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[词汇辅导] 托福考试词汇研究-Unit10

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Unit 10
+ G, d6 ?: F$ |/ V% s  deploy v.散开;布置 [ deployer displicare(DIS-, plicare fold)&  deplicareexplain]$ ]! k8 V- I+ B; [* x
  deposition n.证言;口供 [ depositio -onis deponere: DEPOSIT存放;堆积;存款]
/ |* @4 H$ [9 Z6 D( t( y1 h- ~  depravity n.腐败;邪恶 [DE-+obs pravity pravitas(DEPRAVE使腐败)]: k# i  K/ c+ q7 _
  deprecate v.驳斥;反对;乞求免去 [ deprecari(DE-, precari pray)]1 G/ x6 o" R% n  }4 v5 ~: P( V( ^, d
  depreciate v.跌价 [depretiare(DE-, pretiare pretium price)]
/ I5 s) t. m2 r: d  depredation n.抢夺 [ depredation depraedatio(DE-, praedatio -onis praedari plunder 掠夺,抢劫~ a village] [抢劫村庄]1 f* P" N3 y: t: m$ h4 u
  deracinate v.根除;灭绝;使隔绝 [DE-, racine  radicina dimin. of radix root)]
* W1 Z# Q" {9 H4 [. P6 d* @' M  deranged a.疯狂的 [de+RANGE排列 DERANGEMENT精神错乱 derange 扰乱;使狂;使发狂]
8 F* H9 y, ~1 x: P  derelict a.被弃的 [ derelictus pp. of derelinquere(DE-,relinquere=RELINGUISH放弃)]# f( x0 D1 h" K6 f
  deride v.嘲笑 [ deridere(DE-, ridere ris- laugh)derision嘲笑;愚弄]
0 N+ ?1 D# O  g) x) X) W6 N  dermatologist n.皮肤(病)学家 [s DERMATITIS+-LOGY]
4 ]7 T- P5 O* j  derogatory a.贬抑的 [ derogatorius DEROGATE v贬抑;毁损]
5 v+ s3 \( D5 Q8 N7 i  descant v.详论;絮说 [ deschant med discantus(DIS-, cantus song, CHANT)]
5 i! r( a& G  x0 Z* e  descend v.降;下来;减少;降低 [ descendre descendere(DE-, scandere  climb)descendant子孙,后裔]
0 ^8 T3 N! e; O2 z7 }& u9 A/ \( P1 ?- J9 Q6 B5 B- }1 {6 `6 P' b
  descry v.发现;远远看到 [descrier: prob confused with var of obs descrive

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:19 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  disconsolate a.哀伤的 [med disconsolatus(DIS-, consolatus pp. of Lconsolari console安慰)]
2 P* D- g, U6 H% `9 a. ?  discordant a.不调和的;不一致的 [ part of discorder: DISCORD]$ S, @8 t& r4 q% J
  discredit v.丧失名誉
$ f/ B  ]- O- H/ _  discreet a.慎重的;谨慎的[ discretus separate(DIS-, cretus pp. of cernere sift), with  sense its derivative discretio discernment 辨别;看清楚
, `1 g7 S* P% |2 n/ P$ e' d5 h  discrete a.各别的;不关连的 [ discretus: DISCREET小心的;慎重的]4 X: |$ y: V- v* v
  discretion n.谨慎;斟酌办理 [ discretio -onis(DISCREET小心的;慎重的)]3 \3 v' G$ ^6 w" v
  discursive a.散漫的;无层次的 [med discursivus discurrere discurs-(DIS-,currere run)]/ D7 d  N" c3 m. u* y
  disdain v.鄙视;不屑做 [ desdeign(ier)ult dedignari(DE-, dignari dignusworthy)]  ~1 E: O/ }! @9 M3 D. }' A
  disenfranchise v.剥夺……之公民权 [enfranchise给予参政(选举)权解放,使成为自由民;免除的法律义务]
) r  g' [' V: y& N1 r& ^6 h  disgruntle v.使不悦;使不满 [IS-+gruntle obs frequent of GRUNT咕噜哼,喃喃发怨言 ~in discontent 不满而发哼声 give a] [~ of discontent 咕噜地抱怨]
6 n0 X8 \9 j1 P0 }/ H8 X" n  disguise n.v.伪装;隐藏;欺骗 [ desguis(i)er(DIS-, GUISE (in a ┅~)(为欺骗人而伪装的)外 观,样子 (in the ~ of) 服装,装扮] [(under the ~ of) 假装;借口]
7 C. ?6 R7 X2 O  dishabille n.便装 [habilatory 服装的;衣服的 habilimentation 服装;衣服]
( U/ T- f( M$ ~4 P. M% b( x  disheveled a.凌乱的;不整洁的8 v2 e8 F2 Y: z3 r2 ^- a  ?" z6 k2 Z
  disinclined a.不愿的! y# y+ p, e5 A3 ]$ X2 H, B
  disingenuous a.不诚恳的;虚伪的 [dis+INGENUOUS (反)innocent]% |7 G/ `" R, o. J* l7 {$ D9 M# ~
  disinterested a.公正的;无私的 [pp. of disinterest(v)divest of interest]
; J; H+ m# s8 h5 ]0 P  disjointed a.脱节的;杂乱的 [DIS-, jungere junct- join)]
9 {7 S* q6 \& Y( B0 M* |# J& F: e" f9 R6 H5 V6 g" `0 ]
  dislodge v.逐出;使移动;驱逐 [ dislog(i)er(DIS-, ODGE(
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