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[词汇辅导] 托福考试改错题常考要点及例题分析(上)Ⅳ

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 V1 _/ g& b( Y  (一) 分词  现在分词和过去分词的区别   ①、用于句首作状语,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动" t! P- }8 g; B. f3 k$ @( F
  例:Won its war for independence in 1783, the United States then
/ J% c6 p: ~% F  A
5 J( y; X# k5 I8 j0 y2 V: v  struggled to establish its own economic and financial system.& u9 G+ T8 B6 \5 L" B3 e
  B      C            D
' S+ w' p0 j" P/ r  分析:分词作状语,主要看是主动还是被动,美国赢得应该是主动,所以A错,改won为winning7 c/ ~3 n3 C! g
  ②、用于名词后面作后置定语,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动# b# m4 i# y0 Y8 y' b0 J+ c
  例:In the nineteenth century the Mohave Indians lived in
% p, k% B3 n5 t  Z! f& T8 r  A               B" Y) G1 P! E) T  a) u* X8 a
  the Northern Hemisphere grew their crops on river bottom lands." d$ b2 y9 `$ n5 F& h5 |2 F1 t
  C         D
3 E6 S/ a6 k! |2 ]  分析:B错,生活在什么地方的人,人生活是主动,因此改为living' ~# g/ |+ d6 M/ e4 ~3 J* c
  一些动词后面必须用doing. E' a9 ]0 F# p  I# S. p* p
$ Y% ]* X" C( \( i  N( S/ z* ~  mind, finish, enjoy, celebrate,   advocate, suggest  delay, quit
( h2 s2 C* w/ k* b0 n  forgive(原谅),tolerate,/ @' N+ g; U8 B0 B& z7 Q
  avoid, escape(逃避)  spend+名词+doing;
# z1 A$ ^- G2 \( K  have trouble/difficult/a problem/ +doing6 i! z* e0 b$ i
  例:Long before the dawn of recorded history, humans celebrated to harvest their1 T8 `1 q; }' m: E% U1 F
  A     B    C              D
6 F  i2 _- Q+ @. @5 u" k7 @+ \  crops.6 l' M3 n  g$ w" K" j9 B3 R  u" N$ ]: ?
  分析:D错,应改为harvesting。及物动词celebrate直接带名词、名词短语或动名词短语作宾语,故将to harvest改为harvesting。! f( `$ |( l! o, v- A' O
  例:Some experts have advocated to bring that country into the talks,
/ A1 P; k9 b$ C% C6 `9 e6 n  A        B
, |( W8 ]" P9 C; [8 u3 s9 \  to revive the intermittent dialogue that began after the 1967 Middle East War.
7 s; y" b# X( j; i. p8 [6 ~7 i+ v  C          D4 `$ |: I$ ?- f/ ?6 h
  分析:A错,advocate 后面直接跟doing, 改为advocate bringing( S# Z% o, O. M: C
  (二) 不定式
/ L, U% Z; S5 p; A) L2 E5 z) E5 F- V8 P  A. 动词不定式的省略  ①、help后面可以省略to    help to do9 l% A& U+ A: ]; `( w7 Q
  help sb. to do
( m( }4 j5 [% `6 j  例:A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid
6 x( O! c7 s( d* P# a$ o  A      B: v' K: t: g, ^+ H. q
  the habits that might shorten the lives.
( s% l3 v" l9 p# O5 i) w  C     D
& P6 W8 S% t& s) r& g2 P6 z8 y  分析:D错,应改为their. 定冠词在句中不如代词所有格明确,如果lives后面有定语就可以用the。注意(A)并没有错,help后面可以接不带to的不定式。6 G8 d2 [7 i# f2 ?* X
  ②、使役动词后面要省略to, 这样的动词只有三个- X* t" T) ?) r1 V9 Z* a
  make,     let,
" |0 q! l9 ]# C4 `  X6 [4 B  have sb. do sth    注意get不是使役动词,get sb. to do sth.
+ W1 O& C+ s6 Y$ a# D# B) M* _  例:A conductor used signals and gestures to let the musicians
* D3 U/ T3 h5 h' D& \  A               B
9 v7 |5 c, U8 O  H. C  to know when to play various parts of a composition.
( H5 K$ Q3 s. e+ G( L  C     D2 o" I1 m. Q+ J& V2 |' M8 |
  分析:let是使役动词,后面不需要to, C改为know
- R) G$ g$ x$ c; M4 v  A+ D; ?" n  ③、感官动词     hear, feel, watch, see, notice, observe
0 h/ g9 k' Z2 Q& x, e4 v  see sb do sth. 强调过程     see sb doing sth 正在做某事6 w2 M! d* ?/ R2 G3 A' K5 P
  B. 动词不定式的固定用法
$ f7 T/ Y, H$ E4 S3 G9 R, {( N# a  (1)表示第一人   the first woman to do sth.
. Z6 u: h* Y9 @$ `/ \7 R2 L  (2)表示迫使的动词
. a& {5 r6 q5 i7 x: v  一般考三个, allow/ enable/ call, +sb. + to do2 B% \# c: U2 c4 L, u2 U0 L
  例:Besides providing clues to the nature of atoms, mineral analysis
! Z$ j7 w, F. Y+ K! A  A                 B, R+ ?6 G" `* H% x, q. ?
  allows to speculate geologists about the ancient Earth.6 o* s. D) {" R- U0 h$ E( x( i, L
  C           D' K$ }8 @1 \- ]& j& B* {1 t) z
  分析:allow...to do是固定短语,allow的宾语应在不定式之前,即把C改为: allow geologists to speculate。' n( N* @1 k* g2 s5 Q
. y/ E& k+ k9 O  be more likely to do 更有可能作某事) J, i: z/ }1 m; T* o% @+ G
  be inclined to do倾向于做某事
& }0 B4 T) b/ @  be lieable to do 易于…的8 u/ v/ ]& q  O
  be apt to do* Q' ~$ ~6 b) }& o
  (4)表示目的的名词,  M1 s# v0 z; u# ]) b
1 p$ U7 p! d- K$ |$ _( ^  固定的句式:/ G* Q* g* b; V
  the purpose , the purpose of sth is to do sth.. u$ N* A  O  d6 B
  the objective 目标  aim
$ D" ?1 d; q( v1 d7 ?% z  goal) G* P! c- Y+ s3 e1 C
8 _5 U1 \6 q) i  u9 S* o! E' }' t! H) s  function功能
6 T) X# g) f$ W1 j* [) r  intension意图. s' q1 D  O6 I2 C: ^( Q$ ]/ u7 _
  例:The function of Louis Sullivan's architecture was providing
$ H5 W' V5 [, o$ u6 H) N$ @# I  A" H' r; |5 r/ Z4 C* V$ Y0 T
  large uninterrupted floor areas and to allow ample light into the interior.# c$ k! I) `, v) k6 s1 K
  B          C     D
  L- a6 h! d  R) Y5 D/ ?& H  分析:the function to provide, A错' N1 [/ Q# t2 b7 w" _
  例:The chief goal of biochemistry is for understanding the structure
  X& A+ m, h! d! p* @  A4 D- Y, ^% s5 q! \9 S; m% v
  and behavior of the carbon-containing compounds" C; @; L: K' P4 k: j7 m
  B9 F1 v4 U0 X4 c, U3 \; `: u
  that make up various components of a living cell.
4 l7 l& E3 ?6 v$ ^  C    D
" E" D- i$ d) l+ G/ Q  H  分析:the chief goal is to understand, A错
# z& O/ |. @+ G' z# n3 c  (5) 其他同根名词
8 ^0 [8 o0 b% |0 |: \% [0 k6 k  ability to do 受到be able to 的影响
7 O: o' S. ~* v/ Z  attempt to do 企图  decision to do 决定, 受decide的影响- L: |( s  U# u
  ambition,0 I# p9 V; Z0 Y% C6 U) v
  be ambitious to do

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19 | 显示全部楼层


  effort  例:For ancient people, myths were often attempts explanation4 ~5 b1 Q% o" F8 P/ Z; ~9 @
  A                    B7 `& i! q5 i' A2 p" s" t
  catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions.
7 T4 |& f6 n6 n9 s: z! P3 y  C       D
% c! Y2 E4 d+ C: p1 _! @  分析:B错,应改为to explain。 attempts后应跟动词不定式短语表目的,故将名词explanation改为to explain。
" u. R. Y( j1 g4 O, _  例:In the early 1960's the Civil Rights movement made great# R8 w( ~) O7 W, R; h
  A                   B- t. W6 f  h6 e. h; c
  efforts for registering members of minorities to vote.; C9 e7 L, C0 J$ k" u# s
  C            D, D" L8 J/ l( }( p
  分析:efforts to register, C错  C. 动词不定式的其他用法  (1) be to do 表示已安排好或者注定要发生的动作,属于将来时态的范畴
" z9 H  z( V' ~8 f( Z: p  She and Anne are to meet at two o'clock.5 d7 [) X/ a7 r/ A
  (2)不定式的完成式为“to have done”,表示不定式的动作在谓语动作之前发生,这个完成式通常表示一般过去时
# f% X( n& J# V* P  I am glad to see you.
5 G( x$ O- q! T  I am glad to have seen your mother yesterday." P" e8 L# X% q8 |) K5 E4 i
  yesterday是一般过去时,修饰have seen.
* C, p8 h6 \, v& [4 H9 L  (3) 形容词后面使用动词不定式,主动表示被动8 d6 W# C1 x# R& N
  It is difficult to decide.
! x' I' _" S  V, o* \. r 
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