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[词汇辅导] 托福考试改错题常考要点及例题分析(下)Ⅰ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  五、句子的结构  句子的结构主要考查四个出题方向。6 q/ m8 I7 H1 z0 E& _
  (一) 主语的重复  名词+代词+谓语,这个代词永远是重复的主语,永远是错的
7 w; [& o4 P3 ]3 {  b. N2 S2 X1 x  例:Woodrow Wilson he was an idealist who refused to make any1 |% g3 l  q+ ?! w* Q
  A      B3 |* i: H) u7 D# \
  compromises concerning the establishment of the# ^4 Z9 m6 m. j5 M# ]) w  K0 M! s
  C          D
. U& @0 a% T7 f' W& t; M  League of Nations.
- |3 V3 `7 J, V7 v  W0 K  分析:代词he不是同位语,主语重复;如果是下面这样的主语,那么便是主语同位语
2 o8 T1 N& A1 f% q' n4 V' h  A prolific writer, Woodrow Wilson
7 S6 H, C8 t' t' o& R  例:Two unique features of the Arctic they are
' P1 T1 K2 R* \- E3 _  A        B  I/ g' f0 ~" d
  lack of precipitation and permanently frozen ground.
& k9 Y$ M! p. G" u3 o, @  C         D
: W1 @5 C2 B% u- ~1 D  分析:选项B中的they和前面的主语two unique features重复
5 D$ @7 g  J% [0 I. e, z  (二)谓语的重复  完整的句子后面又多了一个谓语,往往改为定语从句
& M. U4 ?: H$ k8 ]  o% h! x; Y; v5 h  例:A paragraph is a portion of a text consists of
! V: O& m6 k! R7 s3 C5 k  来源:考试A         B
  c. A7 o# B9 |1 Y  e  ^  one or more sentences related to the same idea.
% W" J! [* {. m- ^2 b" j- z  C   D
1 @! f2 R# u8 r: v  分析:B错,应改为consisting of或which consists of。句中有两个无法连接的谓语动词,而且前一个谓语动词下面没有划线,故改consists为非谓语动词形式或在它前面加which使之成为从句谓语动词。) Y4 D- c& M/ U/ G; N/ z
  (三)谓语的缺少2 j% h' M1 Z& Z
  例:Most mammals to maintain a relatively constant body
1 g6 Z1 M0 Q: m  A     B7 E6 h& u& a3 c% r6 b& K5 G6 `
  temperature, regardless of what the air temperature might be.
/ t4 B. d8 w, J/ b6 m  e  C               D. K9 k9 {( [; m: p2 A: h- R3 d0 B
  分析:A错,应改为maintain。句中缺谓语动词,故去掉不定式符号to 使maintain变成谓语动词。
6 C/ P1 u: b, c3 K  (四)主句的重复  主句的重复总是考even, instead, during, despite等引导的句子, 但是实际上它们无法把两个句子连接起来,因为它们都是副词或者介词,连接两个句子应该用连接词连接
) r! |! s1 h# X3 x  o8 X  例:Salmon spend most of their adult lives in salt water, despite
6 B7 z9 q+ \( B7 o8 \& j  A         B        C2 N- W- f3 ]* f  ~; P7 p
  they return to their freshwater birthplaces to spawn and die.: k) I' y( Y# p; x
  D+ Q) e* e+ K% O2 E+ j3 M' v- C6 }
1 o- X7 C* v$ d8 f8 h  例:Solar eclipses occur during the Moon's shadow
7 W  w  P* R/ E) k1 G1 c  A   B
, T: v0 t7 r7 e/ [; V; l  sweeps across the face of the Earth.
5 Q5 w, ~, n' x# g$ T  I, m- A  C    D/ T+ D$ B, X4 y- m/ h  S& B
* W6 K* J/ H( w5 w% b' z5 m, u: y; `  例:Even many early leaders of the United States have provided
8 h" z+ `2 Q6 z) h, c) u  A                     B& `8 l* D1 l' H5 ]. m5 G3 F5 i
  names for towns, only George Washington4 E6 ^# k" D5 C; }: D9 v+ j
  C( G& ]6 ~# D; M- ]; h" |+ ]
  is remembered in the name of a state.
( e4 A3 r7 ?1 P4 d  D
8 P1 {6 \9 l6 o9 @8 R  分析:A错,应改为Even though。even为副词,不能引导从句,根据题意,改为引导让步状语从句的Even though。

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