p( j$ I; C
  ② His joke made us laugh(发笑)。
6 a, T; v4 x- f6 f  ③ The spectators jeered(嘲笑) when their team was defeated.
  S# e6 o2 Y* J9 o0 T" L- P  ④ The audience roared with rage(暴笑如雷)。8 K4 ], x2 \- w
  ⑤ If you tease(揶揄) her again, she will get angry.' N- L" y( t( Q- w) ?
  ⑥ The pupils giggled(格格地笑) on seeing the teacher fall down.5 A% Z" b1 @) l1 _6 x9 W
  ⑦ The crowd booed(喝倒采) when the referee made a mistake.; Z  W* E& a( H! a' N# Z! f
  ⑧ The listeners hooted(轻蔑地叫喊) at the ignorant speaker.
( A: P. f$ h2 U  ⑨ Irene sat at a corner, chuckling(轻声暗笑) to herself.
5 R6 \+ {' X, V; J  ⑩The naughty girl grinned(露齿而笑) in response to her mother's question.(陈清霖)

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