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[词汇辅导] 托福考试改错题常考要点及例题分析(下)Ⅴ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  九、词性的混用0 j: V9 R) j+ L. m
  词汇量的掌握对词性的使用非常重要,但是如果对出题方向有更好的把握,将会弥补词汇量的不足。3 k% w6 i8 C4 {! \4 n. @9 k
  (一)做表语时形容词和副词的混用* l0 |4 m3 h" B' g* E6 {$ f1 ?
& p. i0 ^# P! N! g  [  例:Giant pandas, which inhabit restricted areas of high# p0 Z3 P* i/ J9 ~* o/ A& I
  A        B& ~7 `/ E) X/ c0 _# e7 W8 L
  mountain bamboo forests, are rarely today and
; n: X5 x0 O4 d- c) ]6 ^' j  C
. V/ q2 j9 n/ x0 `8 a  when they are in captivity they breed poorly.
8 t" |0 Y* h. V0 q  D
( ]' j! E) N; F0 V& r  U) @5 t  分析:错,应改为are rare。rarely为副词,不能作表语,故改为形容词rare(罕见的,稀少的)
. d" \4 \9 @2 W. w/ ~9 C% b$ h) m  (二)加宾语时名词和动名词的混用
8 ?3 k7 C7 `0 U* W& U( e8 E  后面加宾语当然要用动名词
6 Q. h+ H- i" p8 C2 U8 a  例:Tilling means preparation the soil to plant the seeds" \- z" ]' k9 a% r
  A       B' o! J: v, r( f
  and keeping the soil in the best condition to
, `, `8 [. q, I) U$ g: M  C9 k( Z% F) ]* j) q6 o
  help the crop grow until it is ready3 for harvesting.
) l; i: I  `( m9 m# F  D
  u( g- G0 \. o  分析:A错,应改为preparing。preparation为名词,后面不能接宾语,改为动名词preparing后既能接宾语,又与后面的keeping构成并列关系。
  l; O! q$ V% N& U, D! q  例:Langston Hughes, a prolific writer of the 1920's,1 r1 C+ _' U7 A& e" O. \
  A$ ^6 j2 b& N( `8 X1 \
  was concerned with the depicting the experience of7 l/ A8 n3 g; b/ H% F- n1 T) D
  B      C8 p) J+ J$ m: _9 c
  urban Black people in the United States.; ~9 r8 S7 o) {* V
  D* z& u# s; L* R* Y- ?% E: k+ h
  分析:C错,应改为depicting。 depicting在此为动名词,作介词宾语时不加冠词。注意此处还可以改为the depiction of,但略显累赘,因为后面还有of结构。The +动名词,这个动名词其实就变为了名词。
7 s3 w7 M, F: d" @2 y8 O. x  (三)表示时间时,状语从句连接词和近义的介词混用1 @* b) E- t! G9 E7 y
/ E7 ]* q" H+ |$ D  一种是状语从句,由when and while引导,后面加句子
. y/ Z1 @* }. m" i( F0 B# f4 W  另一种是由介词引导,如during,后面加名词,. F2 p6 D) g& H6 T4 B% v
; v, J2 z( ~" N% T( z  例:Balloon observations for military intelligence
6 q$ A1 b+ T! a" m5 W9 K+ D( N  A     B
$ e3 y- f1 x7 o7 m+ j7 G  were made while the American Civil War.
% Y' n7 A( m3 v! k! l  C    D2 A. o' m. K' p, I* N: V& x
  分析:D错,应改为during。while是从属连词或并列连词,后面接句子,后面是名词短语时,应改为介词during。. W1 ^& H7 S4 n* v( B
  例:Some of the most celebrated publicity stunts while the
3 c' ~7 g) x# J1 U  A      B           C
  |$ [! ]4 |% C# b. y' K  history of radio were associated with Gracie Allen.
& F3 s+ r* a0 u& n! W/ ]% G% D  D0 P! ^% _- w/ ~1 H" m, y3 e/ Q
  分析:C错,应改为in。while为连词,后面要求接从句,而句中显然没有从句,故根据题意改为介词in。6 @4 ?" n3 S" k7 h
* {7 n+ }: D% Y  连接平行结构的词叫做对等连接词,但是如果出现else, also, instead等副词把这些结构连接起来行不行呢?当然不行。4 m9 j( K0 r, f$ q7 T6 |
  例:Mary McDowell shared Jane Addam's interest in social
: M+ x3 V/ {8 @  A
" C: U8 E2 Y7 _8 Q! l# r3 o! `  work also was a loyal supporter of the League of Nations.
- O/ y' j- O/ w& F, b! c2 j  B   C    D
+ m+ m, S8 E9 ]! a% @+ V( U  分析:B错,应改为and。also是副词,不能连接并列的谓语动词,故改为并列连词and。+ K5 o4 A# S9 Q! o  \* i2 b
  例:Paper is strong under tension instead crumples) M4 A6 U! p3 H' H! G
  A        B   C& }  v8 L) q3 C8 o
  easily under the stress of compression./ x4 a1 w! z+ b8 H- e$ [3 M
" N, ~/ ~4 r, O% v- f  m7 ]  分析:C错,应改为but;题目意思是在拉力的作用下很强,而在压力的作用下容易起皱;instead, 副词不能连接两个动词并列,but 的对等连接词和and, or的用法是一样的
7 ]+ Y: i! q) y: N5 I  (五)表示人的名词和表示事物的词混用
8 k3 R7 N" z0 W7 g( U  _  例:An editor is customarily a brief newspaper or magazine1 s8 P7 l3 f2 _/ A1 z$ ]
  A         B
3 a9 L% r: @7 f3 \3 l) q/ f  article that gives personal comments on current events.! q, k6 R: d3 w/ \
  C            D
, S" B8 V1 B, Z8 ^8 R  n) Q$ G  分析:A错,应改为editorial。 editor的意思是“编辑”,根据题意改为名词editorial(社论)。
0 X" Q: o: H+ A  d9 f4 h# c5 B  Q  例:For centuries, music have played acoustical guitars,
% R0 p; W- t  a# e1 j  @1 i0 _: `  A
5 d3 A+ S/ }0 ]1 v* v9 r  which produce sound from the vibration of the strings.8 R+ X4 R. `& I. w7 p
  B      C      D
0 ]8 Y& z% Z. q# @3 |! h6 d: x  分析:A错,应改为musicians。music是抽象名词,意为“音乐”,不能表示复数要领显然应改为musicians(音乐家)。
. a% n3 `) B1 F: F2 D( h  R  (六) 只能用副词+数量词+名词;不能用形容词' @" g3 T  |4 {& D3 F7 n% b7 n" g
  nearly two hundred students, 这里nearly修饰的是200;
6 |' w" W( o2 a, Z" d1 N  two hundred diligent students

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